King's Business - 1912-05

Oil Field Evangelism cfLcfo*^)

Many backsliders have been reclaimed, and many others have been b r o u g ht to a confession of Christ as Saviour. Mr. Sloan has been able also to render as- sistance to a n umb er of pastors of little struggling churches adjacent to the oil fields. In a letter recently received, we are informed t h at six of the converts have united with one church. Th e re has been a large distribution of tracts and Testa- ments. Mr. Hamp t on is now associated with Mr. Sloan and is rendering valu- able assistance in the service of song and personal work.

To our Mr. ffm, Sloan has been ac- corded t he privilege of real pioneer missionary work. Separated f r om home from t h r ee to five months at a time, liv- ing in a wagon, exposed, to all sorts of weather and meeting with ma ny vexa- tions a nd privations, this man of God has gone for t h r ee years among the men scattered t h r o u gh t he great oil fields which stretch for scores of miles -along our coast. Qualified by ma ny years of practical experience in evangelistic work, Mr. Sloan has proven to be t he man for this mission. Hu n d r e ds of men who otherwise might have been deprived, have heard the Gospel f r om his lips.

Evangelists Among the Young People

Messers Barrett and Whitcomb have been greatly owned of God in their Evangel- istic work among the young people of the state. In some of the towns visited, the work has been so blessed t h at they have been invited to return within the year. A helpful f e a t u re of their work is the organi- zation of prayer circles, emphasis upon personal work and the necessity of a full surrender of life to the Lord. Pastors and Young People's societies desiring to communicate with them can reach them through the Institute.

c L e s l ie G. W h i t c o mb Singing Evangelist

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