Harvest of Hope

“ What many saw as a bad situation I now see as a blessing,” Lawrence said, who now works to provide hope to those whose lives were shaken through addiction. “ I do what I do because I know the pain and hurt involved with seeing a loved one suffering from drug abuse.” Lawrence sees Harvest of Hope as a thriving and growing organization. As such, she is always finding ways to improve the business. One goal she has in mind is to create an area for family group therapy, which will help an addict’s family find hope and cope with the struggles their loved one is facing. She also has other plans for the organization to reach even more people. “We are also excited about our new medical services. Individuals will be able to see not only their therapist but their medical doctor. It’s what we call wrap around services. We are also building our Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program for minors,” she said. Another way Lawrence is looking to the future >>> Continue reading Continued

is through her family. Her daughter, 18, is pursuing a degree in psychology, with the goal to help those who may have a mental health issue. Lawrence expressed pride in her daughter when interviewed. “I want her to know and see that she can accomplish any goal that she sets for her

life. It’s not always easy but it’s worth it!” she said.


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