King's Business - 1953-04

a certain manner of life. The system is striking at the very heart of Amer­ ica. It is striking at the American home. It is striking at the very heart of mankind itself. I say we are un- equivocably opposed to those doctrines and ideologies. If such men teach their doctrines with a passionate zeal, it seems a little s t r a n g e that we would be condemned by those whom we would like to have as our friends if we preach the doctrines taught in the Word of God with a like zeal. The truths found in the Word of God are not merely opinions which we hold, but they are convictions which hold us. And we believe that the American way of life is the Christian way of .life; the Bible-centered way of life. And we believe that the only way by which an individual can be se­ cured from the evil influences of Satan is by having his heart regener­ ated and renewed by the quiet work­ ing of the Holy Spirit within him. And it is our conviction that the only really effective way of combating the influences of these God-hating ideologies is to present these truths which are revealed by God Himself in His Holy Word to our young people as they receive their education here for their lives’ work. That is our conviction and that is our pur­ pose for existence as a Christian in­ stitution of higher learning. Separation Is the Key We believe in the present working of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and lives of believers. We believe the key word for Christians today is the word “ separation” ; separation from the things of the world that defile, and separation unto the things of the Lord. We believe it is impossible for a Christian to indulge in so-called “worldly amusements” and at the same time to present an out-and-out Christian testimony. There is much muggy living on the part of Chris­ tians. There seems to be an effort on the part of many to try to conform to the world rather than be “ transform­ ed by the renewing of their minds.” This presents a most unfortunate condition. The world has become un­ certain as to what the Christian position really is, because Christians themselves do not make their posi­ tion clear, either in their lives or by their words. Therefore it is the duty and the glorious privilege of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles to inculcate these clearly defined doctririal and practi­ cal truths into the lives of our young CONTINUED

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