Another Year
a re entering the F o u r th Year with intensified f a i th in God's plans I l f H B a n a purposes concerning the Bible Institute and with boldness to believe il W ¡1 t h at He will yet accomplish great things t h r o u gh its instrumentality It is wo n d e r f ul how the load is lifted f r om t he shoulders of the servants when they are conscious of the call to co-operate with the Master in His work. This work is His. He has committed it to us. We prosecute it in His name, in His strength, and for His glory. We covet t he approval of all the believ- ers, but we mu st have t he commendation of our Lord in all the things we u n d e r t a ke to do. The f u t u re is big with promise. In the choicest portion of t he most favored country in the world, in a city destined to be unique in its greatness and upon which the eyes of the world a re now centered^—a city into which is pouring multitudes of people, and to which thousands more will come when t he Canal is opened, God has placed us i o r. the accomplishment of a great task. If the Lord tarry, we hope to be a blessing to t he whole world. This is no idle boast, b ut f a i th in the call of God. We believe we have come into the kingdom for such a time and service as this. The doctrinal position of- the Institute is evangelically sound. We stand for the Old Bible, and the Whole Bible; we t a ke our place with the F a t h e rs of t he Evangelical Church; we have no fads nor fancies; we have no secular attractions; we have deep convictions concerning the great need of a perishing world, and abiding faith in the Word of God as the only promise for t he supply of t he need. We are splendidly equipped with teachers and evangelists for a great work Dr. R. A. Torrey, the new Dean of the School, was the able leader-for years of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, and had t he privilege of bringing t h at school to t he f r o nt r a nk of the Bible training schools oi t he world. His' years of service as pastor of the Moody Church, and other years as a -world-wide evangelist have enlarged his capacity for service and qualified him f o r the great work before him upon t he Coast. Mr. J o hn H. Hu n t e r, for seventeen years associated with Dr. Torrey in the Moody School, is also with us, a s t r o ng teacher of the Word. All of our associates in the work are trained men and women and fully qualified for service in their departments. The twenty-five men and women associated as co-workers with Christ in this service, and giving their whole time to t he work, are all fitted by t r a i n i ng and expe- rience for t he various d e p a r tme n ts of the Institute work and are loyally and" lov- ingly giving to t he Lord their very best. The large me a s u re of blessing which has been bestowed upon t he Institute in the past is, we believe, a prophecy of the still larger blessing awaiting us in the f u t u r e. We are looking earnestly and continuously to the Lord for wisdom and grace for the daily tasks and for t he necessary f u n ds for the e n l a r g eme n t ' of t he work. He has given us a large lot, upon which we hope to erect a building c omme n s u r a te with our growing needs. We covet t he prayers of our friends in this behalf. P r ay t h at He who hath promised to supply all of our need t h r o u gh riches in glory by Christ Jesus may send us speedily the supply for this present and pressing need.
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