King's Business - 1953-04

"If Christ isn't real let me know." She waited three days and when the gods didn't answer she came out, accepted Christ and within six months was used of God to win nine entire families.

One of seven wives, this woman was called "Lock of the Temple" because she spent so much time there praying to her gods. When she heard of Christ she went to the temple and prayed.

ORIENT CRUSADES 100,000 are now taking a basic Bible study and memory course on the islands of the Pacific

The story of the growth of Dick Hillis’ Orient Crusades is a story more fascinating than fiction. It’s the story of a small gospel team with an appointment to preach the gos­ pel to the troops of Free China on Formosa. In two short years it has spread quickly into four strategic lands of the Orient. Its personnel now numbers 29 Americans and 49 Orientals. God has been pleased not only to grant to this group a unique har­ vest but those who have found Christ have been established in the Word through an intensive Bible study and memory course. The course is cen­ tered in the Gospel of John and to date nearly 100,000 in Korea, Oki­ nawa, Formosa and the Philippines are enrolled. On Formosa, Madame Chiang’s prayer group sends a New Testament to every student who com­ pletes four lessons of the course. CONTINUED IS

Photo S tory b y J . Hussell Hillman

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