was the penman of this book, writ ing before most of the events he tells about ever took place.
man. You can never spurn God’s plan and purpose. Daniel, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote this book bearing his name. He is the one who received the revelations, and so he speaks in the first person. Please follow this suggestion. Read through this entire portion of Scripture at one sitting. You should be able to do this in an hour or less. Do this several times, everyday for a week if possible. In this manner your mind will retain the material you gain. It will fit together to give you real meaning. This is the most profit able way to read the Bible, I can assure you. The book is divided in two parts: History, chapters 1 to 6; and proph ecy, chapters 7 to 12. Keep in mind that both sections were written by the one person, in two languages, Hebrew and Aramaic. The book con sists of an accurate history and pre dictive prophecy. Our Lord Himself referred to Daniel in Matthew 24:15 and Mark 13:14. In addition, there are distinct references to him in Ezekiel 14:14 and 28:3. There is also a strong hint that both Ezra and Nehemiah had learned some inter cessory lessons from the penitential prayers of Daniel 9. It’s sad to real ize that the book of Daniel has been made the subject of one of the bit terest and most arrogant attacks by the entire anti-biblical movement. Daniel foretold the fall of Babylon, the rise of the Medo-Persian em pire, the conquests of Alexander the Great, the many outstanding events in the long period which followed Alexander’s death on to the coming of Roman power. The prophet pre dicted the coming of Christ. These are just a few of the many evidences which a u th e n tic a te the book of Daniel. While we don’t need these, for we believe the book .to be the Word of God, yet there is sufficient, substantial evidence archaeologists have developed to prove that Daniel 4
Biola College Professor Lola Kilander, member of the nursing education staff, is shewn beside the E.C.6. and cardioscope equipment which was do nated to Biela by the La Mirada Community Hospital.
L. C. Eddington, Biology Professor, is shown re cording nerve potentials with an electro physiology apparatus.
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