Clarifiers & Flocculants


How can we reduce the causes?

Adding specialist chemicals such as Clarifiers & Flocculants is always beneficial however if the causes have not been removed or reduced then this will inhibit their ability to work effectively.

3 P oor Filtration – Always keep the pool’s circulation system working efficiently by regular backwashing, cleaning and maintenance as well as ensuring there is adequate circulation running time. 3 L ow Chlorine Levels – Always test your free chlorine and combined chlorine levels to ensure that these remain within the recommended range. Add a shock dose in order to rebalance your chlorine levels. You should also monitor cyanuric acid (stabiliser) levels as these have a large impact on the performance of chlorine in pool water. 3 P oor Water Chemistry – Always test and balance your pH, Total Alkalinity, and Calcium Hardness levels. TDS levels should be monitored and managed via adequate dilution (introducing of fresh water). 3 C ontaminants in the water – Always ensure good pre swim hygiene (showering) by bathers using the pool and remove all dirt and debris once it appears.

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