King's Business - 1953-04

Mery Rosell Story

Orient Crusades

Easter message by MADAME CHIANG


T he missionary of today must reach countless tribes of every land— this calls for rugged, pioneer mis­ sionary endeavor. In addition to thorough training in Bible study, the missionary who goes into remote areas where no professional help is available needs careful training and knowledge in the diagnosis, pre­ vention and treatment of disease. W orld evangelism is neither small nor simple and although we know that basically the task is one of

preaching and teaching the Gospel, the pioneer mis­ sionary must do more. He must be able to maintain his own life and that of his fam ily, and spend much time in helping the people in their physical needs as well as their spiritual. W e believe, therefore, that the missionary must be prepared to meet these tasks. The School of Missionary Medicine was established to assist the ablest of missionary candidates to both protect and implement their future service with sound theory and practical missionary medical training.

School of Missionary Medicine Affiliated with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles



Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

APRIL, 1953

Voi. 44, No. 4

Established 1910

chancellor LOUIS T. TALBOT editor S. H. SUTHERLAND managing editor LLOYO HAMILL advertising manager ROSE HARDIE editorial assistant LUCY R, REDMOND circulation manager

ARTICLES MADAME CHIANG'S EASTER MESSAGE ............................................ 6 THE MERY ROSELL STORY — Campaigns and Family Life ......... 8 CHRIST OPENED THE TOMB — Louis T. Talbot ............................. 12 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IN THE WORLD TODAY — S. H. Sutherland ..... ,........................................................................ 13 ORIENT CRUSADES — J. Russell Killman ............................................ 15 HE EVER LIVETH — Keith L. Brooks ...................................................... 46 FEATURES READER REACTION ..................................................... 4 EDITORIALLY SPEAKING ................................ 5 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 18 WORDS AND THE WORD — Charles L. Feinberg ............................. 19 THEOLOGICALLY THINKING — Gerald B. Stanton .......................... 19 CHURCH OF THE MONTH — First Baptist, Tucson, Arizona ......... 20 PHILOSOPHY IN LIFE — Paul M. Aijian .............................................. 21 OUT OF THE LAB — Donald S. Robertson ......................................... 21 BOOK REVIEWS — Donald G. Davis ............... ......................... ......... 22 'TRUTH . . . OUT OF THE EARTH" — Charles L. Feinberg ....... 22 FINEST OF THE WHEAT — Wm. Carson Lantz ............................... 23 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX ............................... ............................. 24 THE SCOPE OF MISSIONS — Oran H. Smith .................................... 25 BIOLA FAMILY CIRCLE ............................................................................... 28 AROUND BIOLA — Lois McKinney ........................................................ 29 J u n io r k in g ' s b u s in e s s : THE MAKING OF A LILY — Ruth McNaughton ............................... 30 THE LOST KITE — Helen Frazee-Bower ................................................. 31 EASTER ACROSTIC — Martha S. Hooker .............................................. 31 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION SECTION LOOKING AHEAD IN CHRISTIAN ED — Margaret Jacobsen 36 YOUNG PEOPLE'S TOPICS — Chester J. Padgett ................................ 37 SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS — Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .. 43 OBJECT LESSONS — Elmer L. Wilder ...................................................... 47 COVER "He is not here, but is risen." — Drawing by Fred Bailey

STELLA HINTER business manager J. RUSSEL ALLDER editorial board Paul M. Aijian • Donald G. Davis Charles L. Feinberg • James O. Henry Martha $, Hooker • Margaret Jacobsen Wm. Corson Lantx • Donald Robertson Oràn H. Smith • Gerald B. Stanton

V SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business" is published monthly: $2.50, one year; $1.25, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It regu»res one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to

Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office of Los An­ geles. California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28 , 1925, em­ bodied in paragraph 4, section 538 , P.L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Aitgetes 17, California.

"The King's Business." Dote of expira­ tion will show' plainly on outside of wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING1—For information address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS r —"The King's Business" cannot gccept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration.

Attention Christians We send out the Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified, and through His shed blood, we receive our salvation, and the Hope of His coming again. We need help to build Evangelical Methodist Churches in the Columbia Basin area. Our mailing ad­ dress is: Columbia Basin Mission Box 168, Pasco, Washington IN TIME FOR EASTER! The Two Recordings of EDWARD Mac HUGH (You r Gospel Singer) In the Garden & Evening Prayer Old Rugged Cross & 23rd Psalm 70 r p m , lO -in e h , n o n -b re a k a b le . BOTH FOR $2.25, postpaid, COD, add 25c. FIRESIDE RECORD COMPANY 12 Wildwood Lane Roslyn Heights, N. Y. STANDARD BRAND-NEW LIVING W ITH J E S U S V .B .S. COUR S E

a v a c a t i o n s c h o o l p l a n t h a t ’s COMPLETE t o t h e l a s t d e t a i l


Sir: I read with interest in the March issue of the contemplated changes in your magazine. I believe there is al­ ways room for improvement in any medium aiming to reach people for Christ. May God’s richest blessing be on each worker in your office. Los Angeles, Calif. Hazel Haugness Sir: I have just finished reading Dr. Feinberg’s review of the new Revised Standard Version of the Bible. The article was interesting, and I feel that the criticism was more fairly written than some criticisms I have read recently concerning this new version. It should have been pointed out, however, that the way of salva­ tion through faith in the finished work of Christ is found in this new version. Santa Barbara, Calif. Carl A. Jensen Sir: One of my friends here in Neills- ville is a subscriber to The King's Business and on the February cover he discovered the picture of my son who is a hospital man with the marines. M y son, Leo Chapman, is a Chris­ tian and gives God all the glory for his' safe return to. the United States. He was wounded two times while in Korea. He is now with the 2nd Ma­ rine Division on the east coast and will soon go to sea with them. Pray for him. Neillsville, Wise. Rev. L. J. Chapman The photograph referred to was used by permission of the 11th Ma­ rine Corps Reserve District in Los Angeles. — Ed. Sir: Pardon me for appearing hyper­ critical, but I could not but wish you had worded the answer to the last question in the December issue (page 6) a little differently. You were in mind evidently re­ ferring to real Christians but Mat­ thew 6:14 and 15 leave no ground for misunderstanding. I am inclined to sympathize with your questioner. Dorchester, Mass. Wm. B. Taylor NEW VERSION SON ON THE COVER DIFFERENCE OF OPINION

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front the editors’s desk “Sew Look”

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W ith this issue of T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s something of a “ new look” has been added. Through the years T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s magazine has served its clientele well. The features included in the paper make it a thoroughly fam ily magazine. It is our desire that these features be retained. Other features are being added wh ich it is hoped w ill prove to be equally helpful in enabling the editors o f T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s to fu lfill our purpose o f providing a magazine dedicated to the spiritual en­ richment and development of the Christian home. Reader reaction to the magazine w ill be greatly appreciated. Additional features wh ich readers desire to be included are solicited. The incom ing editors take this opportunity of expressing sincere appre­ ciation and admiration for the splendid work wh ich has characterized the magazine during the years gone by and especially would we mention the work o f Dr. Wm . W . Orr, until recently the Associate Editor o f T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s , Mrs. Betty Bruechert, the former Managing Editor, and the other members of the editorial staff: Th ey have rendered outstanding service and their labors have been greatly appreciated and enjoyed b y the thousands o f K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s subscribers. Four-in-One T he Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc., is in reality made up of four distinct schools. There is the two-year Bible Institute, the four-year B io l a Bible College, the three-year postgraduate Talbot Theological Seminary and the one-year post-graduate School o f Missionary Medicine. The student body in these four schools totals over nine hundred young people. These students carry on an intensive classroom program w ith heavy study assignments. Furthermore, practically all of them are earning all or most of their w ay through school. In addition to their class­ room work and employment schedule, each student has his own Christian service assignment. M any varieties o f work are conducted b y the stu­ dents; they participate in the great radio programs o f the Bible Institute, they carry on intensive work in child evangelism, hospital visitation, street teams, jail teams, Jewish work, rescue mission work, and they are serving each Sunday in almost three hundred and fifty churches through­ out Southern California as Sunday school teachers, musicians, choir di­ rectors, and leaders in all phases o f church work. This type o f program gives opportunity for the students of B io l a to learn b y serving, as well as in classroom activities. The students need and covet the prayers o f all Christians that they might be given phys­ ical strength to carry on their extremely heavy activities here at school God’s people everywhere are urged to pray daily fo r the school, the ad­ ministrators, the faculty, the students and all who are in any w a y iden­ tified w ith the work o f this honored institution dedicated to the service of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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208 E. Willow St.

Wheaton, III. 5

APRIL 1953

M t td am e

The earth quaked. The rocks ripped asunder. God’s own temple bowed to its doom and the veil rent itself in twain. The disappointment was bit­ ter; the despair abject; the frustration devastating and total. We have just been through the valley of death. We have touched the rock bottom of desolation, darkness and despair. But if the night is at its darkest, the dawn is at hand. Like unto the traveler in a desert, there is the oasis to give him renewed strength. Hope is highest when the going is hardest. Even as we are re­ living the story, the dawn is already glimmering. While the cross marked the end of the old creation, it also marked the beginning of the new. The cross is not a symbol of defeat; it is that of victory. But Christ’s kingdom is not of this world. The battlefield where He seeks victory is neither Jerusalem nor Rome. It is in our hearts. He began with His doubting disciples. We have seen how frustrated they were. They sorely needed an assurance and the only one given them was the cross. They expected to find Him on David’s throne, but instead buried Him in a grave. They were undone; the future seemed black. Yet all the while the assurance was there. As soon as Simon Peter blurted it out that He was the Christ, He began to prepare them for what was going to take place in fulfilling the Scriptures. He foretold His own resurrection, but they disbelieved it! The importance of Christ’s resur­ rection was fully realized by His enemies. They bribed the guards to say that His disciples had come in the night and stolen His body while they slept. It was also realized by His disciples. After Christ’s resurrection they concentrated their whole atten- THE KING'S BUSINESS

Direct from Taipei, Formosa

"The King's Business" brings this

exclusive Easter message from

Free China's First Lady T oday as we are assem b led in worship and in solemn commem­ oration of pur Lord’s Passion, throughout the world millions are doing the same. Our voices mingle and our hearts beat in unison. We try reverentially, though inadequately, to feel with Him as He felt Himself more than nineteen-and-a-half cen­ turies ago. To taste something of the awfulness (using the word in its original sense) of the situation, the horror of the cup, and the triumph of faith justified. Let us in our im­ agination briefly relive the more crucial moments in that eventful week. There was His triumphal entry in­ to Jerusalem, and then the Garden of Gethsemane. “ O my Father,” He cried, “if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.” Never was He more human than when He uttered that supplication. Nor never was He in greater need of human sympathy and support. But His disciples slept. O! the utter loneliness of His soul! “ My soul is e x c e e d in g sorrowful, even unto death,” said He to them. Next, at the trial. He was sold for money by Judas. The Jews who had 6

been shouting only five days ago: “ Hosanna to the Son of David: Bless­ ed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest,” now howled for His blood. “ Crucify him! Crucify him!” Now the supreme moment: On the tree, nailed by. His hands and feet, dying a slow, agonizing death. His thoughts were ever thoughts of love. He interceded for His persecutors: “ Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” He was in un­ speakable agony, for He cried out to God: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” If we can hardly bear to recount the story even at this distance of time, what must have His disciples felt then! They had built up their hopes so high and expected so much! Didn’t angels announce the good tidings of His birth? Didn’t the wise men from the East proclaim Him bom the King of the Jews? Didn’t He even raise up the dead, for, lo, there walked Lazarus? But now the defeat was complete. The living God Himself died, as they thought, before their very eyes! Even the heavens were in despair. The sun darkened.

C h i n n g s

E a s t e r M e s s a g e

tion and strained every fiber to ac­ complish one thing, and one thing only: To bear witness that Christ died and rose again. Died a genuine death, and rose a living person with a corporeal body. Doubting Thomas put his hand into His wounds to make sure. The disciples were not wise men, neither philosophers nor scien­ tists, but simple folks; and lowly ones at that—fishermen, publicans, sinners. They would neither argue, nor ex­ plain, nor even preach. They merely came forward as eye-witnesses to testify to the indisputable fact of resurrection. Is resurrection possible? The ques­ tion was raised even by some. Chris­ tians in the time of Saint Paul. He devoted a whole chapter in his first epistle to the Corinthians to estab­ lish its historicity and to elucidate its vital importance to the whole move­ ment of Christian faith. To my mind, however, the problem should be put the other way around. The question is not whether Christ’s resurrection as a fact is historically intelligible, but rather whether his­ tory itself is intelligible without ac­ cepting it as a fact. We must accomodate explanations to facts, not facts to explanations. It seems unreasonable to acquiesce to the thesis that matter can lose its reality — matter being what our senses accept as the standard of reality, which has substance and weight, and which by all that we can conceive just cannot under any circumstances lose its materialistic reality, is yet capable of losing that reality. Yet the fact of the atomic bomb obliges us to accept it. We can no more explain how matter can lose its space-time materiality and become pure energy than we can explain how the dead can live again.

Having cleared ' this intellectual hurdle, we are now perhaps better attuned to Christ’s call: “ Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.” But what is the voice that we hear this moment? The message today is simply this: 1 am the resur­ rection and the life. Christ said this to Martha when He was about to raise Lazarus from the dead. His voice rings down the ages with in­ creasing reverberation. But there is a difference between resurrection and restoration of life. Lazarus was re­ stored to life. But he did not ascend to heaven as Christ did. He had to die his natural death again and wait for his turn like all the rest of us at the last day. Until that day, Christ’s resurrection remains the resurrection. It is UNIQUE. Important as His resurrection is to us as an historic fact, it is immeasur­ ably more so as a living fact. God is the God of the living, not the dead. We shall greatly err if we should miss the present tense in: “ I am the resurrection.” Paul explains it in these words: “ Like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.” Obviously newness of life consists of freedom from sin, for he goes on to say: “He that is dead is fre ed from sin.” Paul was not speaking of the freedom from sin after the last day. He was speaking of the here and now. We have in this Holy Week at least two cases of sinners who walked in newness of life. One was the re­ pentant thief who was crucified with Christ and the other Mary Magda­ lene. It -is surprising that the thief should have had more faith than any of the chosen Twelve or their close associates. But that was the fact. He believed that Christ would come to

His kingdom, and begged to be re­ membered. Whereupon Christ said to him, “ Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” There suspended on the cross, he walked in newness of life right from perdition to paradise. The first mortal eye that saw the risen Christ did not belong to any­ one who had led a blameless life. It was that of Mary Magdalene. We know what she was, steeped in sin and given up for lost by all but Jesus Christ. Yet after redemption she was charged with the highest mission that a mortal can be charged with: to be the first witness of the risen Christ. In these days of national tribula­ tion, indeed, of world crisis, we do not need to be reminded of the rele­ vance of the resurrection to each sin­ gle one of us or to nations. Individ­ ually, how many of us have not had some loved ones who paid with their lives for the sin or folly of others? Nationally, can any of us claim to have emerged from the, valley of death? We are exactly in the position of the early disciples. Frustration everywhere—north, south, east and west—no matter where we look. Ma­ terialism and frustration, nothing else. But thank God, there are two other directions. Look UPWARD, and there we see the risen Christ. Look INWARD, and we see God in His temple renewing our spirit day by day. Says Saint Paul, “ Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” Let us die unto sin and live unto God day by day, for resurrection is within us, and resurrection tri­ umphant, throughout the ages as now, blazons in glorious defiance: “ O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”

A P R I L 1 9 5 3


themerv rosell story *rGet on fire fo r God and p eop le will com e and watch you b u rn ." W e s l e y said it, Evanyelist 3 ie r v R osell be lieves it. This is the s to r y o f his campaigns and his fam ily

N o comment, class dismissed,” said the professor as he wiped the tears from his eyes. The scene was a homiletics class. The instructor was that dear man of God, Dr. W. B. Riley. The student who had just de­ livered the speech was Merv Rosell. Rosell received his doctor’s degree from that school, Northwestern Col­ lege Seminary, Bible Institute of Min­ neapolis. Today he is one of Ameri­ ca’s leading Bible-preaching evangel­ ists. Through itinerant campaigns dur­ ing his college days to city and state­ wide campaigns across the nation and the world and to the recent mass evangelistic efforts, his ca re e r has been marked with success from God. His job is “ to evangelize and feed

Vice Pres. Nixon's parents were at L, A. meeting; showed flag that flew at inauguration.



the church.” At a recent crusade at the Church of the Open Door in Los Angeles scores of souls found Christ and countless Christians made deci­ sions for consecration and dedication. In one Sunday service at the close of the week of revival 80 new members were received into the church. Rosell does not work alone. First of all, and most important, he relies on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then, there are five men who form the bas­ ic unit of the. crusade staff. Accord­ ing to Rosell, “ God has definitely placed us together as an answer to the prayer of our hearts. Consequent­ ly there is a unanimity of spirit and an utter confidence of heart that this is God’s plan for all of us.” To Merv, revivals are not “ tem­ porary emotional splurges,” but ac­ tually they are “ the heart throbs of nations,” who need the power of God in an hour of urgency. He often points out that for one hundred years the British Empire was preserved in world leadership as a result of the Wesleyan Revival which was bom in the place of prayer. He believes that the home is the center of Christian life, and he lives what he preaches. He has found five fortresses of faith against failure in the American home. He feels that no home can fail that gives God (1) the first hour of each day; (2) the first day of each week; (3) the first portion of income; (4) first consid­ eration of every decision; and (5) first place in each heart. He feels that God has planned the entire so­ cial structure and spiritual success of all the nations of the world around the simple family unit — the home.

Rosell's team consists of Hilding Halvarson, Karl Steele, Cy Jackson, Howard Skinner.

The winning Rosell smile has helped spark new courage in many a lonely serviceman.


With Washington's Gov. Arthur Langlie.

After recent TV show, studio phones were jammed for an hour.

APRIL 1993

the merv rosell story


Originally from R och es ter , M innesota , the Rosells

recen tly bought hom e in quiet La Canada near Los Angeles

Vi Rosell, loving and lovable wife and mother, gives Merlynn, 15, culinary hints. Merv's favorite is barbecued spareribs.

They live in peaceful La Canada nestled between San Gabriel and San Rafael mountain ranges. Bikes are fun to ride in a lovely tract that was an olive grove two years ago. 10

American Crusade radio broadcast tapes must be carefully checked for accuracy. THE KING'S BUSINESS

Last year Rosell was on the road 210 days, has few oppor­ tunities for relaxing with his family in California sunshine.

Family altar time is a must on the Rosell agenda. Children and Mom and Dad realize the value of prayer and Bible study.

Garth, 13, reads his Bible as Jan acts as disc jockey. Boys are active in Harvester's Club with Scripture memorization.

When Rosell is home he often studies until three in the morn­ ing, tops off schedule by raiding well-stocked refrigerator. 11

CHRIST OPENED THE TOMB By Louis T. Talbot, D.D. T his is Easter Sunday, the gladdest day in all the year, the day in which we dwell upon the joy- not raised, then those Scriptures passed without vindication. woke Him crying, “Master, carest thou not that we perish?” He arose and rebuked the winds and the waves and they were still. Creation recog­ nized the voice of its Creator.

In opening the tomb He guaran­ teed the truth of His own Word, for in the second chapter of John He declared, “ Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” Here He was referring to the temple of His body, and if it was not raised, then His Word is not true. In opening the tomb He guaran­ teed for me and for every Christian, justification and acceptance with God because in the fourth chapter of Romans it is stated: “Who was de­ livered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.” But if Christ be not risen, then we are in the world without any assurance of our relationship to God. In opening the tomb Christ guar­ anteed for every believer immortality of the body because in the fourteenth chapter of John He declared, “Be­ cause I live, ye shall live also.” But if Christ is not risen, then every tomb in the world is sealed forever. In opening the tomb He served notice upon the godless, Christ- rejecting world that there is going to be a day of reckoning for in the seventeenth chapter of Acts we read: “ Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.” But if Christ is not risen, the world can go merrily on its sinful way with­ out judgment, or fear of consequences. Ills Deity Revealed But far beyond all this, and that upon which all the other things rest, is the fact that when Christ opened the tomb, He settled forever the question as to who He was—“ God manifest in the flesh.” A ll through His earthly ministry, Jesus declared that He was God, but men did not believe Him. He revealed His deity in the temple at the age of 12 when He shattered» the superlative wisdom of the doc­ tors and lawyers by the answers He gave to their questions. He revealed His deity in the little storm-tossed boat on the Sea of Gali­ lee when the frightened disciples

inspiring fact of the resurrection of Christ, that glorious certainty which underlies all the other glorious cer­ tainties of the Christian faith. In opening the tomb that first Easter morning, the Son of God did far more than just come forth from a rock-hewn, government-sealed tomb in the garden of Joseph of Arimathaea. In opening the tomb He guaran­ teed the hopes of all Christians for this life and that which is to come. In opening the tomb He guaran­ teed the truth of the Old Testament Scriptures. Hundreds of years before His birth, sages and seers had prophe­ sied that not only would He be cruci­ fied, but that He would also be raised from the dead. The sixteenth Psalm distinctly says that His body would not see corruption. If His body was

He revealed His deity as He stood before the tomb of Lazarus and said to a man who had been dead four days, “ Come forth” ! “ And he that was dead came forth, bound hand and foot with graveclothes.” Death obeyed the voice of Deity. He revealed His deity when He said to a poor paralytic, “ Son, thy sins be forgiven thee,” because for­ giveness of sins is the prerogative of God. Again He revealed His deity in the Garden of Gethsemane when the rabble came with their swords and staves to arrest Him. Jesus said to them, “Whom seek ye?” They said, “Jesus of Nazareth.” And when He said to them, “ I am,” they fell to the ground as dead men. “ I Am” is one of the names of Jehovah, the name by which God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush. Thus Jesus declared that He and the Jehovah of the Old Testament were one and the same. He revealed His deity on the cross when He opened the gates of para­ dise to a poor, dying sinner. Only God Himself could do this. But now in His resurrection He is “ declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resur­ rection from the dead.” In Revelation l:.l 7, 18 it is re­ corded that the risen Christ appeared to John saying, “ Fear not: I am the first and the last; I am he that liveth and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.” (A.S.V.) He has control over the bodies and the souls of men. He is the Lord of the past, the present and the future. Some day He will open every grave. “Marvel not at this; for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, to the resurrection of damnation.” It is a resurrection to life for the saved but of judgment to the unsaved, continued on page 32 THE KING'S BUSINESS

INS Photo

Chancellor Louis T. Talbot shown giving Easter message in world famous Rose Bowl.


A s I assume the position of Presi­ dent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated, I am profoundly aware of the tremendous responsibility which accompanies this high honor. The thought of this re­ sponsibility is well-nigh overwhelm­ ing. Personal acquaintance with this great institution dates as far back as 1918, when it was my privilege to attend services here and to become more or less acquainted with its great leaders during those years. I think back with sincerest appreciation and greatest respect upon the lives of such men as Mr. Lyman Stewart, Dr. T. C. Horton, Dr. R. A. Torrey, Dr. John Hunter, Dr. John Hubbard, all of former generations here at the Bible Institute and each of whom, along with a host of those great de­ fenders of the faith too numerous to mention, have given of their time, talents, and lives in order that this “ school of the prophets” might con­ tinue its testimony to the glory of God. Great Spiritual Giant Of course in more recent years there is but one man who has be­ come the embodiment of all for which the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and its related schools stand. His name is known and honored across the land. He has consistently stood head and shoulders above his contemporaries as a great spiritual giant of the faith and one who has probably been more widely used of the Lord than any other man of his generation. I refer to Dr. Louis T. Talbot. It is with a sense of regret that I come to this hour because it means a change in administrative responsibilities for both Dr. Talbot and myself. However, we are not thinking of Dr. Talbot stepping down in any way whatsoever; instead, in a very definite sense, we are thinking of him as enlarging his sphere of influence, both in the cause of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the interests of this school to which he has con­ tributed so many of the very best years of his life. And if the Lord tarries, it is my own desire and pur­ pose that we do everything possible to enable Dr. Talbot to remain active in behalf of the Bible Institute as long as his health permits. In re­ lieving him of distractive details and allowing him the freedom of influence

and expression which comes through his public ministry, I verily believe that we are rendering the Christian public a tremendous service. Thinking back over years gone by, and recognizing the outstanding work which these great warriors of the Christian faith have contributed to their generation, I say all honor to them. They finished their course here, they kept the faith, and on the part of those who have already gone to Glory they have received their reward. Surely the Lord raised them up to serve Him in their generation; but their generation is past. We are living in an entirely different day, and we must endeavor to serve our generation as effectively as possible, even as they served theirs. Onr Undivided Attention “ Christian education in the world today” commands our undivided at­ tention and the very best spiritual, intellectual, and financial resources t}iat we have at our disposal. To say that we are living in a different era from that which existed even ten or fifteen years ago is to make a rather trite statement. However, the truth of the statement is perfectly clear to those who are in any way aware of the academic strides which have been taken in the educational world during these recent years. To try to conduct an institution of this type today with the same curricu­ lum, the same methodology, the same approach, as that which prevailed a generation ago would mark this school as being quite outdated and rather hopelessly behind the times. The armed forces statistics revealed the fact that between World War I and II the educational level of the American public was raised by four years of educational training. Where­ as in World War I the average serv­ ice man had only grammar school education, it was revealed that the average training for service men in World War II included four years of high school. In other words, the American public had been trained four years more in school in 1941 than was the case in 1917.

It is well-known, of course, that since the close of World War II, millions of veterans have been trained in institutions of higher learning so that the best available statistics re­ veal the fact that the average male of today has received not only four years of high school training but has gone on to at least two-and-a-half or three years of college training. We conceive it to be the duty of this institution to train young people to meet the needs of the present day. It is our conviction that these needs could not possibly be met with the same amount of training that was offered here a generation ago. In other words, it has become necessary for us to step up our academic train­ ing at least to equal the present-day needs and, by way of anticipation, we would add to those, needs the training which we believe will be necessary during the next 10 or 15 years. We would add this training in an effort to thoroughly equip our grad­ uates to be the spiritual leaders dur­ ing the next generation. It is grossly unfair to ask young people to come to a school such as this and then to provide them with incomplete train­ ing and send them out into a world of intellectually and educationally equipped community leaders. Inevi­ tably, our graduates would suffer by comparison in such an environment and they would be unable to repre­ sent adequately our Lord Jesus Christ. The proclamation of the gos­ pel deserves the very best that we have, the very best that we are, and the very best that we can provide; and this includes the training which we offer students who come to these sanctified halls of learning. Noteworthy Expansion The Bible school movement has de­ veloped and expanded in a most note­ worthy manner during the past forty years. When the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was incorporated in February, 1908, there were only two or three other schools of a similar nature then in existence. It was established primarily to train laymen in the Word of God and to develop them in the things of the Spirit. In those days there were a num­ ber of Christian liberal arts colleges in existence which provided training of a collegiate caliber and at the same CONTINUED 13

By S. H. Sutherland, D.D. President Bible Institute of Los Angeles

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historic truths of our Christian faith. I am glad to state publicly and to put in writing whenever I am called upon to do so, my complete adher­ ence to these magnificent truths of our faith. We believe the Bible to be the Word of God, and because the great fundamentals of our Christian faith are recorded in the Word of God, we take our stand upon these doctrinal truths such as the virgin birth of •Christ; the miracles as re­ corded in the Word; the vicarious atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ; the bodily resurrection of the Lord; and the doctrine that is spoken of as that “ blessed hope,” that “purifying hope,” and that “ comforting hope,” namely the imminent, visible, bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ who will set up His own kingdom upon the earth and who will establish righteousness so that it covers the earth as the waters cover the sea. Premillennial and Dispen­ sational We are definitely premillennial in our eschatological position here at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and its related schools. It used to be recog­ nized that when one stated he was premillennial, it included the fact that he was likewise dispensational in his theological position. But re­ cently there has arisen a school of so-called premillennial believers who say they are premillennial but not dispensational. Without going into the merits of this rather peculiar doc­ trinal position, we state that we are not in the least sympathetic with that view, but that we are both pre­ millennial and dispensational. The Word of God not only de­ scribes for us these and other glorious doctrines, but it also describes very vividly a horrible fact which is every­ where evident; it is the fact of sin. Sin is the root cause of all the de­ plorable conditions in which we find ourselves at this time, both nationally and internationally. Sin- is not merely a psychological influence in the minds of individuals, but it is an objective reality, origi­ nated and propagated by that super­ natural being which the Word of God calls Satan. He is loose in the world today, directing the affairs of evil men, guiding their minds and hearts and leading them into all manner of wickedness. For example, we are hearing a great deal these days about a certain ideology known as Com­ munism. Truly it is one of the most hellish influences which has ever en­ tered the hearts of men. But Com­ munism is simply a program of continued on page 32 THE KING'S BUSINESS

where the principles of Christian Hy­ ing as taught in Scripture are not practiced and, instead, where almost everything to which we are opposed is taught and practiced. I say it is utterly unfair for us to throw our Christian young people into such an environment and at the same time expect them to come out with their mental and spiritual garments un­ harmed and without even the smell of the smoke of unbelief upon them. This'would be a most discouraging outlook were it not for the develop­ ment of the Bible school movement during the past number of years. Whereas the Bible institutes were be­ gun to train merely lay leaders, there has been a forced development of the Bible school program so that the training offered might be adequate for full-time Christian leaders, be­ cause such Christian leaders of our doctrinal beliefs and practices are not being trained anywhere else in suf­ ficient numbers. It is the conviction of the vast majority of Bible school administrators that we must meet this challenge today if we are to render the service to our generation which the founders of the Bible school movement rendered to their gener­ ations. A Christian Education We have mentioned the educational emphasis which must be placed upon our schools today merely because we believe it points up the significance of the development of this move­ ment. However, there are vastly more important reasons as to why we must develop the Bible school program as rapidly and thoroughly as possible in this day in which we live. The world has become so educa­ tionally conscious that it is almost a necessity for a person to have a college education in order to achieve any degree of success whatsoever. However, we are dedicated to the task not merely of providing an acceptable education, but also of pro­ viding a Christian education. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles was founded upon the Word of God. The doctrinal statement which serves as a basis for the theological position of this institution embodies the great historic truths of the Christian faith as they have been defined and re­ defined by the Christian Church throughout the centuries. This doc­ trinal statement must be signed an­ nually by each board member and each faculty member. It is under­ stood that the statement be signed without mental reservation. Personally, I am delighted every time the opportunity is presented for me to reaffirm my faith in these great

time provided the training in the great historic doctrines of our Chris­ tian faith and in the development of the spiritual life of young people. But comparatively few young people were financially able to avail them­ selves of the opportunity of attend­ ing these liberal arts colleges. And so the Bible institute movement was developed in order that young peo­ ple might receive thorough training in the Word of God and go back to their home communities and churches on fire for Jesus Christ to serve as lay leaders. It was the purpose of the Bible Institute founders to provide this training at a minimum of cost to these students. In this way the move­ ment became a distinctive factor in the spiritual life of those areas in which such schools were to be found. Hand In Hand Incidentally, it is interesting to note that education and thorough­ going Christianity have always gone hand in hand. Perhaps it is not well known that what, is now Columbia University was once called “ King’s College,” and that it was established as a thoroughly Christian institution. When the New York papers an­ nounced its establishment in 1754, they said concerning this school, “ the chief thing that is aimed at in this college is to teach and engage the children to know God in Jesus Christ and to love and serve Him in all sobriety, godliness, and richness of life, with a perfect heart and with a willing mind.” This is but characteristic of the founding of many of the great in­ stitutions of higher learning. In fact, practically every private institution of higher learning in the country today was established by denomina­ tional or independent groups on a thoroughly evangelical basis, and with a firm desire on the part of the founding fathers to train young peo­ ple first of all in the things of the Spirit. Unfortunately, the establishment and maintenance of thorough-going Christian colleges has not kept pace with the demand for thorough-going Christian higher education. It is esti­ mated that there are approximately 250,000 Bible-believing people of col­ lege age in the country today. How­ ever, there are not nearly enough Christian institutions of higher learn­ ing to provide training for this great company of young people who desire such training. The only alternative is for them to attend institutions of higher learn­ ing where the Bible is not believed, 14

"If Christ isn't real let me know." She waited three days and when the gods didn't answer she came out, accepted Christ and within six months was used of God to win nine entire families.

One of seven wives, this woman was called "Lock of the Temple" because she spent so much time there praying to her gods. When she heard of Christ she went to the temple and prayed.

ORIENT CRUSADES 100,000 are now taking a basic Bible study and memory course on the islands of the Pacific

The story of the growth of Dick Hillis’ Orient Crusades is a story more fascinating than fiction. It’s the story of a small gospel team with an appointment to preach the gos­ pel to the troops of Free China on Formosa. In two short years it has spread quickly into four strategic lands of the Orient. Its personnel now numbers 29 Americans and 49 Orientals. God has been pleased not only to grant to this group a unique har­ vest but those who have found Christ have been established in the Word through an intensive Bible study and memory course. The course is cen­ tered in the Gospel of John and to date nearly 100,000 in Korea, Oki­ nawa, Formosa and the Philippines are enrolled. On Formosa, Madame Chiang’s prayer group sends a New Testament to every student who com­ pletes four lessons of the course. CONTINUED IS

Photo S tory b y J . Hussell Hillman

A P R I L 1 9 5 3


O R I E N T C R U S A D E S co „«„Ued

Far eastern crisis paves way for

open door to the gospel in Free China

Hillls pays $15 a year for this signboard that asks, "Would you like to be a Christian?" Seekers are given free Bible course.

On crowded Formosa nothing is wasted. Here two women and a child scratch through an ash heap for pieces of unburned coal.



Countryside is dotted with shrines dedicat­ ed to farmers' gods for protection of fields.

Inside view of city temple. Woman spent $75,000 American money to build this one.

Announcer Bill Lieu introduces Hillis at Kao Shung meeting. In back are Mr. Wang, James Chen, Paul Pipkin, Gene Denier. 17

At street meeting in Kao Shung, southern Formosa, over 1,000 people riding bicycles and pedacabs stopped to hear Hillis. A P R I L 1 9 5 3






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James O. Henry, Editor

Palmer Brown, Associate Editor

Catholie Inspired Persecution James Francis Cardinal McIntyre, the newly installed Roman prelate, was honored recently at a testimonial banquet in his honor in Los Angeles by the Catholic Press Council. Sen­ ator William F; Knowland served as a courier for congratulatory mes­ sages from President Eisenhower and Vice-President Nixon and as the prin­ cipal speaker at the banquet. Know- land stated that “the faith of men in their religion will still be triumphant when Communism has become a black memory in the book of the ages.” He was loud in his praise for the Catholic Church in its avowed “ fight for freedom.” One might won­ der if the senator has read the re­ cent reports coming from Colombia, South America, of the Catholic in­ spired persecutions there. In a recent release by the Colombia Confedera­ tion of Evangelicals (Protestants) cov­ ering the period from September 1 to October 31, 1952, the following documented report was given: “ One murder, two physical injuries, five' bombings, four arrests, three closings and thirteen interferences of religious observances.” When the individual is deprived of the right to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience it makes no difference whether the act is carried out in the name of religion or atheism. Guidance by Dial A fortnight ago Los Angeles news­ papers carried the story of a some­ what unique way of a church getting its message out. The way: the listing of two telephone numbers that any­ one can dial on a 24-hour basis to lis­ ten to a 30-second sermonet. The church: Christ Memorial Unity, Rev. Herbert J. Schnieder, minister. Like dialing for the correct time, anyone needing spiritual encouragement may hear a message on the importance of a smile, the value of faith or prayer, or the worth of one’s fellow man. The messages are recorded on a mag­ netic recorder installed by the tele­ phone company and are changed every day. The cost is $25 per month,

per phone. Some evangelicals were wondering if this method couldn’t be utilized in getting out a sound, Christ- centered message to seeking souls. Training in the Home Dr. Raymond B. Allen, Chancellor of the University of California at Los Angeles, in a recent speech de­ clared “ America’s homes need re­ examination to preserve them from threats of the increasing pressure and complexity of modem industrial liv­ ing.” Dr. Allen feels that “ If we don’t find concentration in the homes oh the values of virtue, piety and ideals, then the churches, schools and uni­ versities can’t make up the differ­ ences.” He called for “more group activity within the family to strength­ en the moral fiber of the individuals and, through them the country.” Sol­ omon said “ Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This responsibility can be discharged only by parents, and the family altar is the place to begin the group activity in the home. Dutch Disaster Results The question “Why does God per­ mit sorrow, death, and suffering?” was answered in part at least for the Christian last month in the wake of the burial of 1372 disaster victims of storm-swept Holland. Queen Juliana proclaimed a day of national prayer and mourning for her people. Men and women of all denominations flocked to churches throughout the Netherlands to pray for their land and those bereaved by the great flood. The Queen thanked the free world for the mighty tide of Christian charity displayed toward Holland, declaring, “ The solidarity we knew during the war was suddenly there again.” dews Rush W est More than 1,200 Jaws have fled from the Soviet zone of Germany into West Berlin during the past few weeks. Included among this number

were the occupants of an East Berlin Jewish orphanage who were system­ atically transferred through the Iron Curtain into the safety of West Berlin. Eastern Germans having even a slight tinge of Jewish descent are being forced to flee the onrushing waves of Soviet terrorism. In the face of such incontrovertible evidence as this, the Communist east zone govern­ ment has disclosed that it has sen­ tenced three Germans to prison for acts of racial hatred against the Jews. This move is considered as an effort t® “ soften public reaction against the anti-Semitic campaign being waged in the east.” The National Scene Many encouraging reports have come out of Washington since the in­ auguration of President Eisenhower which indicate a trend toward a re­ turn of morality to our government. The President’s opening prayer in his inaugural address, his call for the opening of a cabinet meeting with prayer, his public worship, his attend­ ance at a morning prayer breakfast of congressional and government leaders all have furnished' a long- awaited inspiration to Christians throughout our nation. But righteousness does not reign in our Capitol. The establishment of a lavish drinking club across the street from the House office buildings was announced recently. Representative James P. Auchincloss (R.—N. J.) is president of the new Capitol Hill Club. Prominent Republican mem­ bers of Congress and the incoming Eisenhower cabinet are among its in­ corporators. Major features of the new club will be a large bar and cocktail lounge with adjoining conference rooms. These are the first such liquor facilities in immediate prox­ imity to the Capitol since before the Prohibition era and the first ever to be directly sponsored by members of Congress. “ Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).



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