King's Business - 1953-04

MISSIONARYSYMPOSIUM What can you suggest to a high school student who wants to begin his preparation now for future missionary work?

tions of the Bible— such as Russia be­ ing the “ C ou n try in the North.” When, in fact, the truth is that Rus­ sia is a great benevolent land, loving nothing but peace on earth and good will among men! It is not to be sur­ prised that he has become the vice- president of the newly formed Na­ tionalist Church of China. It is interesting to recall in this connection how, in our youth, work­ ing with the saintly Jonathan Go­ forth, we were privileged to partici­ pate in preaching to thousands of General Feng’s soldiers, and baptiz­ ing not a few, and now to follow the train of events and to come to under­ stand how necessary spiritual dis­ cernment is in mass movements. It is not the question of the masses hear­ ing the gospel, but our associations with those on a higher level whose motives may not be as pure as those of simple folk who listen. There is today, as in the early church, need to realize a difference between the sign of the Cross as seen by Constantine in the heavens, and the power of the Cross that saves the soul on earth. While the Spirit of God is working, and While a determined effort is be­ ing made to weld all denominational ch u rch e s into one great National Church, true believers are not a few, and they continue to carry on the testimony, even in fear and great frustration. A missionary doctor recently ar­ rived in Hong Kong from Hunan. Passing through a large city he and his party were appointed to stay in a hotel over the week-end. On Sunday morning the doctor decided he would try to attend the church service. He arrived to the great surprise of all, and found about fifty people partak­ ing of the Communion. A spiritual message followed. On his return trip to the hotel he noted large Scripture texts on a number of the public bill­ boards. L ik ew ise in many of the large cities the testimony is being carried forward. Let us take courage and discern the fact that as the early Church out- believed and out-lived the totalitar­ ian age into which she was bom, so likewise the younger churches in Asia will do. We need not fear the complete envelopment of the Church at any time by some political system, but in our activities and methods we need to discern not to rely on any organization or system to enhance the Church’s testimony. The early Church made no attempt to share in or rely upon the affairs of state. Its message and strength was spiritual. Separa­ tion from the worldly “ know how” to reliance on the proclamation of the good news is essential.

Also, I think it is urgent that they take time for actual Bi­ ble study. They must be acquaint­ ed with the Word. It is not good enough to get out and say, ‘I was saved in 1952 and I love the Lord Jesus Ch rist and He saves and keeps and satisfies.’ They must have the ability to give clearly God’s plan of salvation.” Dick Hillis Orient Crusades What is the cost of supporting a missionary? “ For 'our field in Africa $80 per month per person is the minimum requirement of which $12 a month is set aside for furlough expense. Children’s allowances are on a graduate scale according to age with a minimum of $12 a month per child.” George Van Dusen Africa Inland Mission “ For supporting a missionary in Bolivia the minimum cost is $75 per person per month of which 15% is withheld for furlough. $30 is required for children over six years of age and $25 for children under six. Of course, the mission­ ary cannot buy equipment from his allowance usually, so he is per­ m itted b y the boa rd to make known a special need from time to time when equipment is needed. Usually this is done when he is home on furlough doing deputa­ tion work. Money is never solicit­ ed, however, the need is made known to the friends of the mis­ sionary so that they might share in the burden.” Mrs. Eldon Johnson Bolivian Indian Mission “ It is seldom realized that when a church or an individual furnish­ es the personal allowance for a missionary, this is not the full sup­ port needed. That missionary needs more than his room and board; he needs equipment, furlough expen­ ses, medical care, and not least of all, representation and administra­ tion through the missionary socie­ ty. These administrative needs are too f r e q u e n t l y overlooked. We would suggest that when money is sent for the personal support of a missionary, that from 5 to 10% be added to help with the general costs of operating the mission.”

“My advice to a Christian high school young person interested in missionary work is concerning that for which any missionary should be noted—all missionaries should be personal workers. The young person could learn to do personal work, dealing with others about their souls’ need. A man is not a good missionary unless he is a good personal worker.” Nathan Walton China Inland. Mission “ I would suggest that a high school person take into considera­ tion the five following suggestions in preparation for future mission­ ary work. First, they should study the book of Acts in their daily de­ votions since that is the great mis­ sionary book of the Bible; second­ ly, they should have appropriate tracts to give out at the right time and by this means experience ac­ tual missionary service now; third­ ly, they should attend meetings, whenever possible, where mission­ aries arje speaking so that they might ask questions regarding dif­ ferent home and foreign fields; fourthly, read as many missionary magazines and books as possible and jot down valuable notes from them; and lastly, they should pro­ mote missions in their Sunday school, young people’s groups and church.” Robert Owen Practical Missionary Training, Inc. “We had a b a sk e tb a ll team come out to Formosa this last sum­ mer and they did a ‘bang-up’ job. They would play -a half of a bas­ ketball game and then we would preach; then they would play the second half of the game. Although those fellows were from a Chris­ tian college, they could have made their visit count far more if they had been able to give a clearer and more fo r c e fu l verbal testi­ mony. “ Now, I would say to the high school youth of America, that they should take every opportunity for giving testimonies in their young people’s meetings, and that they practice giving simple messages.


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