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The Work Within the Institute
The business of the Institute is to train approved men and women in the knowledge and use of the Bible, and in practical Christian service, and prepare t h em to enter any field of service to which God in His providence may call them, as pastors' assistants, Bible teach- ers, evangelists, and missionaries, City, Home, or Foreign. Its present location is second floor, 260-264 South Main Street, Los Angeles, entrance 2 62 %. A new building con- taining dormitories, class rooms a nd offices is being erected on South Hope street, near Sixth. The Length of the Course The full course necessary to qualify for t he Institute diploma covers two years' work. School Ye ar There are t h r ee t e rms In each year, as follows, varying a few days scometimes: Fall Te rm: Third Monday in Septem- ber to the third Friday in December. Winter T e rm: F i r st Monday in Jan- u a ry to the last Friday in March. Spring T e r m: First Monday in April to the last Friday in June. Wh en t he Classes Are Held Every afternoon f r om Monday to Fri- day, inclusive. How Many Classes Must One Attend Enrolled students wishing to g r a d u a te mu st attend all the classes, except when temporarily excused. The classes are all open to Christian friends who do not wish to enroll as students, and yet wish to secure as much instruction as their circumstances permit. Wh at t he F u ll Course Covers The students are led t h r o u gh a care- f ul study of the leading doctrines of the Bible; the study of t h e whole Bible f r om Genesis to Reevlation by book, chapter, analytic, or other method; t he use of the Bible in personal work; Biblical intro- duction and Christian evidences; the life of Christ; the life and letters of P a u l; Christian missions at home and abroad; the preparation and delivery of Gospe! addresses and Bible expositions; Sun- day school, and other methods of Chris- tian work. Practical Wo rk The students are required to engage in definite Christian work each week, t h us putting into practice wh at has been studied in the class room. The students are required to hand in, weekly, a written report of their study and work on a f o rm furnished them. Examinations Examinations aré held at the close of
each term, and a re compulsory for en- rolled students. Diploma The diploma is awarded those who complete t he course and pass satisfac- tory examinations. Expense There are no> tuition fees. The regis- tration fee for enrolled students is one dollar per term. Wh en to Begin Students may enter at any time and t a ke up the studies at t h at point in the course, but t he beginning of a t e rm is naturally the best time to begin. How to Become a Student Wr i te to the Superintenednt of t he Bible Institute, 260-264 South Main Street, Los Angeles, Cal., asking for an application form, which will be sent promptly with ail necessary informa- tion; or if in the city, call at the office any week day between 9 and 5 o'clock, except Saturday when the office h o u rs are f r om 9 to 12. COURSES OF STUDY, SPRING TERM April 1 to J u n e 28, 1912 1. The Great Doctrines of t he Bible. Instructor R. A. Torrey Time, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- day, 3-4 o'clock. Subject: Wh at the Bible Teaches a b o ut Man: His original condition; physical, men- tal, moral and spiritual. The fall; t he agency and steps by which it was ac- complished. The present standing before God and condition of man apart f r om Jesus Christ. The f u t u re destiny of those who reject the redemption t h at is in Jesus Christ: E t e r n al destruction and its meaning: Is t h e re a real " l a ke of fire"? Is existence conscious or un- conscious? Is punishment endless or only for a limited period? Is t h e re another opportunity for the impen- itent? Are the h e a t h en who h a ve never heard of Christ lost? On wh at basis are the h e a t h en judged? This is a foundation work, and t he method is truly scientific, being in fact an inductive study, grouping the pas- sages of Scripture bearing on the topic, and f r om a careful consideration of them f o rmu l a t i ng a simple s t a t eme nt of their teaching on t h at particular topic. This method has proved most helpful. P e r t i n e nt questions raised in the class room a re decided in t he light of the Scriptures.
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