C hapter T hree I N this study , the focal point will be Daniel 1 :3-7. Please take the time to read this for yourself. Here we see that Nebuchadnezzar had de signed a plan whereby the most promising of his cabinet should serve him. The king wanted the fin est young men for government serv ice to grace the royal court. Daniel and his friends had a wide range of knowledge. They were handsome in appearance and of royal stock. They could have been descendants of King Hezekiah. The men were given into the custody of the master of the king’s eunuchs. Eunuchs were lead ing men holding positions of au thority (Acts 8:27). In verse 5 and 6 there is every evidence of the king’s clever device by which he hoped to convert the Hebrews to the Chaldean way of life intellectually, socially, and religiously. Enrolling in the royal college for a three-year course, the king prepared a diet of food and drink. These four young men were assured of an ample sup ply of rare delicacies. This was a part of N ebuchadnezzar’s brain washing technique. This same form of denationalization is carried on by Communists in our own day. The ages of the young men varied from 14 to 19. A conservative esti mate would be 17 for Daniel, al though all of them were teenagers. By changing the names of the four, it was the intention of Nebuchad nezzar to erase every vestige of iden tification between them and their own people and nation. Each of their four original names contained some form of the name of Jehovah. Daniel means “God is my judge.” The name Belteshazzar, which Daniel was giv en, on the other hand, means “Baal’s prince.” The same heathen names were given to the other three. Nebu chadnezzar wanted to stamp out every remembrance of God. In verses 8 to 16 we see Daniel’s determination not to defile himself 6
Dr. Robert Crawford, Academic Dean of Biela College, announced recently the addition of ten new full-time faculty members.
Language Professor Duane Wetzler received his doctorate in Spanish during the past summer.
Art professors Frank Zamora (left) and Grant Logan leek ever seme accomplishments of their students.
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