King's Business - 1953-04

themerv rosell story *rGet on fire fo r God and p eop le will com e and watch you b u rn ." W e s l e y said it, Evanyelist 3 ie r v R osell be lieves it. This is the s to r y o f his campaigns and his fam ily

N o comment, class dismissed,” said the professor as he wiped the tears from his eyes. The scene was a homiletics class. The instructor was that dear man of God, Dr. W. B. Riley. The student who had just de­ livered the speech was Merv Rosell. Rosell received his doctor’s degree from that school, Northwestern Col­ lege Seminary, Bible Institute of Min­ neapolis. Today he is one of Ameri­ ca’s leading Bible-preaching evangel­ ists. Through itinerant campaigns dur­ ing his college days to city and state­ wide campaigns across the nation and the world and to the recent mass evangelistic efforts, his ca re e r has been marked with success from God. His job is “ to evangelize and feed

Vice Pres. Nixon's parents were at L, A. meeting; showed flag that flew at inauguration.



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