Harvest of Hope


From struggles to hope

Pastor Stephen lawrence

Rob Carter

No Turning Back Supportive Housing

in the black lives matter The social changes resulting movement

Celestine Carter:

The CEO “Shero”



10 12 18


Celestine Carter : The CEO “Shero”

The Social Changes resulting from the BLM Movement

Robin Lawrence : CEO

Harvest of Hope: The Influence & The Effect

26 36 50


Rob Carter : No Turning Back Supportive Housing

Sylvester Williams & Quantum Laboratory

Celebrating Black History

Pastor Stephen Lawrence

& African American Icons

To implement a sober treatment philosophy that incorporates a variety of clinical components and residential living that renders effective treatment and restoration of life. our MISSION

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We Are Here For You.

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The Influence

The foundation to help those in need of substance abuse treatment and behavioral health illness began in 2003 when the Owner of Harvest of Hope father decided to open up residential housing for those suffering from substance abuse. He has always had a heart to help the community specifically those suffering from addiction after his ongoing over 26 years of sobriety. After over 13 years supportive housing realized that

individuals in recovery not only needed a roof over their head and food in their stomach, but substance abuse treatment to ensure long term sobriety.


The Effect

After many years of seeing the heart of her father to heal a community the Owner of Harvest of Hope Robin Lawrence decided to open up a Behavioral Health Facility with the support of her father and family. It has always been her desire to assist those in need of substance abuse treatment as well as there families. As a product of a family member being directly affected by someone suffering from addiction it is her heart to show others that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Often times the family

suffers just as much as the addict and she believes that her story along with professional caring staff many lives will be changed.


IOP, OP , pRP & PHP Traditional counseling is provided in outpatient settings including Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP), Partial Hospitalization, and diversified prevention programs.

harvestofhopebh.com 720 Maiden Choice Ln, Condo C Catonsville, MD 21228 443.334.5732


The Unconventional Social Unconventional Social Changes Resulting From the Black Lives Matter Movement Movement NO

S tatues were taken down, at least 13 cities and states have banned the use of chokehold restraints among officers and police budgets are under review. Black Lives Matter activists and demonstrators are arguably the most prominent drivers behind these decisions, as they have demanded consistent attention remains on these cases until change results. While these efforts have brought federal and state decisions toward racial justice, they have also led to a number of private companies and businesses incorporating measures for racial equality into their practices. In many ways, these changes were in areas outside the movement’s direct, intentional efforts against racism and police brutality. Throughout 2020, 47 states announced they would recognize Juneteenth as an annual state holiday. The day celebrated among Black people as the official end to slavery would also become a paid holiday for many companies. As protests calling for justice for George Floyd and Breonna Taylor continued, the Associated Press (AP) marked suggested changes to the word “Black” in its Stylebook. The guide publishes standard rules for journalistic writing and announced the word should be capitalized to follow its standards of writing. The agency said “white” should remain uncapitalized. It stated white people generally have “much less shared history and culture” and are not discriminated against because of their skin color. While the AP’s decision seems to be revolutionary since itaffects publications and news sources across the country, the agency isn’t the first to make the shift. National media outlets and publications including BuzzFeed, Business Insider and Huffington Post had previously made the switch. They’re the latest to join a line of Black publications that have been capitalizing the word for decades. Using the uppercase letter brings mindful attention to the reason for the capitalization, even if a reader is casually browsing through the copy.

Ebony Magazine, a monthly publication geared toward African Americans, has been using the capitalized version since before the 1970s. In the film and entertainment industry, some companies revisited the ethics of their productions. HBO Max temporarily removed “Gone with the Wind” from its streaming options. When the film later returned to the platform, there was an introduction preceding it informing viewers of its controversial nature and that it could be an “uncomfortable and even painful” experience for some viewers. “Little Britain,” a British sketch comedy series, was also removed from Netflix and other international streaming platforms due to its derogatory depictions of people of color. As protests stirred around police brutality, the reality documentary series “COPS” was also removed from TV listings. Other companies, like PepsiCo, the parent company of Quaker Oats, made the decision to move forward in rebranding some of their familiar products. The food and beverage corporation would remove the face of a smiling Aunt Jemima that appeared on syrup bottles in grocery stores across the country for 130 years. The picture was said to be a version of slavery- time images that were later represented in minstrel shows. Brands like Uncle Ben’s and Mrs. Butterworth’s followed suit and redesigned their product logos and opted for alternative names that were less suggestive of segregated histories. While brand redesigns and grammatical style amendments were notable changes among these companies, these revisions not only depict an optimistic movement toward positive and racially conscious efforts. They also represent the meaning of years of struggle and efforts that led to the need to call for these changes.










I n the Baltimore area, many in impoverished communities are struggling with addiction, be it individually or through another family member. Harvest of Hope, helping addicts focus on their health and wellness, hopes to fix this issue. “Unfortunately here in Baltimore we are experiencing a drug epidemic,” CEO Robin Lawrence said. “People are losing their lives and families because of drug abuse.” She then explained that many addicts have an untreated mental illness, but they fear treatment due to the stereotypes surrounding behavioral health. Lawrence’s goal through Harvest of Hope is to help addicts through a holistic approach. She knows each case is unique and hopes to treat each individual with the best possible care. One method Lawrence uses is her own experiences, allowing her to empathize with the patients who come in. She draws her inspiration from her father, who she calls the Founding Father. “My dad struggled from the disease of addiction a huge portion of my life. He was what many would call a functioning addict,” she said.

A functional addict describes a person who has a substance addiction but can hold a job and a raise a family. Being functional means that for many, the addiction may not be visible. Lawrence’s father worked

as a firefighter, but fires were only a part of his battle. Eventually, he managed to achieve sobriety and help those in need by providing housing for recovering addicts. Currently, he has nine residential houses to assist those who are less fortunate. Robin stated how she sees her mom as her “Shero”. She states how she watched her mom fight to keep their family together. She now has that same fight to give hope to the community.

>>> Continued on next page


“ What many saw as a bad situation I now see as a blessing,” Lawrence said, who now works to provide hope to those whose lives were shaken through addiction. “ I do what I do because I know the pain and hurt involved with seeing a loved one suffering from drug abuse.” Lawrence sees Harvest of Hope as a thriving and growing organization. As such, she is always finding ways to improve the business. One goal she has in mind is to create an area for family group therapy, which will help an addict’s family find hope and cope with the struggles their loved one is facing. She also has other plans for the organization to reach even more people. “We are also excited about our new medical services. Individuals will be able to see not only their therapist but their medical doctor. It’s what we call wrap around services. We are also building our Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program for minors,” she said. Another way Lawrence is looking to the future >>> Continue reading Continued

is through her family. Her daughter, 18, is pursuing a degree in psychology, with the goal to help those who may have a mental health issue. Lawrence expressed pride in her daughter when interviewed. “I want her to know and see that she can accomplish any goal that she sets for her

life. It’s not always easy but it’s worth it!” she said.


We are dedicated to providing high quality, confidential services for individuals, fami- lies and the community. We respect individual needs, recognize the whole person and the value of relationships. We understand that choosing a well qualified, competent counselor is an important decision.

Please call and ask us about our services and specialties. We want you to find the counselor that is right for you. CONTACT US TODAY! harvestofhopebh.com | 720 Maiden Choice Ln,Condo C, Catonsville, MD 21228 | 443.334.5732

W e understand that buying or selling a home is more than just a transaction: it’s a life-changing experience. That’s why our team of highly-seasoned real estate professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional, personalized service for all of our clients. We take great pride in the relationships we build and always work relentlessly on the client’s behalf to help them achieve their real estate goals. Our team of experts represents the best and brightest in the industry, and we’re always striving to lead the field in research, innovation, and consumer education. Today’s buyers and sellers need a trusted resource that can guide them through the complex world of real estate. With our extensive knowledge and commitment to providing only the best and most timely information to our clients, we are your go-to source for real estate industry insight and advice.



“Our philosophy is simple: clients come first. We

pledge to be in constant

communication with our clients, keeping them fully informed throughout the entire buying or selling process. We believe that if you’re not left with an amazing experience, we haven’t done our job. We don’t measure

success through

achievements or awards, but through the satisfaction of our clients.”

I am now able to minister to other wives who are currently experiencing the same thing I went through “


Celestine CARTER

H arvest of Hope is an organization reaching out to recovering addicts in the Baltimore area. As CEO, Robin Lawrence, drew inspiration from the struggles of her father, Robert, a recovering addict. Referred to as the Founding Father, Harvest of Hope inspires addicts to make the change for the better. One person who knows Robert’s struggles is his wife, Celestine Carter. For decades, Carter has been a supportive wife and is there to help him tell his story. Looking at him now, one may never have imagined that he was once an addict, with almost 30 years of sobriety. However, even when he was an addict, he did not let his addiction show. “My husband was what you call a functioning addict,” Carter said. One myth of addiction is that the signs are obvious and an addict cannot hold a job. However, many addicts can lead normal lives and not make their struggles visible. However, to her family, the struggles were anything but invisible. “I was fighting to keep my marriage together while raising my daughter while my husband was battling the disease of

addiction. It was a struggle but I refused to let that disease separate our family”. Her husband worked as a firefighter, with many of his peers not knowing the other battle he was having inside. However, those close to him knew what he faced every day. After achieving sobriety, Robert built several homes for recovering addicts. Recovery homes provide a safe area for addicts who may have nowhere else to turn to. By providing a supportive space for addicts, they can find the strength needed to pick up the pieces of their lives that addiction shattered. Carter’s involvement in Harvest of Hope is through providing support and helping the organization reach its vision. One way she accomplishes this is through telling her family’s story every chance she has. Aside from the willpower to recover, Carter believes God’s influence can help addicts as well. “God turns a Test into a Testimony. What was meant to take my husband out and destroy us, turned around to him helping others who he was once like,” she said. Carter also speaks to the wives of addicts, helping them

emotionally through empathy and telling them that it is possible for a marriage damaged by addiction to recover. Carter knows that many relatives of addicts can feel hopeless and feel defeated. However, by speaking to someone who has gone through those struggles, it is possible for a hopeless relative to see that there is a way out. “I can now encourage them and tell them how treatment and my faith brought us out,” she said. To this day, Carter is the supportive

matriarch of the family, and she hopes she can support those who feel like there is no Hope.


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CONTACT US TODAY! harvestofhopebh.com 720 Maiden Choice Ln, Condo C Catonsville, MD 21228 443.334.5732



“One of the anointed voices in the body of Christ.”


P astor Stephen Lawrence is a new fresh novel and one of the anointed voices in the body of Christ. He combines a passion for people who are hurting and a keen understanding of business and entrepreneurship with an uncanny ability to preach and teach the word of God with relevancy. Pastor Lawrence is positioned to bring much needed change through the power of christ. Weather married or unmarried, rich or poor, employed or unemployed, educated or uneducated, peoples souls are being saved and spirits renewed through the anointing on his life. Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, young Stephen surrounded himself with the wrong crowd, but God had a greater plan. This plan would lead to a life dedicated to ministry and the community. Pastor Lawrence holds an associate degree in early childhood education from Baltimore City Community College; he attended the University of Baltimore to complete his degree in psychology and received his master’s in human services from Lincoln University. He is a graduate of Baltimore School of The Bible. Pastor Lawrence has over 15 years of experience in ministry and the human services field. STEPHEN LAWRENCE; PASTOR

He has been involved with community outreach, employment, development, and family counseling. Taking his call to outreach to the next level, he along with Partners of Abundent Harvest continue to feed the homeless and bless those who are less fortunate. After years of ministering to those in church, pastor Lawrence followed his heart and began ministering to the “un- churched”. It was out of this hunger and vision that Abundent Harvest Ministries was birthed in September 2008. Pastor Lawrence is currently under the tutelage of Dr. R.A. Vernon of the Word Church in Cleveland, Ohio. Pastor Lawrence is also connected to the Alliance of Covenant Pastor alongside Apostle Ruby C. Gilliam. With both economically and spiritually empower people, Abundant Harvest Ministries is meeting the needs of the Baltimore community with practical, bible-based teaching. Pastor Lawrence believes the unprecedented problems of Baltimore for unprecedented ministry. a vision to



CONTACT US TODAY! harvestofhopebh.com 720 Maiden Choice Ln,Condo C Catonsville, MD 21228 443.334.5732

Family Therapy in Addiction Addiction takes a toll on the entire family, creating pain, sadness, and isolation. Maintaining relationships in the midst of addiction can be difficult, frustrating, and even scary. We understand where you are and we want to help you change the situation and begin the healing process while your loved one is completing his or her drug and alcohol rehab program. The primary objectives of our Family Therapy is to provide more information about the disease of addiction, explore family roles and address family conflict, develop healthy communication skills and boundary setting and to begin the healing process.


THE STORY OF Sylvester Williams &

Quantum Laboratory



ONE 1 Of





Sylvester Williams


A s a nation of immigrants, many of us come from the humblest of beginnings in search of our own particular American dream. The vast majority work hard to reach even modest success yet we still continue to painstakingly carve out our foundations for the next generation to follow. And then there are those few of us who achieve on a scale that creates a beaming beacon of shining light for all to see. Founder and CEO of Quantum Laboratory, Sylvester Williams, would be a prime example of this light.

committed discipline, a realization that had been honed over the previous summer’s toil in his first factory job. Hard factory labor had also convinced the young man that he must take the wheel of his future if he were to go anywhere other than straight back to his factory’s timeclock. Yet HS football success would not immediately transfer to gridiron glory as the JCHS graduate would find himself entirely unrecruited by any major program and with very limited options for any collegiate football career and education at all. Yet here

As a child of working class parents

who toiled long and hard to improve their family’s opportunities, young Sylvester was a gifted athlete—with size, strength and speed to spare—who dreamed of an NFL career upon entering Jefferson City High School. The headstrong teenager was indeed dreaming big but also temporarily ignoring the lessons of his hard working parents until he stumbled into his first major hurdle—a sophomore suspension due to neglected academics. Yet this adolescent misstep led to his first crucial understanding in how to both pivot and realign his goals.

he found himself prepared to bootstrap his way forward. Determined to make an athletic impact on his own, young Mr. Williams got into his first car and drove himself to Kansas and Coffeeville Community College to reboot his football career. After tremendous Juco success in his freshman year however, the defensive lineman found himself, again, unrecruited by any D-1 programs. And so it was back to his car for a long drive to the renowned University of North Carolina where he would bet big on himself and tryout as a true

and entirely unheralded “walk-on”.

His HS football coach spotted his obvious potential and encouraged him to switch sports and give the hard lessons of the gridiron a go. The junior year Mr. Williams heeded that call then quickly realized that both his athletic and academic work ethic would require the much needed addition of

After quickly establishing himself as an invaluable force on the UNC defense, the rapidly maturing Mr. Williams continued to redouble both his academic

Continue Reading On Next Page>>>



“ Instead of simply a group of talented “employees” working on their own goals and agendas, we always strive to create a true family and put in the work every day, together. Because I believe that inclusive work wins together.”

Continue Reading Below...

and athletic efforts, completing his degree in Communications and going on to become a 2013, 1st round draft pick of the Denver Broncos. What followed was one definition of hard work paying off, and the All-American dream come true. After 2 years of stellar play— and some tough NFL playoff seasoning—Mr. Williams and his Broncos team would go on to win 2016’s Super Bowl 50! Years of NFL success would follow before Mr. Williams returned to his beloved Broncos to finally call it a career. And then it was time to pivot and realign again. Q UANTUM L ABORATORY IS C REATED TO S ERVE While many former NFL players elect to either cash in on their fame or rest on their hard-earned laurels Mr. Williams chose instead

to enter the private sector with service to his community in mind. After honing his business skills in both trucking and real estate, in 2019 he founded Quantum Laboratory as the St. Louis area’s first minority-owned CLIA certified clinical laboratory. The primary goal was simple-- to bring advanced diagnostic testing to underserved communities—and, of course, the need was evident. Although Quantum’s services are comprehensive, the compelling need to tackle the complexities of a worldwide pandemic became the priority, and serving a community filled with understandable apprehension was the immediate challenge. But here Mr. Williams applied some of the most successful lessons he’d learned in the NFL to his new Quantum team.


In recent conversation he shared- “You know in my 2013 rookie year we had a very talented team…and then we got blown out in the 1st round of the playoffs. In 2015 we had a very talented team also, but now we’d become a family. With our Quantum team it’s the same. Instead of simply a group of talented “employees” working on their own goals and agendas, we always strive to create a true family and put in the work every day, together. Because I believe that inclusive work wins together.” As CEO, Mr. Williams strongly believes that this idea of family as applied to his community is what sets both Quantum’s services and its outreach apart. Driving a One- of-One service forward into the future is something he knows is a constant challenge but it’s a challenge that he understands will build a stronger, healthier tomorrow for all of us.


Creating a Business that Serves the Community B ecause proper professional healthcare is always vital for all.


Jason Griffin


C hallenges are a major reality of our human condition. A great deal of our humanity shines through when we’re tested and it’s safe to say that—as fellow human beings sharing our world together—we’ve all been tested in these most recent years. The very best of us have met our health challenges head on and worked hard to help solve our health crisis. As President of Quantum Laboratory, Jason Griffin has met that challenge and lead his team to the solutions we

all need to move forward. Mr. Griffin began his journey in 2004 at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff when he graduated with his degree in Business Management and immediately got to work in the home healthcare industry where he enjoyed great individual success for over eight years. It was then that family called and requested his professional experience and expertise in getting their burgeoning trucking company off the ground and running. Their soon booming trucking concern eventually segued into establishing a real estate business which focused on housing for lower income families within their community. As a growing family business, Mr. Griffin then seized an opportunity to reenter the health space in 2019 when he and brother-in-law Sylvester Williams created Quantum Laboratory to both fill an evident community need and to provide the highest level service to underserved communities and families most in need of that very specific service.

C oaching is a leadership position that requires you to first develop a plan. -Jason Griffin


O ftentimes our community doesn't have many people who look like them, offering this type of absolutely vital service where it's most needed.

Creating a Business

that Serves the Community CONTINUED...

Within the greater St. Louis area, Quantum Laboratory immediately set their mark on their primary mission and everyday goal- “Bringing advanced diagnostic testing to underserved communities in need.” Of course when the pandemic hit the world hard, Mr. Griffin and Quantum Laboratory were perfectly poised and positioned to tackle the unique challenges we were all suddenly suffering through. As a former Track and Field Head Coach at the Collegiate School of Medicine and Bioscience, now Mr. Griffin is even more firmly convinced of sharing the vital lessons in leadership he both taught and learned during his coaching tenure with his new Quantum Laboratory team. In recent conversation, President Griffin shared his thoughts- “Coaching is a leadership position that requires you to first develop a plan, then put that plan into action with your team fully onboard, and to always be ready to create that team mentality within the most diverse setting.” Given Quantum Laboratory’s professional mission and commitment, Mr. Griffin eagerly shoulders the great responsibility of providing service to many of St. Louis’ most underserved communities and also fully understands that the diversity of his Quantum team is itself of service to many.

Moving forward, President Griffin sees both national and international expansion of Quantum Laboratory’s services as the next logical step yet also keeps a steady course on their professional priorities- · Remain close to Quantum’s team/family/staff · Remain family-oriented in foundation and action

· Continue to reach our goals

· Always keep our eyes on improving our service.

Our constant human reality is that challenges will always present themselves but with Mr. Griffin and Quantum Laboratory, every community can safely trust that we’re ready to meet those challenges with commitment and confidence.


Q uantum offers toxicology testing services to a variety of industries, including physician offices, employers, government agencies, health clinics, pain management practitioners, and rehabilitation centers.

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Donor & Spokesperson for Boys & Girls Clubs

T he Oscar winner has been a longtime donor and spokesperson for the Boys & Girls Club; he's raised millions of dollars to help complete the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture; and has been a mentor to younger actors, including the late Chadwick Boseman. He once quietly paid for Boseman and several of his Howard University classmates to attend an acting program at England's Oxford University.



T he EGOT winner established his Show Me campaign, which pledges to help end the cycle of poverty. He's also teamed up with Ronald McDonald House Charities to support families with sick and injured children by providing resources and helping them stay together during treatment. Additionally, he's donated to several organizations throughout his career, including Feeding America, Red Cross, Make-A-Wish Foundation and Global Citizen.




T hroughout the pandemic, Rihanna and her Clara Lionel Foundation (CLF) have been working to help marginalized communities that have been affected domestically and worldwide. In March 2020, the CLF donated $2 million, alongside JAY-Z's Shawn Carter Foundation, to support communities in New York City and the Los Angeles area. In April she donated $4.2 million to address a surge in domestic violence in L.A. as part of Jack Dorsey's #StartSmall, and later that month, she donated to support COVID-19 rapid r e s p o n s e

efforts in New Orleans, the Caribbean and Africa.



Committee on the Arts and the Humanities in 2009. She received the NAACP President's Award in 2013 for her commitment to public service and civil rights. Time magazine also included her in its annual Time 100 list of most influential people.

T he SAG-AFTRA Foundation honored the Scandal star with its Actors Inspiration Award for giving back to her fellow actors as well as the community at large. She has been a proponent of civil rights and was appointed by President Barack Obama to the President's




T he singer co-founded Keep A Child Alive to empower children and young people with the necessary resources to live healthier, happier lives. The organization provides financial and programatic support to nine community organizations in Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda and India, and serves over 150,000 people each year.



voter suppression and motivating Black voters to make their voices heard at the polls. In addition to becoming one of the most vocal proponents of social issues throughout his time in the NBA, James has given back to his community, opening

the I Promise School in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. The inaugural class was surprised with free tuition to Kent State University when they recently visited the Ohio college at a part of class trip.

T he Los Angeles Lakers star was named TIME's Athlete of the Year in recognition of his tireless activism, which includes spearheading the creation of More Than a Vote, a nonprofit aimed at thwarting


Beyonce JAY-Z & BEYONCE JAY-Z B eyonce's BeyGOOD

Impact Fund, which was administered by the NAACP. F ounded in 2003, Jay Z’s Shawn Carter Foundation aimed to provide scholarship opportunities for disadvantaged youth and communities. The fund has paid out nearly $3 million in scholarship funds, study abroad opportunities, counseling programs and college visits.

organization has been a big supporter of communities of color, helping Black-owned small businesses secure funding throughout 2020 and assisting organizations across the country that were providing communities with basic needs, like food, water, household supplies, mental health support and COVID testing. She also released

her song "Black Parade" to benefit her Black Business



Harvey S teve Harvey is a comedian,

television host, radio personality, actor, author, and philanthropist, who along with his wife Marjorie, runs the foundation providing that outreach to fatherless youth, through educational enrichment, one-on-one mentoring and global service initiatives in order to cultivate the next generation of responsible leaders.




S enator Reverend Raphael Warnock grew up in Kayton Homes public housing in Savannah, born one of twelve brothers and sisters raised in coastal Georgia. His father, a veteran, small businessman, and preacher, grew up in Burke and Screven County, GA. Warnock’s mother grew up in Waycross, GA, where she spent summers picking tobacco and cotton. A graduate of Savannah’s Sol C. Johnson High School, Warnock’s mother and extended family still lives in the Savannah area.

Senator Warnock is a proud graduate of Morehouse College; after graduating from Morehouse, he went onto earn a PhD and begin his career ordained in the ministry. For over 15 years, Senator Warnock has served as Senior Pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, the former pulpit of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He is the youngest pastor selected to serve in that leadership role at the historic church.

Senator Warnock was elected as a Democrat to the United States Senate in the January 5, 2021, special election runoff for the term ending January 3, 2023, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Johnny Isakson, a seat previously held by appointed Senator Kelly Loeffler. He took the oath of office on January 20, 2021.



S ika Henry is the first African American woman to be recognized as a pro triathlete. But a horrible bicycle crash in 2019 nearly thwarted her dream. No other African American woman had earned an elite license — which gives triathletes their professional status — in triathlon before Henry, according to the U.S.A. Triathlon, the sport’s national governing body. She overcame a horrible bicycle crash during a race in 2019. She had to find ways to stay motivated when the coronavirus pandemic shut down racing for a year.

"...first African American woman to be recognized as a pro triathlete."


N aomi Osaka partnered with BODYARMOR to refurbish the tennis courts she played on as a kid in New York City’s Queens. Naomi Osaka had a fullcircle moment when she gave advice to aspiring athletes on the same tennis courts she trained on as a kid. Osaka helped unveil the newly refurbished courts that now include colorful designs from the athlete and her sister Mari. By partnering with sports drink brand BODYARMOR LYTE, Osaka was able to improve and revamp the facilities to give back to the community where she got her start.


SIMONE BILES Olympic Gymnast


B iles said that she hopes the growing presence of Black women in gymnastics she will inspire those who are pursuing excellence in the sport. “I hope that they feel more confident once they step out there on the floor,” Biles, 24, said in June about upcoming Black gymnasts. “When they don’t see as many people who look like them, they know that there are girls out there that look just like them that have done it. So if we can do it, you can do it.”

To most, Simone is just putting a bow on the girl’s head. To Black women, we see a Rite of Passage. “I hope it just encourages Black women, in whatever craft that may be, it doesn’t necessarily have to be gymnastics,” said Biles.




No turning Back Inc

N o Turning Back is an organization devoted to providing supportive housing for recovering addicts who may have no other place to turn to when they begin their journey. Founder and President of No Turning Back, Robert Carter, Jr., has seen the incarceration rate and recidivism of recovering addicts go down since he turned his life towards helping them. One method No Turning Back uses to treat addicts is their Supportive Housing Program, providing recovery houses for addicts who may have nowhere else to go. “Supportive Housing provides a safe and clean environment for those who have decided to change their lives,” he said. Carter’s oversight of the housing program helps bring hope to those who feel like their addiction is untreatable. Recovery housing allows a recovering addict to treat their addiction in a safe environment. Addicts may not have a supportive community, or may even be homeless due to their

“I, along with a dedicated staff, have seen the lives of men and women change from hopelessness and helplessness to productive members of their families and communities,” he said. “I understand the challenges that come with fighting this disease and how this disease can dictate your behavior and life.” To Carter, an addict seeing someone who has made it can give them the hope they need. He hopes that his story and his organization can help an addict reach recovery when It seems impossible. Carter’s program has not only helped addicts, but it’s always work in progress, with many paths to improvement. His goals for the future is to expand his housing program and base it on a tier. Carter knows that addiction can come in many forms and his hope is to first treat those who are sick and suffering from drug addiction. The concept is a tier concept, allowing those who are new to recovery to start their recovery process together and advance as their recovery process grows and eventually to independent living one phase at a time.

addiction. Having safe housing and a community dedicated towards their recovery can prevent addicts from relapsing or turning to crime, pushing their sobriety back. Carter’s dedication to helping addicts comes from his own experience. At 15, Carter tried drugs and alcohol for the first time and soon had an addiction to it. For the next 22 years, he struggled with addiction and was at a point suicidal. Through dedication and his faith, he managed to find the strength to recover from over two decades of addiction. “I dropped to my knees and asked God to help me. He did,” he said. Seven years later, Carter had a calling to help those who struggled like he did. According to Carter, God called him to visit his community and help them with their drug addictions, creating No Turning Back. Carter uses his many years as an addict, and what he has learned from his experiences to help those who feel as if there is no hope for recovery.


Visit: www.noturningbackinc.com



W illiam Jackson an alumni of No Turning Back. I have been an active participant in the program for 10 years. After much diligence, hard work and perseverance, I am now the Housing Manager for 7 of NTB supportive houses. My time with NTB has been nothing short of great accomplishments including turning my life around. This program gave me the opportunity to live differently under the leadership of Mr. Carter. The facilities are safe, clean and creates an environment for sober living and holistic

healing. Although there has been some trying times, I can say with a sincere heart that this program is the reason my life is far greater than it’s ever been. That same love, support and care that was given to me, I freely give to others. I’ve heard some great things about other programs but truth be told this program genuinely cares about people and changing lives. If you are in need of supportive housing NTB is the place to be!



M y position as the Women’s Housing Coordinator for No Turning Back allows me to help empower women to address their needs and concerns in the area of mental health and substance abuse. My job fulfills not only a basic human need, but also a basic human right. On a weekly basis I visit the women’s recovery house to ensure rules are being enforced, therapeutic activities are being implemented, women’s issues with home improvement, behavioral issues, and medication concerns are addressed.

What sets No Turning Back apart from any other residential program is our compassionate staff. Our participants have access to staff 24/7. I perform my job duties as if I owned the company because it is important to me to see the participants empowered achieves their goals and productive members of society.



Physical Health We believe that the physical aspect of recovery from addiction is often neglected or minimized. It is a

great accomplishment to stay clean and sober for any period. However, a healthy recovery is a balance of the mind, body and spirit. Before embarking upon the physical component of any recovery program, it is imperative that the recovering individual obtain an accurate and comprehensive assessment of his current health status.



harvestofhopebh.com 443.334.5732

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Bahamian-American Actor

February 20, 1927

- January 6, 2022

D uring his 1964 acceptance speech for the Academy Award for Best Actor, Sidney Poitier, slightly winded from his trek to the stage, breathily asserted, “Because it is a long journey to this moment, I am naturally indebted to countless numbers of people.” Poitier’s labored emphasis on the “long journey to this moment” underscored both the stamina of his onscreen appeal and his protracted route to acclaim that began with his 1950 film debut in No Way Out. It also gestured toward the adverse conditions that characterized his unprecedented trajectory in Hollywood. Poitier, the pioneering Black actor and activist who died at the age of 94, had a complicated career. From his successful buddy pictures (The Defiant Ones, Duel at


Diablo) to his spate of critical hits (To Sir, With Love; In the Heat of the Night; Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner), Poitier played characters who expanded the range and repertoire of Black masculinity. His talent, charisma, good looks, and unquestionable success made him a star unlike any Black actor before him, many of whom were caricatured or overlooked during Hollywood’s studio era. Yet even with his superstardom, Poitier was constrained by the industry’s conservative ambitions and disinterest in Black complexity. With his sexuality neutered and his dignity firmly in place, Poitier embodied a model minority in films, a noble ebony saint who represented palatable Blackness and interracial harmony during a fraught time of racial struggle. His nonthreatening characters, who challenged systems by working within them, were thoroughly embraced by white audiences. Black audiences, for their part, were not uniformly convinced. Roles such as Poitier’s well-mannered Black doctor—who sought approval from his white fiancée’s family— in Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner drew harsh criticism from some viewers who craved not only positive Black representation but also resonant depictions of Black life and struggles. Reprisals of benign Black characters made Poitier a lightning rod for criticism and resentment, including being

called a “showcase nigger” in The New York Times by the playwright Clifford Mason. But it was James Baldwin’s 1968 Look magazine profile of Poitier that truly captured the actor’s exceptionalism and isolation in the industry. While critical of many of Poitier’s films, Baldwin exhibited an extraordinary appreciation of the actor’s eminence and talent. In his rebuke of Blackboard Jungle, for instance, Baldwin wrote that though he loathed the film, he thought that “Sidney was beautiful, vivid, and truthful in it. He somehow escaped the film’s framework, so much so that until today, his is the only performance I remember.” Baldwin understood that Poitier’s profound gift as an actor was to give more than what was on the page. Baldwin used the fact of Poitier’s singular Black superstardom to indict a Hollywood system predicated on the disavowal of Blackness, writing: The industry is compelled, given the way it is built, to present to the American people a self-perpetuating fantasy of American life … And the black face, truthfully reflected, is not only no part of this dream, it is antithetical to it. And this puts the black performer in a rather grim bind. He knows, on the one hand, that if the reality of a black man’s life were on that screen, it would destroy the >>> CONTINUE READING ON NEXT PAGE



fantasy totally. And on the other hand, he really has no right not to appear, not only because he must work, but for all those people who need to see him. By the use of his own person, he must smuggle in a reality that he knows is not in the script. Baldwin acknowledged the restrictions placed on Poitier and other Black actors at the time, but he also recognized Black agency in these performances. Poitier “smuggled in reality” in his gestures, intonation, and, perhaps most significantly, the slap that his character Tibbs gives the racist white plantation owner in 1967’s >>> CONTINUE READING BELOW

The Heat of the Night. It was the first major motion picture scene in which a Black man retaliates in this way, and according to Poitier, he insisted that the smack remain in all versions of the movie. Later in his career, Poitier leveraged his appeal to control authorial aspects of production, taking his directorial turn with the standout film Buck and the Preacher in 1972. Starring himself and his longtime friends Harry Belafonte and Ruby Dee, Poitier’s Black-cast Western thrilled Black audiences with an

adventurous tale that brought radical politics to the forefront and fought back against white-supremacist villainy. This version of Poitier, for some, seemed antithetical to the composed and conciliatory leading man many audiences loved. However, the film’s Black consciousness reflected his, Belafonte’s, and Dee’s activism during the civil-rights




“Of all my father’s

teachings, the most enduring was the one about the true measure of a man. That true measure was how well he provided for his children, and it stuck with me as if it were etched in my brain.”

movement. It was Belafonte who convinced Poitier to help deliver $70,000 to Freedom Summer volunteers in 1964. Explaining the magnitude of Poitier’s influence, Belafonte once said, “I don’t think anyone [else] in the world could have been anointed with the responsibility of creating a whole new image of black people, and especially black men.” Poitier was fully aware of the paradoxes and limitations of his celebrity. “During the period when I was the only person here—no Bill Cosby, no Eddie Murphy, no Denzel Washington—I was carrying the hopes and aspirations of an entire people,” he said in a 1989 New York Times interview. “I had no control over content, no creative leverage except to refuse to do a film, which I

often did. I had to satisfy the action fans, the romantic fans, the intellectual fans. It was a terrific burden.” And because of this burden, his cinematic contribution should be measured by more than just what the scholar Sharon Willis describes as “the Poitier effect,” meaning Hollywood’s lasting obsession with the kind of racial fantasies and figures that Poitier portrayed in his films. He strategically pushed against the constraints of Black representation in film, juggled disparate audiences’ desires and expectations, changed the face of a Hollywood leading man, and showed Black actors how to exist within and also escape the industry’s limited framework. His impact on American cinema cannot be overstated.


CONTACT US TODAY! harvestofhopebh.com 720 Maiden Choice Ln, Condo C Catonsville, MD 21228 443.334.5732


LIFE SKILLS Learning to balance these multiple responsibilities is excellent preparation for transitioning back into daily life without drugs and alcohol. Our life skills classes also help prepare residents for success reintegration by helping them strengthen important life skills such as budgeting and money management, job-seeking skills, communication, time management, and nutrition and healthy meal preparation.



S ince the turn of the 19th century, beauty salons and barber shops have served as special places among African Americans. They have been places not only to get hair care services but locations where black people could be vulnerable and talk about issues of importance in the community. There were spaces where customers played games such as


chess, cards, and dominoes, while having conversations about local gossip, politics, and community affairs. Over the years, beauty salons and barber shops have come to provide a unique social function. Scholars often cite these sites as “sanctuaries” for black people. Many film adaptations of African American themes use these businesses to show black culture in

the United States. Coming to America (1988), Malcolm X (1992), and Barbershop (2002) are examples of films used to showcase African Americans’ unique relationships with barber and beauty shops.



CONTACT US TODAY! harvestofhopebh.com 720 Maiden Choice Ln, Condo C Catonsville, MD 21228 443.334.5732

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