Young Lawyer Spotlight By Devin Kohr, Young Lawyer Section Chair
Peter Lindgren, WSBA: 59348
I grew up in … Olympia, WA where I now work.
Before law school I … worked on and off at the state legislature as non - partisan committee staff.
What I find challenging about being a new/young lawyer is … managing the interests of real clients. Working with real people who have real problems produces a very different kind of anxiety than discussing hypotheticals in the classroom. It is harder to trust yourself and the things you know when the stakes are so much higher. Some helpful advice received from a more experienced lawyer … Do not take everything a client says at face value. Follow up and do your own research. That doesn ’ t mean you can ’ t trust your clients, but you must remember that people are imperfect and tend to present things in a light that is more favorable to themselves. Thoroughness will benefit both you and the client.
I enjoy reading … fantasy, science, fiction, and comic books.
I am happiest when … I have absolutely nothing going on and can do whatever I want.
My idea of misery is … filling out job applications.
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