Institute Extension in the Building
In addition to the above courses for regularly enrolled students, visitors be- ing always welcomed, the Institute car- ries on the following evening meetings for those who are so situated that they cannot attend during the day: Monday, 7:30. The Fishermen's Club (Young Me n ). This is composed of young business men pledged to winning others to the Lord Jesus Christ. Supper, costing 15 cents, is served at 6 :15 to accommodate those who wish to come directly f r om business, and affords an opportunity f or delightful fellowship. This is fol- lowed by an address on some practical phase of Christian life or service. •Tuesday, 7 : 30. The Lyceum Club (Young Wome n ). This provides a meeting for the young business women along somewhat similar lines to The Fishermen's Club. Supper is served at 6:15. UNION BIBLE CLASS Friday 5:00 p. m.—Devotional Bible Study - T. C. Horton 6:00 p. m.—Supper (costs 10 cents). 1. They should- believe that Jesus is able and willing to save now. 2. They should be able to tell how they came" to Christ. 3. They should remember that each seeker has one chief difficulty. 4. They should meet all candid ob- jections, but nevfer engage in contro- versy. 5. They should use the Bible. 6. They should address themselves to the personal work earnestly, prayer- fully and gladly. 7. They should press the seeker gently, yet earnestly, to immediate de- cision. 8. They should understand that feeling is neither an element or condi- tion of salvation. Helpful passages for different classes of seekers: F o r Backsliders—Jer. ii, 19; iii, 13, 14; Hosea, xiv, 4. For Those Slightly Convicted—Rom. iii, 10, 23; vii, 24; 1st John i, 10; Eccl. vii, 20; Isa. liii, 6; Psa. cxliii, 2; Acts xiii, 39; Gal. ii, 16; Eph. ii, 8, 9. F o r Those Who Are Too Great Sin- ners—Isa. i, 18; xliii, 25; xliv, 22; Ro- mans v, 6; 1st Peter ii, 24; Rev. xxii, 17. F o r Those Who Are Afraid They Will Not Hold Out—1st Peter iv, 19; Psalms
6:45 p. m. ; —Prayer and Song Service. 7:00 p. m.—Through the Bible Book by Book — Genesis to Deuter- onomy John H. Hunter 8:00 p.m.—Exposition of the Uniform International Sunday School Lesson for t he following Sunday R. A. Torrey 9:00 p. m.—P r a y er for a Wo r l d - W i de Revival. This program is arranged especially for Sunday School teachers and other Christian workers. Their appreciation is shown by the attendance of over 400. The devotional study is for the worker's own heart need«; the book study, to sup- ply a larger and more intelligent grasp of each book as a whole; the exposition, to assist Sunday School teachers in un- derstanding difficulties in the lesson and to present the lesson helpfully to their own scholars; the prayer for revival is joining in a movement started over fif- teen years ago in Chicago and sustained ever since. Everybody is cordially invited to share in all the privileges of the class. 2d cxxi, 1; Isa. xliii, 2; 1st Cor. x, 13; Cor. xii, 9; Romans via - , 38, 39. For Those Who Stumble at the Incon- sistencies of Christians—Romans xiv, 12; John xxi, 21, 22; Matt, vii, 1, 3; Romans ii, 1; xiv, 3, 4. F o r Those Who Have Tried to Become Christians Without Success—Jer. xxix, 13; Deut. iv, 29; Romans iv, 5. F o r Those Who Wait a More Con- venient Season—Prov. xxvii, 4; James iv, 13, 14; 2d Cor. vi, 2; Heb. iii, 13. F o r Those Who Have Too Many Things to Give Up—Mark viii, 35, 37; Phil, iii, 7, 8. F o r Those Who Wa nt to Know How to Believe—John v, 24. It is to Re- ceive—John i, 11, 12. It is to T r u s t— Isa. xxvi, 3, 4. It is to Take—Rev. xxii, 17. Results of Believing: Joy-—John xv, 11. Rest-igMatt. xi, 28, 29. P e a c e - John xiv, 2 7. ' Inquirers who have believed are some- times in darkness because they have not confessed: Romans x, 10. Contrast instances of conversions; Paul—Acts 9th chapter. Cornelius—- Acts 10th chapter. F o r Skeptical Inquirers—John vi, 40; Psalms xxv, 14; John vii, 17. L. W. Munhall
Hints to Workers
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