King's Business - 1953-04

YOUNG PEOPLE continued brought for healing, He not only healed the body, but He granted for­ giveness for the soul. In other words, the faith these men had was saving faith; it was a faith of the heart, not of the head only (cf. Rom. 10: 9, 10 ). True faith is evident faith (v. 25, 26). When a man is truly saved his life proves it. In the case of the pah sied man, he arose from his bed whereupon he had been lying those many years. So in a spiritual sense the true believer leaves his old life behind him and becomes a new creation in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:17). The healed man departed glori­ fying God (v. 25). Here is an un­ mistakable evidence of saving faith — joy in God. The Lord Jesus Christ becomes the chief subject of conversation, the chief aim in life to the man who really knows Him. Christ makes a tremendous differ­ ence in the believer’s life as far as his purpose is concerned (Phil. 3: 10), as far as the goal of his life is concerned (Phil. 1:21), and as con­ cerning the emphasis of his life (1 Cor. 10:31). The evidence of true faith in the life of a believer is an influential thing (v. 26). "When the onlookers saw what had happened to this man they were amazed. There ought to be that in your life and mine, as be­ lievers, that amazes people — our victory over sin, our joy in adversity, our hope of glory. These people glorified God. Surely more people would do the same if there were more evidences of saving faith in the lives of God’s people. Again, these onlookers were filled with holy fear. The life of the true believer will bring conviction and a fear of God into the lives of many. May 31, 1953 Many Received Power John 1:12; Acts 2:41-47 Reading through the book of Acts at least once a month ought to be a required discipline for every Chris­ tian. This is the book of power. When the Holy Spirit came at Pen­ tecost He came to empower every be­ liever and to make him a witness to the saving and keeping power of the Saviour (Acts 1:8). The bold­ ness, the holy enthusiasm, the vic­ tory over sin and over all opposition was the direct effect of the Spirit of God in the lives of these early Christians. But the spirit of the Laodiceans (read Rev. 3:14-22) is the spirit of the contemporary church. Christ- loving and Bible-believing Christians

must guard their lives against the invasion of this deadening influence. We must seek the power of the Holy Spirit; we must yield our lives to Christ without reserve; and we must pray that He will use us mightily to His glory in these closing days of this dispensation. At the fifth annual Minister’s Convocation held in February, 1953, in Los Angeles, one of the speakers said, among other things, that the church has become “ simply a re­ spectable part of our culture, not the bearer of dynamic power.” As we take up our study let us ask our­ selves if this is all the church means to us! The Power for Sonship John 1:12 Many people try to live like a child of God without being one. It is impossible to live the Christian life until you are a Christian. Many a man does not know how. to become a child of God, and yet the way is crystal clear. If there were no other text in the Bible than John 1:12, any man could still become a Christian just by believing this verse. Note that becoming a Christian is receiving a Person, even the Lord Jesus Christ. The text says, “ as many as received him” became the sons of God. The heart of Christianity is Christ in the heart. You say, “ How do I receive Christ into my life?” The answer is easy: just like you re­ ceive your father, your mother, the members of your family, your friends. You simply take these people into your whole life pattern; they become a part of your life. Now, this is true with Christ. WTien you “ receive” Him you let Him in­ fluence your life. You direct your life according to His will, and you acknowledge Him as your Saviour and Lord. Again, becoming a Christian is becoming a “ son of God.” The text tells us that receiving Christ opens the door for Him to grant the “ power” , or the right, to sonship. There is no other way. God deals with men today only through His Son, who alone can confer the privi­ lege of membership in the family of God. Note that sonship is the birthright of every man — “as many as re­ ceived him.” If you wish to become a child of God, if the desire is really in your heart, then you may, right this moment receive Jesus Christ, and become a child of God. The question is, Do you really want to let Christ into your life? Do you truly desire to become a child of God and to live like one? Then this power is yours; take it now.

The Power for Service Acts 2:41-47

The first activity of the child of God ought to be obedience to the Word of God in Christian baptism (Acts 2:41). Baptism is the public confession of your faith in Christ; it is the donning of the uniform of a Christian soldier; it is an an­ nouncement of your determination to be wholly Christ’s and of your pirn- pose to devote your life to Him and His cause in the world. Have you been baptized? If not, why not? In the next place these first Chris­ tians were stedfast in the observance of every help to Christian growth (v. 42). They remained faithful in their study of the Word of God “ the apostles’ doctrine.” Are you study­ ing your Bible every day? These early believers were faithful in at­ tending the worship services of the church “ and fellowship.” Are you faithful to the services of your church — to the Sunday school, the Sunday morning and evening meet­ ings, the midweek service for Bible study and prayer? How can you ex­ pect to grow in spiritual power if you do not avail yourself of the fel­ lowship of the saints? The early Christians were stedfast in remem­ bering Christ at the Lord’s Supper “ in breaking of bread” . It is Christ’s command that His people at stated intervals should observe the Supper He instituted. This Supper is a me­ morial that reminds the b e lie v e r forcefully of Christ’s death and com­ ing again (cf. 1 Cor. 11:23-34). And the early church was constant in prayer “ and in prayers” . You will grow as a Christian only as you spend time in prayer, both public and private. What was the result of God’s power in the life of the early church? It was a great and mighty influence in the lives of all. in the area (Acts 2:43). This is why God’s power comes into the life of the believer — in order that he might influence others to Christ. "Go Quickly and Tell" “ Go quickly and tell” was the mes­ sage of the angel as the light dawned on that first Easter mom. And down through the centuries since that day have echoed and re-echoed the foot­ steps of those who have seen the risen Saviour, and have proclaimed His salvation to those in darkness. Missions—-the purpose and program of the Church today! Ours is a great responsibility. By God’s grace we will not—we must not— fail to meet it.



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