King's Business - 1953-04

YOUNG PEOPLE continued Our Response to This Amazing Christ Our response should be unques­ tioning. It may have been forgivable that Nicodemus should have ques­ tioned Christ in his amazement (John 3 :9), but no man this side of the cross and the resurrection has any right so to do. Every man ought to confess Christ as his Saviour and experience the blessed new birth taught by Christ in John 3:1-7. When our Lord says that a man must be bom again in order to be saved, let us believe Him, and let us make sure that we have experienced this wonderful transformation. The ques­ tion should be asked each member of your group in all seriousness, Have you been bom again? If there are those present who are not sure, or who have not been bom again, ask them to receive Christ this very mo­ ment, and trust Him for their salva­ tion. Our response should be immediate. In the light of this wonderful Per­ son’s authority, His atoning work, His resurrection, His ascension, and His coming again, let us respond to Him immediately, and let us do His will without holding back (Rom. 12: 11 ). Our response should be in deepest gratitude. Let us thank Him that He loved us enough to die for us, and let us identify ourselves boldly and proudly with Christ and His cause in the world. May 24, 1953 Multitudes Believed Mark 8:1-13; Luke 5:17-26 As you read the Scriptures as­ signed to this lesson you will dis­ cover a' sad truth: not all those who seemed to believe in Christ actually did; in fact, some of those who were loudest in His praise ultimately were numbered among His accusers. There is a tremendously important lesson here on the meaning of true and saving faith. Let us note several lines of thought: 1) there is a seem­ ing faith which is not faith at all; 2) there is a real faith that bears certain unmistakable signs. There is A Seeming Faith That It No Faith At All Mark 8:1-13; John 6 In the passages given under this first heading you will note that our Lord performed one of His notable miracles — that of feeding great multitudes with little food on hand. In the first miracle He fed 4000 people; in another similar miracle He fed over 5000 people. Read the Scriptures and then discuss the fact that these miracles led many people to identify themselves with Christ but only because they saw in Him a meal-ticket, not because they saw

Faith in God and Man Restored by Timely Help A gifted and con­

work, and cares for the children while the wife scrubs floors in office buildings. There is never enough to eat, and our food cartons restored faith in God and man to the .de­ pressed and needy family. With these letters of unbounded gratitude come further appeals for our continued help in Europe and Palestine. W e solicit the prayers and gifts of God’s people to en­ able us to continue our fruitful ministry amongst Christ’s needy brethren. Please do send your gift soon. $10.00 will pay for a big, nutritious CARE food parcel for a needy family in Europe or in Israel. $10.00 a month will support a He­ brew Christian orphan in our chil­ dren’s Home in Germany. An up-to-date News Letter of our work in Europe and Israel will be gladly sent upon request. Address communications to:

secrated Hebrew Christian missionary in Germany writes a moving letter of gratitude for a recent food shipment. He distributed this food personally amongst the poorest of the poor and was able to witness for Christ to each recipient. He speaks of a nurse, thrown out of

her hospital by the Nazis, who suffered pri­ vation and illness. She is now 61 years of age and unable to earn a living. She was once told by a matron of whom she asked work: “Let us drain you of your Jew­ ish blood first . . . !” This Jewess overflows with gratitude for our timely food relief and spiritual comfort. < The missionary also describes a Hebrew Christian family of five, the youngest four months of age. The husband cannot find

The International Hebrew Christian Alliance

Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D., Secretary Dept. K

Canada 91 Bellevue Ave. Toronto, Ontario

U.S.A. 4919 N. Albany Ave. Chicago 25, Illinois

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