T. C. Horton, Superintendent
The Passing of a Mile Stone
The holding of Anniversary exercises is often a perfunctory • performance, in which tabulated statistics and tiresome statements are presented to a wearied audience, but it was not so with our An- niversary, held on Ea s t er Sunday in the Temple Auditorium. Despite the Eas- ter attractions and t he long mo r n i ng services, a good audience of friends of t h e Institute gathered and evinced h e a rt appreciation of the two-hours exercises. The f e a t u r es consisted of short stories of t he different departments given by t he leaders. We heard of God's bless- ing upon the men in the shops t h r o u gh t he preaching of the Gospel and of the men of t he streets b r o u g ht into sub- mission to t he will of God. We had a vision of t he need among the Spanish speaking people and the J ews ,—t h en followed the Bible women into the homes and heard the glad testimonies of as- sured saints. We looked upon the oil fields and saw many men t a k i ng up their cross to follow the Christ. We were refreshed with pictures of Bible Classes in churches, homes, mission-schools wh e re h u n d r e ds were being t a u g ht the simple, sweet, strong t r u th of the Wo rd
R. A. Torrey, D.D. Dean
of God, and we rejoiced together in the privilege accorded us of serving such a Master as is ours in such a helpful work. The music was an attractive part of t he program, and the crowning was an a d d r e s s, by Dr. J. Q. A. Henry on t he "Indestructibility of the Bible." To few men is given the ability to present the t r u th in such a ma s t e r f ul manner. Dr. Henry seemed inspired as he poured out in torrential fashion t he clear-cut, strong, forceful message in defense of the Word of God. It was a good Anni- versary day and we believe the exercises honored our Lord in whuse n ame and for whose glory it was held.
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