themerv rosell story *rGet on fire fo r God and p eop le will com e and watch you b u rn ." W e s l e y said it, Evanyelist 3 ie r v R osell be lieves it. This is the s to r y o f his campaigns and his fam ily
N o comment, class dismissed,” said the professor as he wiped the tears from his eyes. The scene was a homiletics class. The instructor was that dear man of God, Dr. W. B. Riley. The student who had just de livered the speech was Merv Rosell. Rosell received his doctor’s degree from that school, Northwestern Col lege Seminary, Bible Institute of Min neapolis. Today he is one of Ameri ca’s leading Bible-preaching evangel ists. Through itinerant campaigns dur ing his college days to city and state wide campaigns across the nation and the world and to the recent mass evangelistic efforts, his ca re e r has been marked with success from God. His job is “ to evangelize and feed
Vice Pres. Nixon's parents were at L, A. meeting; showed flag that flew at inauguration.
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