armer Investment. Target returns represent ranges for base case, downside, and upside scenanos.
thinkrealty . com | 79 DISCLAIMER: Ashcroft Capitol LLC is noc an investment adviser or a broker-dealer and is noc regiscered wi!h che U.S. SecurWes and Exchange Commission. The information in the presento!ion should nae be used as the sale basis of any investment decisions. nor is ic intended co be used as advice with respect ca che advisability of invescing in, purchasing or selling securities. nor should it be construed as advice designed co meet che investment needs of any particular person or entity or any specific investment situation. Noching in chis presencocion consticuces legal, accounting or wx advice or individually tailored investment advice. The recipient of chis presentation assumes responsibiliiy for conducCing its own due diligence and assumes full responsibility of any invescment decisions. No invescor shall be permicced co invesr unless he, she or it meecs the standards of on accredited invescor as ourlined or 17 CFR § 230.501. The Pannership expressly reserves the right co rejecr any invesror it believes is noc qualified under che oppraprioce exemp!ion from regisrroCion found oc rule 506(c) of Regulation Dor ocher exemprian or for any ocher reason. Investments may be mode by occredired invesrors only in accordance wirh and following sorisfocco,y completion of the subscriprion procedures on chis websire following on investor's review of the invescment's privoce placemen[ memorandum. **Any prior investment resulls and returns ore provided for illuscrocive purposes only and ore noc necessarily indicative of the Ponnership's pocentiol investment resulcs. Pose performance is no guarantee offuture resulls and should no[ be relied upon os on indicator of Che Partnership's future performance or success.
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