Case No.: 17-011-FH continued
(3) Professional engineers and geoscientists shall conduct themselves with integrity, honesty, fairness and objectivity in their professional activities. (5) Professional engineers and geoscientists shall uphold and enhance the honour, dignity and reputation of their professions and thus the ability of the professions to serve the public interest. The parties also made a joint submission on penalty. The Hearing Panel accepted the joint submission and made the following orders: 1. Mr. Solademi will be issued a formal reprimand. 2. Mr. Solademi will provide proof to the Director, Enforcement, to demonstrate that he has successfully completed PROBE: Ethics and Boundaries Program or such other course as may be approved in advance by the Director, Enforcement. Mr. Solademi will be responsible for all costs associated with the course. 3. Mr. Solademi will pay a portion of the costs of the hearing in the amount of $1,750 to APEGA, which shall be due and owing within six (6) months of the date when the Discipline Committee’s decision is served on Mr. Solademi. 4. Mr. Solademi will not be eligible for registration with APEGA unless and until the Director, Enforcement has confirmed that he has complied with paragraphs 2 and 3 above. 5. Once Mr. Solademi complies with paragraphs 2 and 3 above and meets all other requirements established in the governing legislation, including the Canadian work experience requirement, he may submit an application for registration to APEGA. Any future application for registration will be assessed in accordance with APEGA’s criteria for registration at the time the application for registration is submitted. 6. Details of the Discipline Committee’s decision will be published in The PEG and/or posted on APEGA’s website, with Mr. Solademi’s name.
in the updated WER. [Professional Engineer D] was only Mr. Solademi’s mentor. The Board of Examiners of APEGA took into account Mr. Solademi’s purported experience as shown in the WERs submitted and relied upon the fact that this work experience was supported by a P.Eng. supervisor. As a result, the Board of Examiners approved Mr. Solademi’s application for registration and he was approved for registration on December 3, 2016. Mr. Solademi then wrote the National Professional Practice Exam in January 2017 and became a professional member of APEGA on February 8, 2017. There was also a complaint received by APEGA in March 2017, alleging that Mr. Solademi had provided false information about his one year of professional experience in Canada and that [Professional Engineer D] had cooperated in providing false information. This complaint was referred to the Discipline Committee for a formal hearing on September 18, 2017. In addition, in December 2017, Mr. Solademi advised [Professional Engineer E], the Director of Enforcement at the time, that he had voluntarily cancelled his registration with APEGA. [Professional Engineer E] advised Mr. Solademi that the hearing would still proceed. Under the Act, a hearing can proceed so long as the complaint was made within two years of the cancellation of the registration. The Hearing Panel accepted the agreed statement of facts and the admission of unprofessional conduct by Mr. Solademi. The Hearing Panel found that all four charges were proven and were serious enough to constitute unprofessional conduct. The Hearing Panel noted that it is serious unprofessional conduct to make false representations to APEGA and to obtain registration as a professional engineer based on these false representations. APEGA must be able to rely on the honesty and integrity of its members and the members must be fully honest and accurate in the information that they provide to APEGA. Mr. Solademi’s actions were detrimental to the best interests of the public and affected the integrity of the profession. He clearly breached the Code of Ethics , Rules of Conduct #3 and #5:
SUMMER 2019 PEG | 60
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