King's Business - 1912-05


VOL 111

MAY 1912

NO. 5

**iZ|TUDY to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Tim. 2: 15) Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long- suffering and doctrine." (2 Tim. 4: 2) " Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." (I Cor. 15: 58) "And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." (Col. 3: 1 7)

Published Once a Month by Bible JttBtitute of Coa Angles LOS ANGELES, CAL. Bible Institute Press


MOTTO: I the Lord do keep it: I will water it every moment lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.—"Is. 2 73


Entered as Second-Class matter November 17, 1910, at the postoffice at Los Angeles, California; Under the Act-of March 3, 1879

Organof THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES,(Inc.) 260-264 South Main St. (Second Floor) Los Angeles, California


Lyman Stewart, President

Rev. A. B. Prichard, Vice-Pres.

T. C. Horton, Superintendent

J. M. Irvine, Secietary-Treas.

E. A. K. Hackett



S. I. Merrill

R. A. T o r r ej

H. A. Getz

Doctrinal Statement We hold to the Historic Faith of the Church as expressed in the Common Creed of Evangelical Christendom and including: The Trinity of the Godhead. The Maintainance of Good Works. The Deity of the Christ. T he S e c o n d Coming of Christ. The Personality of the Holy Ghost. 7 „ , TO . o , , ,, The Immortality of the Soul. The Supernatural and Plenary author- J ity of the Holy Scriptures. T he Resurrection of the Body. The Unity in Diversity of the Church, The Life Everlasting of Believers, which is the Body and Bride of Christ. The Endless Punishment of the Im- The Substitutionary Atonement. penitent. The Necessity of the New Birth. T h e Reality and Personality of Satan.


(4) Spanish Mission. Meetings every night. (5) Shop Work. Regular Services in shops and Factories. (6) Jewish Evangelism. Personal work and neighborhood classes. (8) Oil Fields. A mission to men on the oil fields. (9) Books and Tracts. Sale and distri- bution of selected books and tracts. among the Hebrews. (7) Bible Women. House-to-house

Purpose: The Institute trains, free of r ' cost, accredited men and wo- men, in the knowledge and use of the Bible. Departments: (!) The Institute • Classes held daily ex- cept Saturdays and Sundays. (2) Extension work. Classes and con- ferences held in neighboring cities and towns. (3) Evangelistic. Meetings conducted by our evangelists.

Lyman Stewart


of The Bible Institute of Los


Another Year

a re entering the F o u r th Year with intensified f a i th in God's plans I l f H B a n a purposes concerning the Bible Institute and with boldness to believe il W ¡1 t h at He will yet accomplish great things t h r o u gh its instrumentality It is wo n d e r f ul how the load is lifted f r om t he shoulders of the servants when they are conscious of the call to co-operate with the Master in His work. This work is His. He has committed it to us. We prosecute it in His name, in His strength, and for His glory. We covet t he approval of all the believ- ers, but we mu st have t he commendation of our Lord in all the things we u n d e r t a ke to do. The f u t u re is big with promise. In the choicest portion of t he most favored country in the world, in a city destined to be unique in its greatness and upon which the eyes of the world a re now centered^—a city into which is pouring multitudes of people, and to which thousands more will come when t he Canal is opened, God has placed us i o r. the accomplishment of a great task. If the Lord tarry, we hope to be a blessing to t he whole world. This is no idle boast, b ut f a i th in the call of God. We believe we have come into the kingdom for such a time and service as this. The doctrinal position of- the Institute is evangelically sound. We stand for the Old Bible, and the Whole Bible; we t a ke our place with the F a t h e rs of t he Evangelical Church; we have no fads nor fancies; we have no secular attractions; we have deep convictions concerning the great need of a perishing world, and abiding faith in the Word of God as the only promise for t he supply of t he need. We are splendidly equipped with teachers and evangelists for a great work Dr. R. A. Torrey, the new Dean of the School, was the able leader-for years of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, and had t he privilege of bringing t h at school to t he f r o nt r a nk of the Bible training schools oi t he world. His' years of service as pastor of the Moody Church, and other years as a -world-wide evangelist have enlarged his capacity for service and qualified him f o r the great work before him upon t he Coast. Mr. J o hn H. Hu n t e r, for seventeen years associated with Dr. Torrey in the Moody School, is also with us, a s t r o ng teacher of the Word. All of our associates in the work are trained men and women and fully qualified for service in their departments. The twenty-five men and women associated as co-workers with Christ in this service, and giving their whole time to t he work, are all fitted by t r a i n i ng and expe- rience for t he various d e p a r tme n ts of the Institute work and are loyally and" lov- ingly giving to t he Lord their very best. The large me a s u re of blessing which has been bestowed upon t he Institute in the past is, we believe, a prophecy of the still larger blessing awaiting us in the f u t u r e. We are looking earnestly and continuously to the Lord for wisdom and grace for the daily tasks and for t he necessary f u n ds for the e n l a r g eme n t ' of t he work. He has given us a large lot, upon which we hope to erect a building c omme n s u r a te with our growing needs. We covet t he prayers of our friends in this behalf. P r ay t h at He who hath promised to supply all of our need t h r o u gh riches in glory by Christ Jesus may send us speedily the supply for this present and pressing need.

T. C. Horton, Superintendent

The Passing of a Mile Stone

The holding of Anniversary exercises is often a perfunctory • performance, in which tabulated statistics and tiresome statements are presented to a wearied audience, but it was not so with our An- niversary, held on Ea s t er Sunday in the Temple Auditorium. Despite the Eas- ter attractions and t he long mo r n i ng services, a good audience of friends of t h e Institute gathered and evinced h e a rt appreciation of the two-hours exercises. The f e a t u r es consisted of short stories of t he different departments given by t he leaders. We heard of God's bless- ing upon the men in the shops t h r o u gh t he preaching of the Gospel and of the men of t he streets b r o u g ht into sub- mission to t he will of God. We had a vision of t he need among the Spanish speaking people and the J ews ,—t h en followed the Bible women into the homes and heard the glad testimonies of as- sured saints. We looked upon the oil fields and saw many men t a k i ng up their cross to follow the Christ. We were refreshed with pictures of Bible Classes in churches, homes, mission-schools wh e re h u n d r e ds were being t a u g ht the simple, sweet, strong t r u th of the Wo rd

R. A. Torrey, D.D. Dean

of God, and we rejoiced together in the privilege accorded us of serving such a Master as is ours in such a helpful work. The music was an attractive part of t he program, and the crowning was an a d d r e s s, by Dr. J. Q. A. Henry on t he "Indestructibility of the Bible." To few men is given the ability to present the t r u th in such a ma s t e r f ul manner. Dr. Henry seemed inspired as he poured out in torrential fashion t he clear-cut, strong, forceful message in defense of the Word of God. It was a good Anni- versary day and we believe the exercises honored our Lord in whuse n ame and for whose glory it was held.

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J . H . S a mm i s


J . H . H u n t e r Instructor

The Purpose and Methods of the Bible Institute

The purpose of the Institute stated in general t e rms is to t r a in men and women in t he knowledge and practical use of t h e English Bible. The Institute aims to send out into God's work those hav- ing seven characteristics: 1. A whole-hearted love for ¡God shown in a single-eyed devotion to His glory and to His revealed will. 2. A consuming passion for the sal- vation of the lost. 3. A definite, exact and thorough knowledge of God's Word, and especial- ly of how to use it in leading men, women and children to Christ. 4. Unwearying prayerfulness. 5. Willingness to e n d u re hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. 6. Untiring energy. 7. A real and definite baptism with t h e Holy Spirit. Great emphasis is laid upon the de- velopment and deepening of the spiritual life of the student. If any student should go forth f r om the school with- out a more intimate, personal acquaint- ance with Jesus Christ and more of the power of the Holy Spirit in his life and work, t he Institute would have failed in this case at the most imp o r t a nt point. FOR WHOM INTENDED 1. Men called of God into. Christian work at too late a period in life to take, a college or seminary course, but who would with such an opportunity of study

as the Institute affords be qualified for greater usefulness. 2. Men called of God to special lines of service such as pastors' assistants, city missionaries, rescue missionaries, general missionaries, Sabbath School superintendents, evangelistic preachers and singers, choir leaders, Y. M. C. A. secretaries and foreign missionaries, who need a different training f r om t h at given in theological seminaries to candidates for t he regular ministry. 3. Men who expect to enter the reg- ular pastorate in fields wh e re a knowl- edge of the Wo rd of God a nd a knowl- edge of men is regarded as of greater importance than a t h o r o u gh scholastic training. 4. Graduates of colleges and theo- logical seminaries who wish to supple- me nt t he education received at these schools by a t h o r o u gh study of the Eng- lish Bible and modern methods of ag- gressive Christian work. 5. Ministers, evangelists a nd Chris- tian wo r k e rs in general who have had actual experience in the field and who now wish to give some time to f u r t h er study of the Bible and preparation for larger usefulness. 6. Men who wish to fit themselves to meet t he rapidly increasing demand for teachers of t he English Bible in colleges, schools, conventions, Young People's Societies of Christian Endeavor, etc.

7. Definite instructions and practice in t he preparation and delivery of ser- mons, Bible readings, methods of Bible teaching, etc, 8. A careful study of vocal and in- s t r ume n t al music. II. A daily application of wh at is studied in practical experience. The students are required to put in practice f r om day to day wh at they have learned in t he classroom by teaching classes themselves, or by preaching t he Wo r d, or by doing personal work in evangel- istic services, rescue missions, house to house visitation, etc. They are re- quired to report in writing each week upon t he work of t he week. Theory and practice go constantly hand in hand. III. In addition to the regular fac- ulty, t he great preachers and leaders in Bible teaching and aggressive soul win- ning work at home and abroad a re brought to t he Institute to give to the students the results of their experience and t he best t h at they have learned f r om t he study of t he Wo rd of God.

7. Men who do not intend to devote their entire time to Gospel work, but who desire a larger acquaintance with the Bible and methods of Christian ef- f o rt t h at while pursuing their secular callings, they may work intelligently and successfully in winning others for Christ. 8. Women who feel called of God to enter some form of Christian work and who desire not only a t h o r o u gh knowl- edge of the Bible, b ut also t r a i n i ng jn all f o rms of missionary effort. Such students a f t er completing the course are enabled to fill t he position of pastor's assistant, home missionaries, Young Wome n 's Christian Association secre- taries, city missionaries, deaconess work, rescue work, Bible class work, etc. 9.. Women who are looking f o rwa rd to foreign missionary work and who de- sire t h o r o u gh equipment in knowledge of t he Bible, methods of teaching it and wisdom in leading souls to Christ. 10. Women missionaries h ome on f u r l o u gh who welcome an opportunity to pursue f u r t h er Bible study and to examine methods of work before re- t u r n i ng to their fields of labor. 11. Women who either are, or ex- pect to become, the wives of ministers. 12. Women whose home duties are such t h at they cannot leave them for any length of time but who long for bet- ter knowledge of the Wo rd of God and how to do personal work in order t h at they may be more useful in their own churches and communities. 13. Christian women of leisure who feel t h at they have no definite call to Christian work but who desire f u r t h er opportunities for systematic and thor- ough Bible study. METHODS 1. A t h o r o u gh study of the Bible along all tested and f r u i t f ul lines of Biblical study. The course includes: 1. A searching, comprehensive and systematic, inductive study of Bible doc- trine. 2. A general survey of all the books of t he Bible. 3. A close analytical study of sev- eral of the books of the Bible. 4. A c a r e f ul study of every chapter in t he Bible. 5. A t h o r o u gh study of methods of winning men and women to Christ and building t h em up in Christian character. 6. A careful and comprehensive study of all the different classes of per- sons t h at a Christian worker is likely to meet and of the Scripture to use in dealing with them.

Prof. L. F. Peekham (_ Musical Director

The Fishermen 9 s Club of Los Angeles Six years ago a little group of young men gathered together to study the Bible and to engage in personal work. Th e re were seventeen of t h em which met on t he first Monday evening, April 16', 1906. Out of t he work have grown many branches which in their places have been signally used of God for the salvation of souls and the upbuilding of Chris- tians. Among these arb t he " F I SHERMEN 'S CLUB EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS,"

. Under the leadership of Rev. T. C. Horton, a systematic and inspirational study of the Bible was begun. A few months passed and t he class grew in numbers, until in t he s ummer of 1906 it was organized under the n ame of the " F i s h e rme n 's Club." (See Matthew 4:19.) This class has continued meeting each Monday evening without a single inter- ruption f r om t h at day until this present sixth anniversary. The q u a r t e rs have been changed f r om time to time to meet t he demands of the Club, until about t h r ee years ago, when t h r o u gh the kindness and generosity of the Los Angeles Bible Institute, quar- ters were given in their rooms. Th e re has been a total attendance at the 312 regular classes of about 25,000. The total membership during this period of years h as been approximately 450 or 500. Removals and additions to the membership keep the active membership at about 125. The meetings and the privileges of the Club are open to all young men between the ages of seven- teen and thirty years. There has been strict adherance to t he principle of striving for a single ob- ject, Viz., the study of God's Word, and t he doing of active, aggressive personal work for Jesus Christ.

conducted under the direction of t he evangelistic secretary amo ng the differ- ent churches and young people's socie- ties, to which they have been invited. The "BIG BROTHER WORK ," con- ducted by memb e rs of the Club as an organization a p a rt f r om the Club, doing a blessed work among t he boys for whom no one else seems to care, help- ing those who have gotten into trouble, and prayerfully and persistently endeav- oring to save o t h e rs f r om the dangers which beset them. The " F I SHERMEN 'S CLUB EVAN- GELIST," Mr. Elliott H. Ba r r e tt (presi- dent f r om July to December, 1907), rep- resents the Club in the broader evangel- istic work, and with his singer and help- er, Mr. Leslie G. Whitcomb, conducts evangelistic campaigns in the cities and towns t h r o u g h o ut Southern California. This work is followed by a series of " B I BLE CLASSES" organized where campaigns have closed, which work, conducted by Ha r ry J. Hill, has proven profitable in t he establishing of young Christians, and encouraging t h em to engage in personal work and Bible study. The club is represented in the foreign field by Rev. H. S. K imu r a, Evangelist, Kyoto, Japan. K imu ra is a F i s h e rman and is known as the "Moody of J a p a n ."

In China by F r a nk Peer Beal, of Tien- tsin (now in t he U. S. on f u r l o u g h ); in Africa, by Rev. Chas. E. Hu r l b u r t, super- intendent of the African Inland Mission (who, the club is proud to say, also wears a F i s h e rman b a d g e ). It is the club's expectation to have five more of our n umb er in Africa, the Lord willing, before the close of another year. These five have already offered themselves for service there, and the club is praying for God to t h r u st t h em forth speedily. They are represented among the Navajo Indians by Jesse Baldwin and Theodore P. Smith; in the oil fields of California by Wm. Sloan and George Hampton. They also have representa- tives among the various schools and col* and among their n umb er are young men connected with almost every line of business. Every member is also actively en- gaged in personal work. Many are teaching Bible classes, others have posi- tions of responsibility a nd t r u st in their own churches, and young people's or- ganizations, notably among these being Mr. Thomas Hannay, Jr. (or " Tom ," as he is known t h r o u g h o ut the S t a t e ), State Field Secretary of the California Chris- tian Endeavor Union. There have been, h u n d r e ds of copies of the New Testament, Gospels, and leaf- lets distributed freely by the members of t he Club, and a work of immeasurable value done t h r o u gh the various mem- bers and branches, which cannot be cal- culated nor set forth.

The Club's past presidents are as fol- lows: July to December, 1 9 0 6—Edwa rd H. Jones. J a n u a ry to J u n e, 1 9 0 7—F r a nk K. Gal- loway. July to December, 1907—Elliott H. Barrett. J a n u a ry to J u n e, 1908—C. Donald Youngken. July to December 1 9 0 8 ^ - Hu gh H. Wallace. J a n u a ry to June, 1909—Stanley R. P r a t t. July to December, 1909—Andrew J. Johnson. J a n u a ry to J u n e, 1910-—Roy E. Creighton. J u ly to December, 1910—Jesse J. Martin. J a n u a ry to J u n e, 1 9 1 1—E a rl W. Haney. J u ne to December, 1 9 1 1—Ro b e rt E. Glaze. Our present officers are as follows: P r e s i d e n t—Dw i g ht G. Wallace. Vice P r e s i d e n t—Edw in F. Bamf o r d. Recording Secretary—Albert Seigle. Financial Secretary—Van Vleck Ed- dings. Membership S e c r e t a r y—Hu gh H. Wal- lace. Evangelistic Secretary — Robert E. Glaze. Asst. Evangelistic Secretary—Daniel Soderberg. T r e a s u r e r—E dwa rd W. Roberts. Teacher—Rev. T. C. Horton.

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The Shop Work

Twenty years ago a shop meeting me a nt a service where the Gospel was preached and men were won for Christ. Now the term, shop meeting, may mean an Educational service, a Musical, talk on psychology, or a goody goody talk on glittering generalities. Our meetings a re all along the old Gospel lines, and are definitely calculated to bring men u n d er conviction of sin and to the feet of Christ as Savior and Lord. Some men are filled with fear lest the Gospel will drive men away, and so they seek to' adminster sugar-coated t a b l e ts in homeopathic doses and the men repudi- ate the doctors and the doctrine. In one place in this city where the old and new fashioned services are held-, a corporal's guard greets the one, and an interested and attentive audience awaits the other. In the car-barns, where we have held

meetings for four years, we have had the testimony of h u n d r e ds of men to the \ a l u e of t he services. Among these mo- t o rmen and conductors are men who have been artizans, mechanics, office men, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and ministers, and very many of t h em have been restored to fellowship with Christ, and others have been brought to ac- knowledge Him as Savior and Lord. Our Mr. Lewis, who has charge of this work, has had many years of experience with men and has the happy faculty of know- ing how to reach them. The work is not confined to the public meetings. There are private conferences and cor- respondence, t he giving of tracts and the visiting of homes. There is large opportunity for the development of this work and we are expecting to e n l a r ge the work during the coming days.

M i s s H e l e n S m i t h C Graduate of Institute, Accepted for China

M i s s S u d e r m a n

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Accepted for


Air Work the day ready to listen to a straight- from-the-sholder message. Our Mr. Mullen can go alone with a chair for a pulpit, with no singer or i n s t r ume nt and with his open Bible gather and hold ..several h u n d r ed men for f r om one to t h r ee hours. Mr. Mullen is not t he ordinary street preacher, he is a street teacher, he takes a great crowd of men and allows them to pelt him with ques- tions, and he answers with t he Word. Sometimes he asks questions and he al- ways put to flight the questioner. He follows t he scriptural injunction and an- swers some fools not according to their folly and others according to their folly. He has a tender h e a rt and a wise head, he believes t h at God has anointed him with His spirit to preach the gospel to men and he does it with power. We have had as ma ny as fifty of these men to a lunch in our Institute who publicly confessed Christ as Lord. This street work is a real men and religion movement and some of t he men are mov- ing heavenward. Mr. Youngken resigned, in order to give himself to t he larger work opened to him in K i j a b e , ' A f r i c a, where he is expecting to go in t he near f u t u r e. Mr. Donald Youngken, who has spent much time with the boys in t he Detention Home, took up the work, giving it such time as he could in connec- tion with his other duties in the Insti- tute. He has now resigned f r om the In- stitute work and proposes to take up the Big Brother problem as a work of faith. In order t h at he might he u n t r am- meled, t he committee resigned control, pledging him their heart prayers and co- operation in any way the Lord might di- rect. Mr. Youngken is well equipped for this important work, and we ask for him t he earnest prayers of our readers. FROM NEW YORK "I read the King's Business with profit. You surely are on the right track. Have been soliciting new sub- scribers. But few seem to care for spir- itual things in this wicked city." boys helped.

The Open There will be thousands of saints in heaven who> h e a rd the Gospel upon the street corners, received it into honesi h e a r ts and went forth to glorify the Lord. Street meetings differ greatly. Not many men are qualified for this import- ant work. The street is no place for a. scientific sermon, an address of pleas- ing platitudes or a pretty discourse. The street is not the place for a woman, but for a strong virile man, one who has battled in the war for life and who un- derstands h uman nature. Men like logic, they like t he t r u t h, they may not accept your message, but if you tell t h em t h at the wages of sin are death they believe it, if you tell t h at hell is in the h e a rt of the sinner now and t h at they will go to hell unless they repent and believe in Christ, they will listen to your message. Los Angeles is a great center for street work. Wi t h in one block can be found h u n d r e ds of men at any time of Th e re is increasing interest manifest- ed in the work for delinquent boys. The. work in New York h as 1000 men ac- tively interested. Last year 2195 boys, nearly all of whom had appeared in the Children's Court, came under the influ- ence of the Big Brothers; and of t h at n umb er only ninety, or less t h an 4 per cent, h ad again got into trouble t h at re- sulted in their being brought a second time before t he court. Some one pre- sented t he Movement with a 230 acre f a rm on the outskirts of Trenton, N. J., and a check for $4000 to be spent in improvements. This will be used in heiplng t he boys to learnr a trade. The work in this city was started un- der t he anspices of t he F i s h e rme n 's Club, Mr. C. T. Youngken in charge. A good beginning was made, and many PROM TEXAS " I get much blessing from the King's Business. It struck me t h at others, too, might get the blessing. Enc'.osed find my check for $2.50 and a list of fi/e addresses." Go, thou, and do likewise.

«M® The Big Brother Movement

Oil Field Evangelism cfLcfo*^)

Many backsliders have been reclaimed, and many others have been b r o u g ht to a confession of Christ as Saviour. Mr. Sloan has been able also to render as- sistance to a n umb er of pastors of little struggling churches adjacent to the oil fields. In a letter recently received, we are informed t h at six of the converts have united with one church. Th e re has been a large distribution of tracts and Testa- ments. Mr. Hamp t on is now associated with Mr. Sloan and is rendering valu- able assistance in the service of song and personal work.

To our Mr. ffm, Sloan has been ac- corded t he privilege of real pioneer missionary work. Separated f r om home from t h r ee to five months at a time, liv- ing in a wagon, exposed, to all sorts of weather and meeting with ma ny vexa- tions a nd privations, this man of God has gone for t h r ee years among the men scattered t h r o u gh t he great oil fields which stretch for scores of miles -along our coast. Qualified by ma ny years of practical experience in evangelistic work, Mr. Sloan has proven to be t he man for this mission. Hu n d r e ds of men who otherwise might have been deprived, have heard the Gospel f r om his lips.

Evangelists Among the Young People

Messers Barrett and Whitcomb have been greatly owned of God in their Evangel- istic work among the young people of the state. In some of the towns visited, the work has been so blessed t h at they have been invited to return within the year. A helpful f e a t u re of their work is the organi- zation of prayer circles, emphasis upon personal work and the necessity of a full surrender of life to the Lord. Pastors and Young People's societies desiring to communicate with them can reach them through the Institute.

c L e s l ie G. W h i t c o mb Singing Evangelist

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How We Reach the Young People in the Summer

San Diego, Cal., April 11, 1912. Evangelist Ba r r e tt is a manly fellow and is thoroughly devoted to his life work of bringing men to Christ. He is a man of prayer, of the surrendered life, and is filled with God's Spirit. He is an excellent personal wo r k e r—in fact a hard; worker everywhere. He is thorough in grounding men in the faith of Christ. His preaching is sane, scrip- t u r al and spiritual. He makes a strong appeal to youth, and receives en- thusiastic response. Hi? afternoon Bible readings cultivate Bible study and lead one into the secrets of the Word. Ac- companied with singer Whitcomb, the Fishermen boys gave the Logan Heights Congregational church the most far- reaching, thorough, wholesome and pow- e r f ul revival I have ever experienced. There were no unpleasant after effects, but all were desirous to have t h em come again and stay longer. J STEPHEN G. EMERSON. Pastor

E l l i o tt H . B a r r e t t V Evangelist to Young People

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The Work Within the Institute

The business of the Institute is to train approved men and women in the knowledge and use of the Bible, and in practical Christian service, and prepare t h em to enter any field of service to which God in His providence may call them, as pastors' assistants, Bible teach- ers, evangelists, and missionaries, City, Home, or Foreign. Its present location is second floor, 260-264 South Main Street, Los Angeles, entrance 2 62 %. A new building con- taining dormitories, class rooms a nd offices is being erected on South Hope street, near Sixth. The Length of the Course The full course necessary to qualify for t he Institute diploma covers two years' work. School Ye ar There are t h r ee t e rms In each year, as follows, varying a few days scometimes: Fall Te rm: Third Monday in Septem- ber to the third Friday in December. Winter T e rm: F i r st Monday in Jan- u a ry to the last Friday in March. Spring T e r m: First Monday in April to the last Friday in June. Wh en t he Classes Are Held Every afternoon f r om Monday to Fri- day, inclusive. How Many Classes Must One Attend Enrolled students wishing to g r a d u a te mu st attend all the classes, except when temporarily excused. The classes are all open to Christian friends who do not wish to enroll as students, and yet wish to secure as much instruction as their circumstances permit. Wh at t he F u ll Course Covers The students are led t h r o u gh a care- f ul study of the leading doctrines of the Bible; the study of t h e whole Bible f r om Genesis to Reevlation by book, chapter, analytic, or other method; t he use of the Bible in personal work; Biblical intro- duction and Christian evidences; the life of Christ; the life and letters of P a u l; Christian missions at home and abroad; the preparation and delivery of Gospe! addresses and Bible expositions; Sun- day school, and other methods of Chris- tian work. Practical Wo rk The students are required to engage in definite Christian work each week, t h us putting into practice wh at has been studied in the class room. The students are required to hand in, weekly, a written report of their study and work on a f o rm furnished them. Examinations Examinations aré held at the close of

each term, and a re compulsory for en- rolled students. Diploma The diploma is awarded those who complete t he course and pass satisfac- tory examinations. Expense There are no> tuition fees. The regis- tration fee for enrolled students is one dollar per term. Wh en to Begin Students may enter at any time and t a ke up the studies at t h at point in the course, but t he beginning of a t e rm is naturally the best time to begin. How to Become a Student Wr i te to the Superintenednt of t he Bible Institute, 260-264 South Main Street, Los Angeles, Cal., asking for an application form, which will be sent promptly with ail necessary informa- tion; or if in the city, call at the office any week day between 9 and 5 o'clock, except Saturday when the office h o u rs are f r om 9 to 12. COURSES OF STUDY, SPRING TERM April 1 to J u n e 28, 1912 1. The Great Doctrines of t he Bible. Instructor R. A. Torrey Time, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day, 3-4 o'clock. Subject: Wh at the Bible Teaches a b o ut Man: His original condition; physical, men- tal, moral and spiritual. The fall; t he agency and steps by which it was ac- complished. The present standing before God and condition of man apart f r om Jesus Christ. The f u t u re destiny of those who reject the redemption t h at is in Jesus Christ: E t e r n al destruction and its meaning: Is t h e re a real " l a ke of fire"? Is existence conscious or un- conscious? Is punishment endless or only for a limited period? Is t h e re another opportunity for the impen- itent? Are the h e a t h en who h a ve never heard of Christ lost? On wh at basis are the h e a t h en judged? This is a foundation work, and t he method is truly scientific, being in fact an inductive study, grouping the pas- sages of Scripture bearing on the topic, and f r om a careful consideration of them f o rmu l a t i ng a simple s t a t eme nt of their teaching on t h at particular topic. This method has proved most helpful. P e r t i n e nt questions raised in the class room a re decided in t he light of the Scriptures.

6. Old Te s t ame nt Studies.

2. The Use of t he Bible in P e r s o n al Wo r k. Instructor . J o hn H. Hu n t er Time Tuesday, 2-3 o'clock Subjects: How to Meet Inquirers' Diffi- culties; Dealing with Those Who En t e r t a in False Hopes, with Those Wh o Lack Assurance, with Back- sliders, with Infidels, with the Com- plaining. The purpose of this study is t h at students may acquire facility in using the Wo rd of God in dealing with people in t he inquiry room, or elsewhere, a nd be able to t u rn quickly to the passage t h at will meet the difficulty presented. Students are questioned as to t he re- sults f r om their personal work, and are encouaged to ask advice as to how to deal with those whom they are trying to lead to Christ, in the weekly r e p o rt meeting. 3. Bible Chapter S umma ry Instructor ...John H. Hu n t er T ime Monday, 3-4 o'clock Subject: New Testament Books, Titus to' Revelation, inclusive. In t h is study t he students are re- quired to study five chapters assigned each week, and to answer in writing the following questions on each chapter: Wh at is t he principal subject? Wh at is t he leading lesson? Which is the best verse? Who are the prominent persons? These answers are read in the class room as called for, and t he written wo rk is h a n d ed in for inspection at the close of the term. 4. The Life a nd Letters of P a ul t he Apostle to t he Gentiles. Instructor J. H. Sammis Time „...Friday, 2-3 o'clock This course is designed to give t he students a large view of the life of Paul so as to think t h r o u gh it and understand it as a whole, and t h us be better able to appreciate him and the revelation of t r u t h which God gave t h r o u gh hiin. 5. The P r e p a r a t i on a nd Delivery of Gospel Addresses a nd Bible Expositions. Instructor : T. C. Horton Time: First, Third and F i f th Friday of each month, 3-4 o'clock. To know wh at the Bible teaches is one t h i n g; to present t h at knowledge to o t h e rs in such an orderly and interesting way t h at they may apprehend it, and carry it away with t h em is quite another thing. In this class t he students will be drilled in outlining suggestive topics a na texts, t h us giving facility in preparing and delivering public addresses, and giv- ing expositions of Scripture passages.



J o hn H. Hu n t er

Time ..Wednesday, 2-3 o'clock Subject: Outline Studies of the Books of Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Minor Prophets. This course will familiarize the stu- dents with t he prophet as a man, t he times in which he lived, the application of his message to his own time and to the f u t u r e. 7. Fo r e i gn Mission Studies. I n s t r u c t or . Miss E t h el Higgins Time: Second and F o u r th Friday of each month, 3-4 o'clock. Subject: China-—the Land, People, Cus- toms, Religions, P r e s e nt Movements, Outlook, Missionary Wo rk and Needs. China holds the key to the f u t u re "of thè East, and also holds the attention of t he world at present. These studies will enable t he students to u n d e r s t a nd China's problems, as far as they can be grasped in such a different country as ours is, to pray intelligently for t he peo- ple and t he missionary work being car- ried on, and it may be to volunteer f or service in t h at part of t he vineyard. Leaders of Mission Study Classes will find this course valuable. 8. Biblical Introduction a nd Christian Evidences. Instructor John H. Hu n t er Time — Thursday, 2-3 o'clock Subjects: The History of Our English Bible; t he Evidences f r om the Mon- uments, f r om Miracles, f r om P r o p h- ecy, f r om t he Lord Jesus Christ as to t he credibility of the Bible narrative. To spend all one's time examining t he foundations would be a poor way to enjoy the house which was built to live in; but it is a good t h i ng to k n ow something about t he foundations, even if it is not absolutely necessary. In this course t he a r g ume nt for the credi- bility of t he Bible will be studied, though briefly, t h at t he student may be able to help those who are in honest perplexity about these things. 9. Gospel Music. Instructor L. F. P e c k h am Time: Monday and Thursday, 1-2 o'clock. Recognizing the mighty power of t h e Gospel in song, this course is provided to train t he students in the r u d i me n ts of music, the reading at sight of Gospel hymns, and their proper rendition, and conducting congregational singing. Private vocal lessons can be a r r a n g ed for with the instructor.

Institute Extension in the Building

In addition to the above courses for regularly enrolled students, visitors be- ing always welcomed, the Institute car- ries on the following evening meetings for those who are so situated that they cannot attend during the day: Monday, 7:30. The Fishermen's Club (Young Me n ). This is composed of young business men pledged to winning others to the Lord Jesus Christ. Supper, costing 15 cents, is served at 6 :15 to accommodate those who wish to come directly f r om business, and affords an opportunity f or delightful fellowship. This is fol- lowed by an address on some practical phase of Christian life or service. •Tuesday, 7 : 30. The Lyceum Club (Young Wome n ). This provides a meeting for the young business women along somewhat similar lines to The Fishermen's Club. Supper is served at 6:15. UNION BIBLE CLASS Friday 5:00 p. m.—Devotional Bible Study - T. C. Horton 6:00 p. m.—Supper (costs 10 cents). 1. They should- believe that Jesus is able and willing to save now. 2. They should be able to tell how they came" to Christ. 3. They should remember that each seeker has one chief difficulty. 4. They should meet all candid ob- jections, but nevfer engage in contro- versy. 5. They should use the Bible. 6. They should address themselves to the personal work earnestly, prayer- fully and gladly. 7. They should press the seeker gently, yet earnestly, to immediate de- cision. 8. They should understand that feeling is neither an element or condi- tion of salvation. Helpful passages for different classes of seekers: F o r Backsliders—Jer. ii, 19; iii, 13, 14; Hosea, xiv, 4. For Those Slightly Convicted—Rom. iii, 10, 23; vii, 24; 1st John i, 10; Eccl. vii, 20; Isa. liii, 6; Psa. cxliii, 2; Acts xiii, 39; Gal. ii, 16; Eph. ii, 8, 9. F o r Those Who Are Too Great Sin- ners—Isa. i, 18; xliii, 25; xliv, 22; Ro- mans v, 6; 1st Peter ii, 24; Rev. xxii, 17. F o r Those Who Are Afraid They Will Not Hold Out—1st Peter iv, 19; Psalms

6:45 p. m. ; —Prayer and Song Service. 7:00 p. m.—Through the Bible Book by Book — Genesis to Deuter- onomy John H. Hunter 8:00 p.m.—Exposition of the Uniform International Sunday School Lesson for t he following Sunday R. A. Torrey 9:00 p. m.—P r a y er for a Wo r l d - W i de Revival. This program is arranged especially for Sunday School teachers and other Christian workers. Their appreciation is shown by the attendance of over 400. The devotional study is for the worker's own heart need«; the book study, to sup- ply a larger and more intelligent grasp of each book as a whole; the exposition, to assist Sunday School teachers in un- derstanding difficulties in the lesson and to present the lesson helpfully to their own scholars; the prayer for revival is joining in a movement started over fif- teen years ago in Chicago and sustained ever since. Everybody is cordially invited to share in all the privileges of the class. 2d cxxi, 1; Isa. xliii, 2; 1st Cor. x, 13; Cor. xii, 9; Romans via - , 38, 39. For Those Who Stumble at the Incon- sistencies of Christians—Romans xiv, 12; John xxi, 21, 22; Matt, vii, 1, 3; Romans ii, 1; xiv, 3, 4. F o r Those Who Have Tried to Become Christians Without Success—Jer. xxix, 13; Deut. iv, 29; Romans iv, 5. F o r Those Who Wait a More Con- venient Season—Prov. xxvii, 4; James iv, 13, 14; 2d Cor. vi, 2; Heb. iii, 13. F o r Those Who Have Too Many Things to Give Up—Mark viii, 35, 37; Phil, iii, 7, 8. F o r Those Who Wa nt to Know How to Believe—John v, 24. It is to Re- ceive—John i, 11, 12. It is to T r u s t— Isa. xxvi, 3, 4. It is to Take—Rev. xxii, 17. Results of Believing: Joy-—John xv, 11. Rest-igMatt. xi, 28, 29. P e a c e - John xiv, 2 7. ' Inquirers who have believed are some- times in darkness because they have not confessed: Romans x, 10. Contrast instances of conversions; Paul—Acts 9th chapter. Cornelius—- Acts 10th chapter. F o r Skeptical Inquirers—John vi, 40; Psalms xxv, 14; John vii, 17. L. W. Munhall

Hints to Workers

plante d a s m a ll seed. 2 . I t g r e w i n t o a b i g t r e e. 3 . B i r ds l o d g ed i n i t s b r a n c h e s. A s w e h a v e n o tt i m e t o e x p l a in i t sa p - p l i c a t i on t o t h e K i n g d o m o f H e a v e n, w e g a t h e r t h i s t h o u g h t o u t of -t h e p a r a b l e: G r e a t t h i n g s g r o w f r o m s m a ll b e g i n n i n g s. A s m a l l a c o r n b e c o m es a g r e a t o a k .S m a ll b o y s a n dg i r l s b e c o me f u l l g r o w n m e n a n d w o m e n . S o s m a ll s i n n e rs b e c o me g r e a t s i n n e r s, a n d s m a ll s a i n ts m a y b e c o me g r a n d a n dg l o r i o us m e na n d w o m e n. L i k e t h e c h u r c h o f J e s u s w h i c h b e g a n w i t h a f e w d i s c i p l es a n d n o w i s s p r e a d e v e r y w h e r e. S o t h e s e ed o f t r u t h ( M r k . 4:14) s o w n i n o n e 's h e a r t , t a k i n g r o o t i n g o o d g r o u n d ( M a t t. 13:23) s h o u l d, l i ke t h e m u s t a r d seed, b e c o me a g r e a t t r e e, filling a l l o u rsoul, a n dh e a r t, a n dm i n d ; s e e n f a r a n d w i d e a s a b e a u t i f ul c h a r a c t e r. W e m u s t n o tb e d i s c o u r a g ed i f w e a r e n o t y e t s t r o n g a n d p e r f e ct C h r i s t i a n s. J e s u s s a id ( S e eM r k . 4:28); P e t e r s a id ( S e e 2 P e t .3:18); P a u l s a id ( S e eP h i l. 12:13)4 a n d i t i s p r o m i s ed ( S e eCol . 2:21 ,2 3 ) . B e n e d i c t i on I P e t . 5:10 .

Not e 3 . S o wt h e g o od s e e d; a s l o n g a s y o u l i v e; " F o r i n d u es e a s on y o us h a ll r e a p if y o uf a i n t n o t ( Ga l . 6 : 9 ) , WHA TTH E KINGDO MO F HEAVE N IS LIK E Jun e2 . Matt .13:31 ,32 . I. TH EMEETING . T h i s i s a " C o n s e c r a t i o n" m e e t i n g. I t s p u r p o s e i s t o r e m i n d u s t h a t w e a r ec o n - s e c r a t ed t o t h e L o r d. I f y o ua r e l a y i n g a s i d e m o n e y f o rt h e" F o u r t h ," t h a t i sc o n - s e c r a t ed m o n e y f o r a g o od t i m e; t o b e s p e n t f o rn o t h i n g else. I f y o ua r e l a y i n g a s i d e m o n e y t o s e nd t o t h e s t a r v i n g c h i l- d r e n o f C h i n a, t h a t i s c o n s e c r a t ed m o n e y f o r a g o od d e e d; t o b e s p e n t f o r n o t h i n g else. I f w e a r e c o n s e c r a t ed t o Go d ,w e a r e s e ta p a r t f o rH i m , t o b e u s ed f o r ,t o l i ve f o r , t o s e r ve n o b o dy e l se b u tH i m ,b u t b e i n g c o n s e c r a t ed t o H i m ,w e s e r ve H i m , b y s e r v i ng e v e r y b o dy else i n love. II . TH EPARABL E O F TH EMUSTAR D SEED . H e r e a r et h r e e m a i n p o i n t s. 1 . A ma n

OUR SPECIAL NEED A year ag ow e announced t h e need of suitable buildings f o r ou r growing work. Go dha s given u s t h e first in - stallment o f t h e answer, w e have a magnificent lot , 240x165 i n t h e im - mediate proximity an d h e a r t, o f t h e city an d a d j o i n i ng property which seems destined t o b e t h e Civic center for t h ePublic Library, Ar tMuseum, an d Convention Hall. Th elo t wa schosen for u s b y t h e Lord without ou r know- ing a n y t h i ng about t h e proposed im - provement, an d ha d w e been a week later i n ou rchoice w e would no t have been able t o secure t h elots. Ca nw e no t look with confidence unto t h eLord fo r the means necessary f o rt h e buildings? In t h en ame o f Jesus Christ o f Nazareth let u s plead, Phil. 4 : 19 . W eneed also constant prayer, i n ou rbehalf that w e may b e able t o d o t h e will o f Go di n the great work committed t ous .


President ... Vice-President.:::

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Lyman Stewart

Secretary-Treasurer.:::;"""""" Superintendent......


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S l l P 8 | H K L. Morton


D e a n




—R. A. Torrey


R. A. Torrey 1. C. Horton J . H . Sammis

J o hn u

H u n t e r


F. Peckhara

Miss Ethel Higgins. Superintendents of Evangelistic Departments

Spanish Work Shop Work . J e 7 £ h Work Oil Fields . .. Open Air Work

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| a m i s o n

R. c . Lewis


Mrs. L. Manson Wm. Sloan Wm Mullen Geo W Hunter Elliott H ! Barrett

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Scofield Correspondence Course Fisherman's Club Evangelist



Bible Women

Superintendent o r t on Associates—Mrs. John Lowe, Mrs. G. A. Neth. Miss L. Wood, Mrs. E. Covey, Mrs, Ray Petty, Miss Ethel Higgins. M rs T c H

T H E EXT EN S I ON WO RK Through the Extension Work we have been able to reach many people in different sections of the city and communities and towns beyond its limits. We have one class as far south as San Diego, and one north as far as Santa Barbara. We are planning for more extension work along this line for the coming year.

T H E CORR E S P ONDENCE SCHOOL W e have obtained the Coast agency for the SCOFIELD BIBLE CORRE- SPONDENCE COURSE and are rapidly securing students for the home work. Some seventy are already enrolled. Some of these students have organized classes and are doing splendid work. We expect to have five hundred before the close of the year. This Course is so admirable that we take pleasure in commending it to all of those who are not able to attend the Institute Classes. Some Ministers have taken up the systematic study as arranged in the Course and find it a wonderful supplement to their previous Bible work.

The Scofield Correspondence Course 1. A Correspondence School for Home Bible Study, bring- ing, as some one has aptly said, "A Bible Institute to your door." This School is not an experiment,, but has been in oper- ation for twenty years, and has thousands of students in all parts of the world, among them many ministers. 2. A Bureau of Information on any Biblical subject. What do you wish to know in relation to Scripture truth? As a member of this School you have full privilege of correspond- ence with-the Institute. Think of what such a privilege means. 3. A Bible Commentary and Work of Reference of more value than any of the merely textual Commentaries to be had. This Commentary is handsomely cloth bound, in three volumes, which are interleaved for notes, and is accompanied by an Analytical Index of great value. SOME OF ITS ADVANTAGES It Makes Every Student the personal pupil of the Bible Institute with full right of correspondence. It Covers the Whole Bible in exhaustive examinations, the answers to which are carefully revised. It Points Out the structural and spiritual divisions of the Bible, "rightly dividing the word of truth." The Types are explained. The Great Words in which it has pleased God to reveal truth are studied and fully defined. :. The Doctrine of the Person, names and attributes of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are taught from the Word itself. The Use of the Bible in personal and public work is taught. The Bible Teaching concerning the FUTURE is harmonized and conservatively stated. The Examinations are not obligatory, as many busy ministers and others use it only as a great WORK OF REFERENCE. The Right of Correspondence about difficulties remains whether the examinations are taken or not. Diplomas are Granted to students who successfully pass the examinations. The Whole Work is Bound in three handsome volumes, fully interleaved. Enrollment can be made at any time, and study begin without delay.

Outline of the Course SECTION I. THE SCRIPTURES

I. Inspiration: Its Nature and Extent. II. The Interpretation of Scripture, "a. Typical Scriptures, b. Historical Scriptures, c. Prophetical Scriptures. III. The Divisions of the Scriptures. (1) Structural or Outward, a. Into Testaments, b. Into books (dates and writers), c. Into groups of books by affinity. (2) Spiritual—Divisions by Subject Matter, a. Dispensational. b. Ethnic (Jew, Gentile, etc.). c. Miscellaneous. SECTION II. THE STUDY OF THE SCRIPTURES Parts I—IV. I. How to Study the Pentateuch, a. Types, b. Narratives, c. Prophetical portions. II. How to Study the Historical Books. III. How to Study the Poetical Books, a. In general, b. Spe- cial books (Job, Canticles, etc.). IV. How to Study the Prophet- ical Books. V. How to Study the Gospels and Acts. a. Matthew, b. Mark. c. Luke. d. John. e. Acts. VI. How to Study the Epistles and the Revelation. SECTION III. THE GREATEST WORDS OF SCRIPTURE. SECTION IV. GOD: FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT. 1. The Father, a. Old Testament Names of God. b. The New Testament doctrine of the Fatherhood. II. The Lord Jesus Christ, a. His deity, b. His humanity-ggjesus. c. His offices —Christ. (1) His prophetic office. (2) His priestly office— Sacrificer, Intercessor, Advocate. (3) His kingly office. III. The Holy Spirit, a. Personality, b. Deity, c. Offices. SECTION V. THE SAINTS I. What They Were. The Scriptural doctrine of man. II. What They Are. a. By the new birth; b. By adoption; c. By appointment; d. By destiny. SECTION VI. THE SERVICE OF SAINTS I. The Enabling, (a) Gifts of t he Spirit, (b) The guidance of the Lord. II. The Conditions of F r u i t f ul Service, (a) Abiding, (b) Cleans- ing. (c) Filling, (d) Prayer, (e) Obedience. III. The Ministry of t he Wo r d, (a) The use of the Bible in personal work, (b) Wh at to preach, (c) How to preach. SECTION VII. THE FUTURE I. Prophetical Epochs, (a) The times of t he Gentiles, (b) The day of t he Lord, (c) The last days, (d) The great tribulation, (e) The Mil- lennium. ( f) The eternal state. II. Prophetical Events, (a) The full- ness of t he Gentiles, (b) The parousia of Christ. 1—The first resurrec- tion; 2—The r a p t u re of the church; 3—T he b ema of Christ; 4—The ma r r i a ge of the Lamb, (c) The glorious appearing, (d) The j u d gme nt of t he nations, (e) The loosing of Satan and the revolt of the nations, ( f ) The j u d gme nt of t he great white throne. 3 Volumes of the Scofield Course $10.00 1 Copy of the Scofield Bible 2.00 1 Year's Subscription to King's Business.. .50 Cost to You f $10.00 $12.50 We correct examination papers free of charge, excepting postage for return of papers.

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