No. 8. — A DOUBTER'S DOUBTS ABOUT SCIENCE AND RELIGION (144 pages), by Sir Robert Anderson, K. C. B., LL. D. This book discusses t he di- vine origing of t he Bible, Evolution, and kindred themes. It is written with great skill, and an invaluable book to the uni- versity student, or any t h o u g h t f ul per- son who is troubled by the doubts so common in our day. No. 9 .—THE GROWING CHURCH (130 pages), by Rev. Cleland B. McAfee, D. D. A study of t he Epistle to the Ephesians by a most gifted minister in t he Presbyterian church. It is an illus- tration of how to study and teach one of the books in the Bible. Many regard t he Epistle to the Ephesians as the high-water ma rk in God's, redemptive revelation. No. 10.—TH E H I GHER CRITICISM AND THE NEW THEOLOGY (250 pages). Edited by Dr. R. A. Torrey. A book containing contributions from most gifted, scholarly, and evangelical men in England and America. It shows t h at both the Higher Criticism and the New Theology are unscientific, unscrip-
t u r al and unwholesome; and is an un- answerable defence of the divine origin of the Bible, the deity and resurrection o f - J e s us Christ, and His virgin birth. Thoroughly up to date, it holds an im- mense amo u nt of information packed into a r ema r k a b ly small compass. Any one who would know how to meet the prevalent a t t a c ks upon t he Bible, t he supernatural, and other evangelical doc- trines should study this. No. 11 — SATAN (163 pages), by Lewis Sperry Chafer. This is the most t h o r o u gh biblical study on Satan with which we a re acquainted. It is thor- oughly sound and r ema r k a b ly complete. Rev. Dr. C. I. Scofield highly recom- mends it. Very few Christians know the Bible teachings on this important subject. Not a few, in these days, con- sider themselves evangelical Christians, who doubt if t h e re is a personal devil, and those who believe it know very lit- tle about him. Men need to k n ow-mo re in order to be on their guard against his'isubtlety and power. No book is bet- ter calculated to give the information needed.
Ábout the Book Business
"Of making books there is no end."
Eccl. 12:12
Buying and selling books with some, is like buying and selling potatoes—a mere perfunctory Business.
With us, buying and selling books is a matter of as much spiritual import as teaching the Bible.
We handle books for the glory of God and cannot buy or sell those that we do not believe will accord with the teaching of God's Word.
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