King's Business - 1912-05


President ... Vice-President.:::

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Lyman Stewart

Secretary-Treasurer.:::;"""""" Superintendent......


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S l l P 8 | H K L. Morton


D e a n




—R. A. Torrey


R. A. Torrey 1. C. Horton J . H . Sammis

J o hn u

H u n t e r


F. Peckhara

Miss Ethel Higgins. Superintendents of Evangelistic Departments

Spanish Work Shop Work . J e 7 £ h Work Oil Fields . .. Open Air Work

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| a m i s o n

R. c . Lewis


Mrs. L. Manson Wm. Sloan Wm Mullen Geo W Hunter Elliott H ! Barrett

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Scofield Correspondence Course Fisherman's Club Evangelist



Bible Women

Superintendent o r t on Associates—Mrs. John Lowe, Mrs. G. A. Neth. Miss L. Wood, Mrs. E. Covey, Mrs, Ray Petty, Miss Ethel Higgins. M rs T c H

T H E EXT EN S I ON WO RK Through the Extension Work we have been able to reach many people in different sections of the city and communities and towns beyond its limits. We have one class as far south as San Diego, and one north as far as Santa Barbara. We are planning for more extension work along this line for the coming year.

T H E CORR E S P ONDENCE SCHOOL W e have obtained the Coast agency for the SCOFIELD BIBLE CORRE- SPONDENCE COURSE and are rapidly securing students for the home work. Some seventy are already enrolled. Some of these students have organized classes and are doing splendid work. We expect to have five hundred before the close of the year. This Course is so admirable that we take pleasure in commending it to all of those who are not able to attend the Institute Classes. Some Ministers have taken up the systematic study as arranged in the Course and find it a wonderful supplement to their previous Bible work.

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