King's Business - 1953-04

FIRST FRUITS from p. 19 (Phil. 3:20,21. All Scripture refer­ ences are from the original text). How foolish is any denial of resur­ rection, says the Apostle, for one stage of the resurrection has transpired in the resurrection of Christ. In the Rapture of the Church (1 Thess. 4: 13-18) Christ as First-Fruits will come to receive His blood-bought harvest, the resurrected and trans­ lated redeemed of this age who will be in His likeness. Blessed indeed is the truth of the first-fruits: for the past it speaks of the accomplished resurrection of Christ (Rom. 4:25); for the present it energizes every service, for we are risen with Christ (Col. 3 :1 ); for the future it grants the hope of the believer’s resurrec­ tion (Rom. 8:11). We worship Thee, O Christ, Thou blessed First-Fruits! DEAD SEA SCROLLS from p. 22 with scrolls were broken and their contents were made visible. The bedouin pulled the scrolls out, tore | off the cloth wrappings, and saw the ancient manuscripts. They tried to sell them to the Moslem Sheikh in Bethlehem, but he referred them to the Syrians in Bethlehem, who pur- ! chased them for their library. Later ; it was learned that another group of scrolls from the same cave had ' come into the library of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The scrolls were first found in the summer of 1947. After study of the passage he had copied, Dr. Trever found it was Isaiah 65:1 word for word. As soon as possible he photographed the scrolls, known first as the Jerusalem Scrolls, but now called the Dead Sea Scrolls from the place of their dis­ covery. It turned out that the two more important manuscripts con- i tained all of Isaiah and a part of a I commentary on the book of Habak- i kuk. The find seemed too good to i be true. In order to have verification of their first judgments, they sent some prints of the manuscripts to Dr. i William F. Albright, Director of the Oriental Seminary at Johns Hopkins University. The same day Dr. Al­ bright received the letter from Jer­ usalem he wrote in reply in his in­ imitably enthusiastic style: “My heartiest congratulations on the greatest manuscript discovery of mod­ ern times! There is no doubt in my mind that the script is more archaic than that of the Nash Papyrus. . . . I should prefer a date around 100 B.C. . . . What an absolutely incred­ ible find! And there can happily not be the slightest doubt in the world continued on page 46

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APRIL 1953


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