LinkedIn Optimization e-Book




Watch Webinar #1

Watch Webinar #2

Follow Checklist




Profile Pic

Is your profile picture high quality and professional?

Profile Picture (bonus)

Does your profile picture stand out? Does it make someone on the newsfeed say, “That person looks interesting!” Have you had this professionally edited? (Canva, Upwork, Fivver are all great options). Does it include the following: ● Call To Action ● The Problem You Solve ● Appropriate Branding and Aesthetics ● Contact information

Banner Image & Cover Photo Video

Custom URL

Change your URL to include your name


Does your headline say what problem you solve and who you solve it for? I help X [TARGET MARKET] Accomplish Y [SOLVE PROBLEM] without Z [DOING WHAT THEY HATE] IF ROOM: Does your headline contain a CTA? DM me! IF ROOM: Does your headline contain keywords that your target market is likely to search for on LinkedIn? Is your work history updated and does each element have an updated photo? Did you use your past work to compliment your current work as much as possible? Do you have recommendations on your profile? If not, have you given a few then asked 5-10 people to write one for you?

Work History


Public photo

Is your profile photo set to “Visible to Everyone”?

w/o email Make sure you don’t require an email to connect with you. “Follow” as primary Go to settings and make sure “follow” as primary. Connection requests will be secondary.


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