November 2022 Legal Brief




Thurston County Volunteer Legal Services November 2022

Free CLEs As a way of thanking the legal community for its volunteerism and support, TCVLS provides regular, free CLEs! We have several during October and November. Registration links are below. November 10, 5:30 – 7:00 pm: Minor Guardianship In - Depth presented by Kathryn Eyraud tZUrcO2srT4oGNI - 61shy2MhG0YEMkARe2TA November 17, 5:30 – 7:00 pm: Family Law 101 presented by Forrest Wagner tZUvcuirqTwjHNJY2dUpvmopC2zKOhQ0Tm4N December 1, noon – 1:00 pm: Landlord - Tenant Housing Issues (non - eviction) presented by Carrie Graf and Tyler Graber - GtqT0pG9AzxcBdpUiNCwQqmRO5KUBH

New Staff at the Volunteer Legal Program

Chad Stead : On September 30 th , we said a fond farewell to our VLP manager, Ryan Cole . Fortunately for us, Chad Stead was in transition from his work at the Dispute Resolution Center and we were able to recruit him to be the new program manager for our Volunteer Legal Services Program. Ryan is enthusiastic to get started and will be full - time with TCVLS after November 14 th . Welcome Chad! Ashley Mucino : Ashley joined us at the end of August. Ashley will be our Clinic Coordinator for our rural legal advice clinics in south Thurston, Lewis, Grays Harbor and Pacific counties. She is doing lots to cover Thurston County clinics while Chad is in transitioning into his new role. Welcome Ashley! Michelle Lewis: Michelle joined us this summer as our Resource Development Assistant. She is helping us develop all our resources --- volunteers and donors. She is organizing our fall CLEs and will help us as we get ready for our Spring Breakfast tentatlively scheduled for May 2nd. YAY, Michelle!

Post Pandemic Planning: In January, we will be updating our clinics to increase access for both clients and volunteer attorneys. Each will have choice on whether to attend in person or virtually. About half of the volunteer attorneys at SafePlace already advise clients using video conferencing from the comfort of their homes! The other half are excited to be back interacting with both other attorneys and their clients.

Please contact Chad at if you are interested in volunteering!

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