with God. Do not try to draw too close a parallel here. Let the illus tration follow along far as it can. Q. Hanford, Calif. — “The Bible has a great deal to say about a person who hates and states that he is in blindness. Is he saved or not? My church teaches eternal security of the believer, but I don’t know if I could believe that if I were hating someone for years on end.” A. If a person says he’s a believer and yet hates a brother, according to I John 1, he is in darkness and spiritually blind. He doesn’t mani fest a redeemed life. It’s a distinct mark of a redeemed life that one doesn’t hate his brother. You may differ, and be disappointed in an other but there should not be hate. There must be an exercise of the will to love, and put away malice aiyd hate.
Then he’s redeemed by the power of God. The wilderness wanderings are a type of one walking in the flesh. The place of perfect rest in Christ is the Promised Land. Only two Is raelites, Joshua and Caleb, were per mitted to enter Canaan. All the rest died because of th e ir unbelief. Where does this place people who die before they come to the place of real resting in Christ?” A. Don’t try to find a doctrine to fit in with the picture. Get the doc trine right. In the Old Testament doctrine was unfolding. It was in complete as far as revelation was concerned. The New Testament re veals that when any soul out of Christ simply trusts the Lord as Saviour he is redeemed eternally. There is a distinction between justi fication and sanctification, or resting in all that Christ has done, enjoying the peace of God as well as peace
Recently added to the Blola Gymnasium on the side facing La Hirada Bled, is this new lighted sign identifying Biela College. 32
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