worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us.” The word in verse 19 is not creature but literally creation. The earnest expectation of all creation is wait ing for what is going to happen to us, the sons of God. This portion of the Word is not speaking of the Lord’s coming to reign a thousand years. It has reference to the lower creation. Isaiah 11 refers to the wolf lying down with the lamb. God is going to make a covenant with the beasts so that they do not harm man (Isa. 65:25, Hoea 2:18). The millennial age will duplicate condi tions in the Garden of Eden. But these verses in Romans refer to what happens when we as Christians are manifested in our glory. All crea tion understandably is waiting for that. Q. Huntington Park, Calif. — “Do the saints who have gone to be with the Lord know what’s taking place here on earth? I f there’s a Scripture for this, will you please tell me?” A . Some believe those now with the
Lord can look down to see what’s go ing on here. This concept is based on an interpretation of Hebrews 12: 1. This is a very touching idea; how ever, it’s not really what the passage is teaching. We don’t believe that saints who have gone to be with the Lord know what’s taking place here on earth. They are not omni scient. Heaven is a place where there are perfect peace, joy, happiness and satisfaction. There’s no remorse or sadness th e re whatsoever. How could anyone look over this earth seeing the myriad of problems and difficulties and not be totally dis mayed? Hebrews 12:1 speaks of those who are witnesses to the truth of God. This follows right after the great faith chapter. All of these themselves w itnessed th e Lord’s greatness. As they witnessed in their generation in such a magnificent manner, so we are to witness to the saving power of Jesus Christ in ours. Q. Hanford, Calif. — “As I under stand it, the Israelites in Egypt are a picture of man before he’s saved.
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