King's Business - 1912-05

The Fishermen 9 s Club of Los Angeles Six years ago a little group of young men gathered together to study the Bible and to engage in personal work. Th e re were seventeen of t h em which met on t he first Monday evening, April 16', 1906. Out of t he work have grown many branches which in their places have been signally used of God for the salvation of souls and the upbuilding of Chris- tians. Among these arb t he " F I SHERMEN 'S CLUB EVANGELISTIC MEETINGS,"

. Under the leadership of Rev. T. C. Horton, a systematic and inspirational study of the Bible was begun. A few months passed and t he class grew in numbers, until in t he s ummer of 1906 it was organized under the n ame of the " F i s h e rme n 's Club." (See Matthew 4:19.) This class has continued meeting each Monday evening without a single inter- ruption f r om t h at day until this present sixth anniversary. The q u a r t e rs have been changed f r om time to time to meet t he demands of the Club, until about t h r ee years ago, when t h r o u gh the kindness and generosity of the Los Angeles Bible Institute, quar- ters were given in their rooms. Th e re has been a total attendance at the 312 regular classes of about 25,000. The total membership during this period of years h as been approximately 450 or 500. Removals and additions to the membership keep the active membership at about 125. The meetings and the privileges of the Club are open to all young men between the ages of seven- teen and thirty years. There has been strict adherance to t he principle of striving for a single ob- ject, Viz., the study of God's Word, and t he doing of active, aggressive personal work for Jesus Christ.

conducted under the direction of t he evangelistic secretary amo ng the differ- ent churches and young people's socie- ties, to which they have been invited. The "BIG BROTHER WORK ," con- ducted by memb e rs of the Club as an organization a p a rt f r om the Club, doing a blessed work among t he boys for whom no one else seems to care, help- ing those who have gotten into trouble, and prayerfully and persistently endeav- oring to save o t h e rs f r om the dangers which beset them. The " F I SHERMEN 'S CLUB EVAN- GELIST," Mr. Elliott H. Ba r r e tt (presi- dent f r om July to December, 1907), rep- resents the Club in the broader evangel- istic work, and with his singer and help- er, Mr. Leslie G. Whitcomb, conducts evangelistic campaigns in the cities and towns t h r o u g h o ut Southern California. This work is followed by a series of " B I BLE CLASSES" organized where campaigns have closed, which work, conducted by Ha r ry J. Hill, has proven profitable in t he establishing of young Christians, and encouraging t h em to engage in personal work and Bible study. The club is represented in the foreign field by Rev. H. S. K imu r a, Evangelist, Kyoto, Japan. K imu ra is a F i s h e rman and is known as the "Moody of J a p a n ."

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