Clarifiers & Flocculants


Which Lo-Chlor product should I choose?

Depending on the level of clarity in your pool then we recommend that unless your pool water has turned milky in appearance you should use a clarifier. Clarifiers are much easier to use and can be used as both a preventative and a curative. Use of a clarifier whilst your water is crystal clear prevents cloudy water from occurring! MIRACLEAR POOL CLARIFIER – Known as the “Ultimate Pool Clarifier” due to its unique formulation and how quickly it works. Compatible with all pool filter types and treatments it will keep the water sparkling for up to 30 days.

ULTRA POOL CLARIFIER – A multi- functional natural clarifier made from wild shrimp shell. This fast-acting clarifier reduces the chlorine smell ensuring maximum water quality as well as: Removes Unwanted Oils - Removes suntan lotions, body oils and cosmetics preventing unsightly scum lines/deposits. Improves Filtration - Your filter won’t clog up with oils and lotions, ensuring it works more efficiently. Removes Unwanted Metals – Natural sequestrant properties for stopping unwanted metals depositing on surfaces – including Calcium.

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