King's Business - 1912-05

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J . H . S a mm i s


J . H . H u n t e r Instructor

The Purpose and Methods of the Bible Institute

The purpose of the Institute stated in general t e rms is to t r a in men and women in t he knowledge and practical use of t h e English Bible. The Institute aims to send out into God's work those hav- ing seven characteristics: 1. A whole-hearted love for ¡God shown in a single-eyed devotion to His glory and to His revealed will. 2. A consuming passion for the sal- vation of the lost. 3. A definite, exact and thorough knowledge of God's Word, and especial- ly of how to use it in leading men, women and children to Christ. 4. Unwearying prayerfulness. 5. Willingness to e n d u re hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. 6. Untiring energy. 7. A real and definite baptism with t h e Holy Spirit. Great emphasis is laid upon the de- velopment and deepening of the spiritual life of the student. If any student should go forth f r om the school with- out a more intimate, personal acquaint- ance with Jesus Christ and more of the power of the Holy Spirit in his life and work, t he Institute would have failed in this case at the most imp o r t a nt point. FOR WHOM INTENDED 1. Men called of God into. Christian work at too late a period in life to take, a college or seminary course, but who would with such an opportunity of study

as the Institute affords be qualified for greater usefulness. 2. Men called of God to special lines of service such as pastors' assistants, city missionaries, rescue missionaries, general missionaries, Sabbath School superintendents, evangelistic preachers and singers, choir leaders, Y. M. C. A. secretaries and foreign missionaries, who need a different training f r om t h at given in theological seminaries to candidates for t he regular ministry. 3. Men who expect to enter the reg- ular pastorate in fields wh e re a knowl- edge of the Wo rd of God a nd a knowl- edge of men is regarded as of greater importance than a t h o r o u gh scholastic training. 4. Graduates of colleges and theo- logical seminaries who wish to supple- me nt t he education received at these schools by a t h o r o u gh study of the Eng- lish Bible and modern methods of ag- gressive Christian work. 5. Ministers, evangelists a nd Chris- tian wo r k e rs in general who have had actual experience in the field and who now wish to give some time to f u r t h er study of the Bible and preparation for larger usefulness. 6. Men who wish to fit themselves to meet t he rapidly increasing demand for teachers of t he English Bible in colleges, schools, conventions, Young People's Societies of Christian Endeavor, etc.

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