In China by F r a nk Peer Beal, of Tien- tsin (now in t he U. S. on f u r l o u g h ); in Africa, by Rev. Chas. E. Hu r l b u r t, super- intendent of the African Inland Mission (who, the club is proud to say, also wears a F i s h e rman b a d g e ). It is the club's expectation to have five more of our n umb er in Africa, the Lord willing, before the close of another year. These five have already offered themselves for service there, and the club is praying for God to t h r u st t h em forth speedily. They are represented among the Navajo Indians by Jesse Baldwin and Theodore P. Smith; in the oil fields of California by Wm. Sloan and George Hampton. They also have representa- tives among the various schools and col* and among their n umb er are young men connected with almost every line of business. Every member is also actively en- gaged in personal work. Many are teaching Bible classes, others have posi- tions of responsibility a nd t r u st in their own churches, and young people's or- ganizations, notably among these being Mr. Thomas Hannay, Jr. (or " Tom ," as he is known t h r o u g h o ut the S t a t e ), State Field Secretary of the California Chris- tian Endeavor Union. There have been, h u n d r e ds of copies of the New Testament, Gospels, and leaf- lets distributed freely by the members of t he Club, and a work of immeasurable value done t h r o u gh the various mem- bers and branches, which cannot be cal- culated nor set forth.
The Club's past presidents are as fol- lows: July to December, 1 9 0 6—Edwa rd H. Jones. J a n u a ry to J u n e, 1 9 0 7—F r a nk K. Gal- loway. July to December, 1907—Elliott H. Barrett. J a n u a ry to J u n e, 1908—C. Donald Youngken. July to December 1 9 0 8 ^ - Hu gh H. Wallace. J a n u a ry to June, 1909—Stanley R. P r a t t. July to December, 1909—Andrew J. Johnson. J a n u a ry to J u n e, 1910-—Roy E. Creighton. J u ly to December, 1910—Jesse J. Martin. J a n u a ry to J u n e, 1 9 1 1—E a rl W. Haney. J u ne to December, 1 9 1 1—Ro b e rt E. Glaze. Our present officers are as follows: P r e s i d e n t—Dw i g ht G. Wallace. Vice P r e s i d e n t—Edw in F. Bamf o r d. Recording Secretary—Albert Seigle. Financial Secretary—Van Vleck Ed- dings. Membership S e c r e t a r y—Hu gh H. Wal- lace. Evangelistic Secretary — Robert E. Glaze. Asst. Evangelistic Secretary—Daniel Soderberg. T r e a s u r e r—E dwa rd W. Roberts. Teacher—Rev. T. C. Horton.
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