King's Business - 1953-04

front the editors’s desk “Sew Look”

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W ith this issue of T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s something of a “ new look” has been added. Through the years T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s magazine has served its clientele well. The features included in the paper make it a thoroughly fam ily magazine. It is our desire that these features be retained. Other features are being added wh ich it is hoped w ill prove to be equally helpful in enabling the editors o f T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s to fu lfill our purpose o f providing a magazine dedicated to the spiritual en­ richment and development of the Christian home. Reader reaction to the magazine w ill be greatly appreciated. Additional features wh ich readers desire to be included are solicited. The incom ing editors take this opportunity of expressing sincere appre­ ciation and admiration for the splendid work wh ich has characterized the magazine during the years gone by and especially would we mention the work o f Dr. Wm . W . Orr, until recently the Associate Editor o f T h e K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s , Mrs. Betty Bruechert, the former Managing Editor, and the other members of the editorial staff: Th ey have rendered outstanding service and their labors have been greatly appreciated and enjoyed b y the thousands o f K i n g ’ s B u s in e s s subscribers. Four-in-One T he Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc., is in reality made up of four distinct schools. There is the two-year Bible Institute, the four-year B io l a Bible College, the three-year postgraduate Talbot Theological Seminary and the one-year post-graduate School o f Missionary Medicine. The student body in these four schools totals over nine hundred young people. These students carry on an intensive classroom program w ith heavy study assignments. Furthermore, practically all of them are earning all or most of their w ay through school. In addition to their class­ room work and employment schedule, each student has his own Christian service assignment. M any varieties o f work are conducted b y the stu­ dents; they participate in the great radio programs o f the Bible Institute, they carry on intensive work in child evangelism, hospital visitation, street teams, jail teams, Jewish work, rescue mission work, and they are serving each Sunday in almost three hundred and fifty churches through­ out Southern California as Sunday school teachers, musicians, choir di­ rectors, and leaders in all phases o f church work. This type o f program gives opportunity for the students of B io l a to learn b y serving, as well as in classroom activities. The students need and covet the prayers o f all Christians that they might be given phys­ ical strength to carry on their extremely heavy activities here at school God’s people everywhere are urged to pray daily fo r the school, the ad­ ministrators, the faculty, the students and all who are in any w a y iden­ tified w ith the work o f this honored institution dedicated to the service of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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