King's Business - 1953-04

I— BROWN --- 1 FIVE CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS John Brown University Siloam Springs» Arkansas “ Training Head, H eart and H and" Brown Military Academy San Diego, California Junior High thru Junior College Junior School— 1st thru 6th grades Southern California Military Academy Long Beach, California Pre-Kindergarten thru 9th grade Brown School for Girls Glendora, California 1st Grade thru High School Brown Military Academy of the Ozarks

over, the church will not play a ma­ jor part in its life. Every parent ought to read Matthew 18:1-4 in this connection. The home determines the future of the nation. If every home in our nation were a Christian home America would be impregnable. There is no nation in the world strong enough to overcome a nation of Christian homes. But as the home discards the Bible, the place of prayer, and the fellowship and serv­ ice of the church, the nation dis­ integrates in her moral structure. If America is to be saved there must be a revival of spiritual life and that revival must begin in the homes of America! The Way to Family Unity The best cement for permanently uniting any home is the Gospel of Christ. The family that prays togeth­ er stays together. The family centered in the Word of God and in the Son of God cannot fall. Study carefully the passage assigned for this lesson— Colossians 3:12-17. This Scripture out­ lines the behavior of a Christian in a truly Christian home. These princi­ ples put into practice in the home will insure a happy and united home. Members of the home should practice mercy. Mercy means tender­ heartedness. How the members of a home need to Have a tender heart toward the other members, being more concerned about the welfare of another than of their own. Members of the family should practice kindness. It is a strange thing that in many instances the members of a family are more kind to outsiders than to the members of their own family. This ought not to be. Members of the family should practice humility of mind. It is pride and the refusal to give in that causes much family trouble. How beautiful to see one member of a fam­ ily sweetly acknowledge the superior­ ity or special gift of another member, and to see him do it sincerely and with pride in the other members. Members of the family should practice meekness. This means the practice of a mild disposition toward the other members — being soft- spoken and gracious. Surely “ a soft answer tumeth away wrath” (Prov. 15:1). Members of the family should practice patience. This is “ long-suf­ fering.” When the believer recalls the patience of God with him it seems as if he could, in turn, exer­ cise a little patience with his own family. Members of the family should practice forbearance and forgiveness. THE KING'S BUSINESS

Y O U N G P E O P L E continued is intended to be a soul-winner. If you are not witnessing for Christ and winning souls you need to ask God to forgive you and to enable you to begin now (Acts 1:8). May 10, 1953 "Let's Do Things Together" Col. 3:12-17; 1 Tim. 6:6 This is Christian Home Sunday, and well might we emphasize the im­ portance of the home in such a day as this! If ever there was a need for Christian homes it is now. In our study we shall discuss two lines of thought: 1) the need for family unity; and 2) the way to family unity. The Need for Family Unity There are great enemies of the American home seeking to destroy this most important of all our na­ tion’s institutions. Satan is busy con­ stantly doing all he can to break homes into pieces, to separate mothers and fathers, and to turn little children out of an atmosphere of parental love and care. Every home that is broken is a triumph for the devil and a tragedy for America. Let us note that the home is the most important institution in the world. This is true because the home de­ termines the character of the rising generation. If boys and girls are to be true believers in the Son of God, obedient to the Word of God, and faithful to the Church of Christ, they will become so at home. It is im­ possible to train a generation of be­ lieving children without the assist­ ance of believing parents. It is in the home that lasting impressions con­ cerning the Christian faith are made upoii the plastic minds and hearts of children. The home determines the future of the church. When parents show little or no concern about the church of Christ we need not be surprised if the children do likewise. The greatest crime committed in America today is not that of murder, nor ro b b e ry , nor dope peddling — it is a crime committed by parents against their children! Every child has the right to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour and Lord. Every child has the right to live his life for the Son of God. But the majority of children in our nation are not living in Christian homes, nor are they at­ tending the spiritual instruction of a Bible-believing church. What does this mean for the church? It means that as this present generation passes away and the new generation takes

Siloam Springs, Arkansas 1st Grade thru High School WRITE INDIVIDUAL SCHOOL FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION

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