6. Old Te s t ame nt Studies.
2. The Use of t he Bible in P e r s o n al Wo r k. Instructor . J o hn H. Hu n t er Time Tuesday, 2-3 o'clock Subjects: How to Meet Inquirers' Diffi- culties; Dealing with Those Who En t e r t a in False Hopes, with Those Wh o Lack Assurance, with Back- sliders, with Infidels, with the Com- plaining. The purpose of this study is t h at students may acquire facility in using the Wo rd of God in dealing with people in t he inquiry room, or elsewhere, a nd be able to t u rn quickly to the passage t h at will meet the difficulty presented. Students are questioned as to t he re- sults f r om their personal work, and are encouaged to ask advice as to how to deal with those whom they are trying to lead to Christ, in the weekly r e p o rt meeting. 3. Bible Chapter S umma ry Instructor ...John H. Hu n t er T ime Monday, 3-4 o'clock Subject: New Testament Books, Titus to' Revelation, inclusive. In t h is study t he students are re- quired to study five chapters assigned each week, and to answer in writing the following questions on each chapter: Wh at is t he principal subject? Wh at is t he leading lesson? Which is the best verse? Who are the prominent persons? These answers are read in the class room as called for, and t he written wo rk is h a n d ed in for inspection at the close of the term. 4. The Life a nd Letters of P a ul t he Apostle to t he Gentiles. Instructor J. H. Sammis Time „...Friday, 2-3 o'clock This course is designed to give t he students a large view of the life of Paul so as to think t h r o u gh it and understand it as a whole, and t h us be better able to appreciate him and the revelation of t r u t h which God gave t h r o u gh hiin. 5. The P r e p a r a t i on a nd Delivery of Gospel Addresses a nd Bible Expositions. Instructor : T. C. Horton Time: First, Third and F i f th Friday of each month, 3-4 o'clock. To know wh at the Bible teaches is one t h i n g; to present t h at knowledge to o t h e rs in such an orderly and interesting way t h at they may apprehend it, and carry it away with t h em is quite another thing. In this class t he students will be drilled in outlining suggestive topics a na texts, t h us giving facility in preparing and delivering public addresses, and giv- ing expositions of Scripture passages.
J o hn H. Hu n t er
Time ..Wednesday, 2-3 o'clock Subject: Outline Studies of the Books of Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Minor Prophets. This course will familiarize the stu- dents with t he prophet as a man, t he times in which he lived, the application of his message to his own time and to the f u t u r e. 7. Fo r e i gn Mission Studies. I n s t r u c t or . Miss E t h el Higgins Time: Second and F o u r th Friday of each month, 3-4 o'clock. Subject: China-—the Land, People, Cus- toms, Religions, P r e s e nt Movements, Outlook, Missionary Wo rk and Needs. China holds the key to the f u t u re "of thè East, and also holds the attention of t he world at present. These studies will enable t he students to u n d e r s t a nd China's problems, as far as they can be grasped in such a different country as ours is, to pray intelligently for t he peo- ple and t he missionary work being car- ried on, and it may be to volunteer f or service in t h at part of t he vineyard. Leaders of Mission Study Classes will find this course valuable. 8. Biblical Introduction a nd Christian Evidences. Instructor John H. Hu n t er Time — Thursday, 2-3 o'clock Subjects: The History of Our English Bible; t he Evidences f r om the Mon- uments, f r om Miracles, f r om P r o p h- ecy, f r om t he Lord Jesus Christ as to t he credibility of the Bible narrative. To spend all one's time examining t he foundations would be a poor way to enjoy the house which was built to live in; but it is a good t h i ng to k n ow something about t he foundations, even if it is not absolutely necessary. In this course t he a r g ume nt for the credi- bility of t he Bible will be studied, though briefly, t h at t he student may be able to help those who are in honest perplexity about these things. 9. Gospel Music. Instructor L. F. P e c k h am Time: Monday and Thursday, 1-2 o'clock. Recognizing the mighty power of t h e Gospel in song, this course is provided to train t he students in the r u d i me n ts of music, the reading at sight of Gospel hymns, and their proper rendition, and conducting congregational singing. Private vocal lessons can be a r r a n g ed for with the instructor.
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