7. Definite instructions and practice in t he preparation and delivery of ser- mons, Bible readings, methods of Bible teaching, etc, 8. A careful study of vocal and in- s t r ume n t al music. II. A daily application of wh at is studied in practical experience. The students are required to put in practice f r om day to day wh at they have learned in t he classroom by teaching classes themselves, or by preaching t he Wo r d, or by doing personal work in evangel- istic services, rescue missions, house to house visitation, etc. They are re- quired to report in writing each week upon t he work of t he week. Theory and practice go constantly hand in hand. III. In addition to the regular fac- ulty, t he great preachers and leaders in Bible teaching and aggressive soul win- ning work at home and abroad a re brought to t he Institute to give to the students the results of their experience and t he best t h at they have learned f r om t he study of t he Wo rd of God.
7. Men who do not intend to devote their entire time to Gospel work, but who desire a larger acquaintance with the Bible and methods of Christian ef- f o rt t h at while pursuing their secular callings, they may work intelligently and successfully in winning others for Christ. 8. Women who feel called of God to enter some form of Christian work and who desire not only a t h o r o u gh knowl- edge of the Bible, b ut also t r a i n i ng jn all f o rms of missionary effort. Such students a f t er completing the course are enabled to fill t he position of pastor's assistant, home missionaries, Young Wome n 's Christian Association secre- taries, city missionaries, deaconess work, rescue work, Bible class work, etc. 9.. Women who are looking f o rwa rd to foreign missionary work and who de- sire t h o r o u gh equipment in knowledge of t he Bible, methods of teaching it and wisdom in leading souls to Christ. 10. Women missionaries h ome on f u r l o u gh who welcome an opportunity to pursue f u r t h er Bible study and to examine methods of work before re- t u r n i ng to their fields of labor. 11. Women who either are, or ex- pect to become, the wives of ministers. 12. Women whose home duties are such t h at they cannot leave them for any length of time but who long for bet- ter knowledge of the Wo rd of God and how to do personal work in order t h at they may be more useful in their own churches and communities. 13. Christian women of leisure who feel t h at they have no definite call to Christian work but who desire f u r t h er opportunities for systematic and thor- ough Bible study. METHODS 1. A t h o r o u gh study of the Bible along all tested and f r u i t f ul lines of Biblical study. The course includes: 1. A searching, comprehensive and systematic, inductive study of Bible doc- trine. 2. A general survey of all the books of t he Bible. 3. A close analytical study of sev- eral of the books of the Bible. 4. A c a r e f ul study of every chapter in t he Bible. 5. A t h o r o u gh study of methods of winning men and women to Christ and building t h em up in Christian character. 6. A careful and comprehensive study of all the different classes of per- sons t h at a Christian worker is likely to meet and of the Scripture to use in dealing with them.
Prof. L. F. Peekham (_ Musical Director
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