The Shop Work
Twenty years ago a shop meeting me a nt a service where the Gospel was preached and men were won for Christ. Now the term, shop meeting, may mean an Educational service, a Musical, talk on psychology, or a goody goody talk on glittering generalities. Our meetings a re all along the old Gospel lines, and are definitely calculated to bring men u n d er conviction of sin and to the feet of Christ as Savior and Lord. Some men are filled with fear lest the Gospel will drive men away, and so they seek to' adminster sugar-coated t a b l e ts in homeopathic doses and the men repudi- ate the doctors and the doctrine. In one place in this city where the old and new fashioned services are held-, a corporal's guard greets the one, and an interested and attentive audience awaits the other. In the car-barns, where we have held
meetings for four years, we have had the testimony of h u n d r e ds of men to the \ a l u e of t he services. Among these mo- t o rmen and conductors are men who have been artizans, mechanics, office men, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and ministers, and very many of t h em have been restored to fellowship with Christ, and others have been brought to ac- knowledge Him as Savior and Lord. Our Mr. Lewis, who has charge of this work, has had many years of experience with men and has the happy faculty of know- ing how to reach them. The work is not confined to the public meetings. There are private conferences and cor- respondence, t he giving of tracts and the visiting of homes. There is large opportunity for the development of this work and we are expecting to e n l a r ge the work during the coming days.
M i s s H e l e n S m i t h C Graduate of Institute, Accepted for China
M i s s S u d e r m a n
Cías i
Accepted for
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