Air Work the day ready to listen to a straight- from-the-sholder message. Our Mr. Mullen can go alone with a chair for a pulpit, with no singer or i n s t r ume nt and with his open Bible gather and hold ..several h u n d r ed men for f r om one to t h r ee hours. Mr. Mullen is not t he ordinary street preacher, he is a street teacher, he takes a great crowd of men and allows them to pelt him with ques- tions, and he answers with t he Word. Sometimes he asks questions and he al- ways put to flight the questioner. He follows t he scriptural injunction and an- swers some fools not according to their folly and others according to their folly. He has a tender h e a rt and a wise head, he believes t h at God has anointed him with His spirit to preach the gospel to men and he does it with power. We have had as ma ny as fifty of these men to a lunch in our Institute who publicly confessed Christ as Lord. This street work is a real men and religion movement and some of t he men are mov- ing heavenward. Mr. Youngken resigned, in order to give himself to t he larger work opened to him in K i j a b e , ' A f r i c a, where he is expecting to go in t he near f u t u r e. Mr. Donald Youngken, who has spent much time with the boys in t he Detention Home, took up the work, giving it such time as he could in connec- tion with his other duties in the Insti- tute. He has now resigned f r om the In- stitute work and proposes to take up the Big Brother problem as a work of faith. In order t h at he might he u n t r am- meled, t he committee resigned control, pledging him their heart prayers and co- operation in any way the Lord might di- rect. Mr. Youngken is well equipped for this important work, and we ask for him t he earnest prayers of our readers. FROM NEW YORK "I read the King's Business with profit. You surely are on the right track. Have been soliciting new sub- scribers. But few seem to care for spir- itual things in this wicked city." boys helped.
The Open There will be thousands of saints in heaven who> h e a rd the Gospel upon the street corners, received it into honesi h e a r ts and went forth to glorify the Lord. Street meetings differ greatly. Not many men are qualified for this import- ant work. The street is no place for a. scientific sermon, an address of pleas- ing platitudes or a pretty discourse. The street is not the place for a woman, but for a strong virile man, one who has battled in the war for life and who un- derstands h uman nature. Men like logic, they like t he t r u t h, they may not accept your message, but if you tell t h em t h at the wages of sin are death they believe it, if you tell t h at hell is in the h e a rt of the sinner now and t h at they will go to hell unless they repent and believe in Christ, they will listen to your message. Los Angeles is a great center for street work. Wi t h in one block can be found h u n d r e ds of men at any time of Th e re is increasing interest manifest- ed in the work for delinquent boys. The. work in New York h as 1000 men ac- tively interested. Last year 2195 boys, nearly all of whom had appeared in the Children's Court, came under the influ- ence of the Big Brothers; and of t h at n umb er only ninety, or less t h an 4 per cent, h ad again got into trouble t h at re- sulted in their being brought a second time before t he court. Some one pre- sented t he Movement with a 230 acre f a rm on the outskirts of Trenton, N. J., and a check for $4000 to be spent in improvements. This will be used in heiplng t he boys to learnr a trade. The work in this city was started un- der t he anspices of t he F i s h e rme n 's Club, Mr. C. T. Youngken in charge. A good beginning was made, and many PROM TEXAS " I get much blessing from the King's Business. It struck me t h at others, too, might get the blessing. Enc'.osed find my check for $2.50 and a list of fi/e addresses." Go, thou, and do likewise.
«M® The Big Brother Movement
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