King's Business - 1965-12


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Dedicated to the spiritual development o f the Christian home T t i e K i n g © B c t s i n e © © A PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INCORPORATED Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman Vol. 56, No. 12 • DECEMBER, in the year of our Lord 1965 • Established 1910 Articles A KING IS BORN — M . R. DeHaan ........................................................ 14 THE BIRTHDAY OF CHRIST — Louis T. Talbot .................................... 16 THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT — V. Raymond Edman ................................. 18 HOW'S YOUR FAM ILY — E. A. Slaughenhaupt ................................. 20 NOT IGNORANT OF HIS DEVICES — Vance Havner ...................... 21 THE WONDERFUL COUNSELOR — Charles A. Wormsley ............ 23 IT HAPPENED IN DECEMBER ..................................................................... 39 A N IGHT OF NIGHTS — Betty Bruechert .............................................. 40 THE SIN NO ONE TALKS ABOUT — Merv Rosell ............................ 43 features MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................. 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ......................... 28 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M . Narramore ........................................ 30 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ..................................................... 31 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .............................. 32 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ...................................... 33 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ........................................................ 34 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLINIC — Chester Larson .......... ........... 36 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. M iller ......................... 37 Columns PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ..................................................................................... 7 READER REACTION ............................................................................................ 10 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE .......................................................................... 13 Cover


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votional message at the Fourth In­ ternational Convention on Mission­ ary Medicine and Missionary Health Workshop, to be held this month at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. Other speakers for the convention will carry out the theme, “ Christian Involvement.” Rev. Horace L. Fenton, Jr. will open the convention with, “Why Get Involved?” Other speakers are Rev. Eugene A. Nida, American Bible Society and Dr. Paul W . Brand, director of orthopedic surgery at Vellore Medical College, Vellore, India. Dr. John A. W itmer, librarian for the Mosher Library, Dallas Theological Seminary, has announced that the Li­ brary has acquired a set of the rare and famous Polyglot Bible known as the “ London” Polyglot, edited by Brian Walton, and pu b lish ed by Thomas Roycroft in 1655-57. The six-volume set, newly rebound in beautiful black calf, is accompanied by the two-volume Polyglot Lexicon prepared for use with the Bible by Edmund Castell and published in 1669. The work is the most accurate and best equipped of the great Poly­ glots. Rev. Robert Dillon, associate secre­ tary of overseas missions for the Evangelical Free Church of America, recently exp la in ed the means by which a $25,000 Cessna 180 plane will be purchased for use by mission­ aries in the Republic of Congo. “We have long felt the need of a plane for our regular missionary effort and also as a means of quick evacuation should trouble arise again. The idea of asking our boys and girls to help finance the plane started as a part of our vacation Bible schools in our many churches. . . .” Model plane

Everett Pippin and Floyd Robinson are two new members added to the Scrip­

ture Press staff in Wheaton, Illinois. Mr. Pippin is the new a d v e r t is in g manager, responsi­ ble for all advertis­ ing such as mailing p ie ce s, brochures, catalogs, and d i ­ rect mail. He has had extensive ex­ perience with lead- ing a d v e r t is in g agencies as well as

M r.Pippin

ing advertising agencies as well as another Sunday school publishing firm. Mr. Robinson has a c cep ted the positionas Eastern United States

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field representative f o r S c r i p t u r e Press. H is t e r r i ­ tory includes all of the East C o a s t from Maine to South C a ro lin a , with his major re­ sponsibility’ s be­ ing a work with C h r is tian b ook -

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store dea lers in making plans and designing pro­ cedures for their handling Scripture Press curriculum products most effi­ ciently. He also conducts clinics and workshops in keeping with the Total Church Program, besides participat­ ing in Sunday school clinics, work­ shops and conventions. W . H. Bueermann, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Western Conservative Baptist T h e o lo g ica l Seminary, has recently announced the election of Dr. Earl D. Radmacher as sixth president of the Seminary. During the past year, Dr. Vance H. Webster has been serving in an in­ terim capacity as Acting President. Dr. Joseph Grimes, who recently com­ pleted the translation of the New Testament into the Huichol Indian language of Mexico, has made a three week survey in Surinam where he received a warm reception from gov­ ernment officials and a showing of genuine interest in what Wycliffe’s spiritual and social ministry can do for their country. Three language groups in Surinam will be the initial target for Wycliffe Bible Transla­ tors’ work in that country. Dr. Paul S. Rees, vice-president-at- large of World Vision, Inc., will chal­ lenge participants with a daily de­

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kits were sent out to the schools, and put together during the craft hours. Pictured above is Rev. Mr. Dillon with his two sons, Mark and Douglas, showing a model of the plane which has recently arrived in the Congo.



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^ } o m e t h i n g o v e r f o r t y y e a r s a g o an. intensely bitter contro­ versy broke open in Canada’s Protestantism. It was triggered by the formation o f the so-called United Church o f Canada, com­ posed for the most part o f Methodist and Congregational churches and approximately half o f the Precbyterian churches of Canada. At that time many devout Bible scholars and faithful ministers thoroughly denounced the whole United Church project. They pointed out that the new statement o f doctrine was simply a thinly veiled modernistic document. It was a most bitter contro­ versy. Churches were split wide open and even families were divided on the issue o f joining the United Church or remaining with their former denominational associations. Typical charges by United Church advocates against those who opposed the move­ ment, were that o f "heresy hunting,” "being unloving,” "acting un-Christ like,” "not expressing the spirit o f Christ,” etc. Num­ bers o f unwary people o f God listened to these early-day defectors from the faith and, in an effort to show their Christian charity, went along with the movement. The voices o f these original pro­ testors have been silenced long since either by death or old age. A new generation has arisen. Now those seeds o f unbelief, sown so many years ago, are producing a frightening harvest. Accord­ ing to news reports, the United Church o f Canada recently intro­ duced to its churches a completely new Sunday School curricu­ lum. These accounts state that this curriculum is "designed to provide a balanced, understandable, outspokenly modern and lib­ eral presentation o f the Christian faith, geared to different age levels from kindergarten to adulthood.” It is expected that more than one million dollars will be invested in this curriculum, includ­ ing preparation, publicity and distribution, within the next two or three years. The Editor-in-Chief o f the United Church Sunday School Publications, Dr. Peter White, states, "Our church’s gen­ eral council and the theologians we consulted agreed with us that whether or not it raised a ruction, we couldn’t double-talk in this curriculum. We decided to be absolutely honest and open.” Cer­ tainly they have been just that! They have followed implicitly the old Graf-Welhausen hypothesis in regard to the origin o f vari­ ous parts o f the Bible. This hypothesis originated and was made THE KING'S BUSINESS

12 d i f f e r e n t helps Sunday by Sunday for better Sunday School leadership. These all- i m p o r t a n t features cover guidance mate­ ria^ also personal de­ votional i t e m s a n d m a n y o t h e r useful aids. Based on Inter­ national Sunday School Lessons. Best by Test — Used by thousands of Sunday School super­ intendents. 92 pages— 3% x 5V, $1.00

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HOW CAN THE JEW know CHRIST STIMULUS A Jewish man heard the witness from an A. M. F. Missionary in Florida. Patiently, with an open Bible the worker focused upon the need for peace in the human heart. Then pointing out some of the 333 prophecies about the Messiah, which were fulfilled in Jesus, he turned to Isaiah 53. RESPONSE The Jewish man read of the one who was “ wounded for our transgressions” . . . and by whose stripes “ we are healed.” Amazed that this was not the New Testament, but his own Jewish prophet Isaiah, his preju­ dice was overcome. He found his own condition portrayed. Best of all he found the One upon whom the iniquity of all was laid. 365 days of the year by personal contact, by tracts, and by radio, A. M. F. missionar­ ies are reaching Jewish people with the message of salvation. Archie A. MacKinney, Director


popular in the Tubingen School o f Theology in Germany about one hundred and fifty years ago. It was thoroughly answered and repudiated by the conservative theologians in the United States, Great Britain and other parts o f the English-speaking world during the last generation. There is absolutely nothing original that these modern-day liberal theologians have contributed so far as this hypothesis is concerned. There is, however, a recrudescence o f teaching along these lines in this generation and, alas, the voices in protest are even more limited than they were in the last gen­ eration! The new curriculum in the United Church o f Canada pompously declares, among other things, "Genesis certainly does not agree with the scientific facts we believe today . . . anyone who attempts to harmonize the two is simply ignoring plain facts.” The story o f Noah and the ark is called a legend; Isaiah was writ­ ten by two men; Daniel was composed after the events prophe­ sied in the book actually had occurred; John did not write the fourth Gospel account. The resurrection o f Christ is quite thor­ oughly repudiated. It is stated in the curriculum that there is "no indication in the books (o f the Bible) o f the way o f salvation through Jesus Christ.” The Editor-in-Chief o f the publication states, "Although this liberal approach to the Bible is revolution­ ary in a Sunday School curriculum, it has been taught in theo­ logical seminaries for forty years.” He adds this rather defensive comment, "People are saying 'thank God we have something positive now to teach, something which is honest and open and not double-talk’ ” . One commentator in the GOOD NEWS BROADCASTER truly appraises the situation: "This so-called 'breakthrough’ is not only a disclosure o f what these liberal or modernist churchmen don’t believe about the Bible and the Lord Jesus Christ; it is also a disclosure o f their deceit and intellectual dishonesty over many years. They have lied to their church con- stituents with regard to the historic Christian faith, covering unbelief with double-talk. Consistent with their warped morality, these leaders now feel they have cleansed their souls by coming into the open with their ridicule o f the Bible and their denial o f the Lord who bought them. There is nothing positive about this new curriculum. It is entirely negative, cutting people off from the anchorage o f the Word o f God and setting them adrift on the sea o f human authority and speculation.” It is indeed startling and alarming to realize that what was bought with such great cost and sacrifice by earnest and devout men and women o f God through the past generations has been so foolishly "sold down the river,” even by well-meaning people o f God in the last generation. Now the oncoming generation will know nothing more than these doctrines o f disbelief which are now being proclaimed in Sunday Schools across the length and breadth o f Canada. History is indeed repeating itself. What might have been a great denominational lighthouse for the propa­ gation o f the Gospel must have it written over the name o f the denomination the tragic word, Ichabod— "the glory o f the Lord hath departed.” DECEMBER, 1965



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ThisChristmas, Give Boks!

SUBSCRIBERS: OLD AND NEW I think perhaps I am one o f the oldest subscribers o f THE K ING ’S BUSINESS MAGAZINE . I’m not sure when I first subscribed, but I think it was 1911, during the Southwest Bible and Missionary Conference at Prescott, Arizona. I knew many o f the early workers— T. C. Horton, “ Daddy” Hillis, and others. I do not like to miss getting the magazine although I am almost too old to read it. I ’ll be 87 years old soon, but the Lord is good and I have good health and eyesight yet. Thank you and may God bless the work. Mr. Ira E. Bell, Albuquerque, New Mexico E ditor ’ s N ote : Are there any older readers who have subscribed since the magazine started in 1910? Please enter a new subscription to THE K ING ’ S BUSINESS. This is a wedding present fo r some friends. We have had this in our home since the day we were married and I know o f no better publication other than the Bible itself that has been as much help to both of us. Mrs. Ernest Weeks, Myrtle Creek, Oregon I would like to subscribe to your magazine, THE K ING ’S BUSINESS. I saw your magazine at a friend’s and was greatly impressed with it in every way. It is truly a Christ-centered magazine, and in these days, this is so important, fo r we cannot even rely upon some supposedly Christian maga­ zines. Yours is one I know I can de­ pend upon fo r the growth o f our spir­ itual lives. Thank you so much, and we will anxiously be waiting fo r our subscription to start. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Foy, La Mirada, California I ju st woke up to the fact that my K ING ’S BUSINESS subscription has expired. We would not know how to get along without it. I am not fully sure, but I believe that I have every copy since it was first printed. I must admit that it is much harder to find the money to keep it coming as we are re­ tired and trying to live on Social Se­ curity and a small pension. W e have had to cut out several magazines. I am a graduate o f Biola, Class o f 1921. Harry F. Sheerer, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida BUNDLE PLAN We are signing up as many members o f our church as possible to receive your magazine all at this one address. We understand that there is a special

INVITATION TO PRAYER Vivian Hackney. Scripture passages, poems, and prayer experiences of others show how prayer changes the one who prays as well as those who come in contact with him. Paper, $1.25 WITH GOD AS THY COMPANION Betty Burns. Devotional thoughts, familiar Scripture passages, hymns, and prayers in a book designed for the reading comfort of older persons. Easy-to-handle size and large type. $2.00 BILL WALLACE OF CHINA Jesse C. Fletcher. Death in a Chinese-Communist prison cell has not conquered the witness of this extraordinary missionary-doctor. $2.95 VOICELESS LIPS Nell Warren Outlaw. Twenty-five poetic devotions using flowers as subjects. $2.50 WHITE WINGS OF SPLENDOR Rosalee Mills Appleby. 102 poignant devotional readings related to a missionary's life and experiences in Brazil. $1.95 FLAMING FAGOTS Rosalee Mills Appleby. In these devotional essays, a missionary shares her vital observations of life and living. Paper, $1.50 DAILY DEVOTION W. R. Crumpton. A devotion for each day of the year with Scripture passage, meditation, prayer, and song. $2.50 DADDY WAS A DEACON Connie Moore Hunt. Daddy was a serious, impulsive, wonderful deacon. Laughter and tears provide insights into a heart-warming Oklahoma family. $2.95 HIS GOOD AND PERFECT WILL Newman R. McLarry. Five brief chapters interpret the will of God in relation to evil and suffering. $1.25 IN HIS STEPS Charles M. Sheldon. This timely novel asks of today’s Christian, "What would Jesus do?” . $1.25 Select BROADMAN BOOKS at your favorite book store BROADMAN BOOKS



rate which is available on “ the bundle plan.” I especially appreciate the good articles by Dr. Vance Havner, and sev­ eral o f them I have kept ju st to refresh my own- heart. Rev. Roger F. Campbell, Calvary Bible Church, Benton Harbor, Michigan E ditor ’ s N ote : Churches which are concerned, for the spiritual growth and development of the various families attending will want to take advantage of the special rate THE KING’S BUSINESS offers when a number of copies are all sent to one address. For further information, write to the Cir­ culation Director, THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS MAGAZINE. MORMON ISM May I recommend Einar Anderson’s book, “ I Was A Mormon,” with a fore­ word by Dr. Louis T. Talbot, fo r your book-review? I am sure your readers would be interested in the history of the Mormons and their church from the beginning up to the present time. Mr. Anderson’s comparisons, scriptur- ally, between the Book o f Mormon and the Bible make it a valuable text-book fo r the Christian interested in this cult, which is grow ing more rapidly throughout America and Europe than most o f us suspect— even in our poli­ tics. Also, there are included some little known facts about the early pioneer- days and American Indians in con­ nection with the Mormons. Their dif­ ferences with the government concern­ ing the law o f the land and their re­ ligious belief in polygamy, which is still being practiced in some parts o f Utah today. Betty Abbott, San Diego, California E ditor ’ s N ote : We reviewed this some time ago in the K ing ’ s B usiness and feel that it is one of the finest texts concerning the unscriptural position of the Mormon church in the light of God’s truth. If your local bookstore does not have this book, ask them to order it. COVER REACTION Regarding the May 1965 cover pic­ ture that was questioned, I certainly can’t see anything wrong with the way the little girl is dressed. I believe that if you have a clean mind, you couldn’t possibly make anything wrong out of that picture. May the Lord continue to bless the work you are doing. Mrs. Jane Emerson, Rialto, California CULTS CRITIQUE Thank you fo r your many fine helps in the Cults column, though it always makes me feel kind of “ sick” to read o f such organized delusions and of the millions that must follow after them . . . but I feel compelled to read for the sake o f knowledge that might be helped in personal work. Mrs. Wanda L. Bradley, Danville, California

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Because of the great need for Christians in all walks of life, Biola is striving to give Christian young -people a well rounded education in the spiritual, academic, cultural, and social aspects of their lives so that they might be qualified to do the task to which God has called them. Majors are offered by the following Divisions: Biblical Studies, Education (including Physical M ore and m ore pastors and Christian leaders are recomm ending. BIOLA COLLEGE LA MIRADA CALIFORNIA

Education and Psychology), Fine Arts, Humanities, Science, and Social Science.




would teach Jesus good man­ ners, honesty, integrity, humil­ ity, unselfishness, obedience, courage — all the great virtues. Mary’s impress as His first teacher would last throughout His life. 1. Mary kept in memory all the wonderful e v e n t s connected with His birth and pondered them (Luke 2:19, 51). It would not be hard fo r her to believe on Him. 2. As she watched Him grow up she knew that the divine nature as well as the human was in Him. She could never forget it. 3. When His own brothers, also children o f Mary, did not be­ lieve on Him (John 7 :5 ), Mary believed (John 2 :5 ). 4. When the Jewish leaders re­ jected and crucified Him, Mary believed. Simeon had predicted to her that a sword would pierce through her own soul (Luke 2 :3 5 ), and it did. 1. Mary’s other children (Mark 6 :3 ) and fam ily responsibilities would prevent her from follow ­ ing Jesus on trips but she some­ times did (Matthew 12:46-50, John 2:1 -12). 2. She certainly followed Him in her thoughts and prayers. 3. Even more, she sought to fo l­ low His great moral and spirit­ ual teachings. She followed Him personally to the cross (John 19:25-27), and was His humble disciple. 1. Like others she worshipped Him after his resurrection (Matthew 2 8 :9 ), and may have before. 2. A fter His ascension and before Pentecost, Mary met in the upper room with the 120 “ who continued with one accord in prayer and supplication” (A cts 1 :1 4 ). Mary was worshipping and praying to her own Son now exalted to heaven. Mary was a sinner saved by grace but allowed to fill a unique place in re­ demptive history. —Faris D. Whitesell III. BEL IEVER IV. FOLLOWER V. WORSH IPPER THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST I Peter 1:19 1. His death was penal. “ Christ hath redeemed us from the curse o f the law, being made a curse fo r us” (Galatians 3 :1 3 ). 2. His death was voluntary. “ No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down o f myself” (John 10 :18). 3. His death was substitutionary. “ For he hath made him to be sin fo r us, who knew no sin” (II Corinthians 5 :2 1 ). 4. His death was valuable. “ For the life o f the flesh is in the blood” (Leviticus 17 :11). — J. Wilbur Chapman


THE VIRG IN MARY Matthew 1:18— 2:23; Luke 1:26— 2:52 The best standard o f assessing any person is by his or her relationship to Jesus Christ. We either rise or fall by our attitudes toward and relationships to Him. The V irgin Mary has received laudation and honor almost equal to that of her Son, the Lord Jesus. That we do well to respect and reverence her, there can be no question; but, at the same time, we should take care not to give her honor and acclaim beyond her due. When we try judging her by her relationships to her Son, Jesus Christ, we see that she held at least five re­ lationships to Him, all honorable but normal. I. MOTHER 1. O f all the women on earth, she was divinely chosen to give Him birth and usher Him into the world (Luke 1 :3 1 ). 2. She did not conceive through relationships with any man, but was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit who gave her conception (Luke 1 :3 5 ). 3. From the time o f conception to birth, she knew that the child she carried was the Holy One o f God and Joseph knew it too (Matthew 1 :2 0 ). 4. Mary went through all the nor­ mal pangs o f childbirth that night in Bethlehem when she bore Him and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes (Luke 2 :1 2 ). 5. As her first-born she cherished Him dearly, as any good moth­ er would. She took care o f Him as an infant and grow ing child fo r she saw Him grow “ in wis­ dom and stature and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2: 52). 1. A Jewish boy was under the tuition o f his mother until about five years old, when he went to the synagogue school. While n o t recorded in the Word, we can supply many de­ tails about Maty as His teach­ er. 2. With the vivid memories of His miraculous c o n c e p t i o n and birth, Mary must have taken unusual care to teach Jesus as a child. 3. She would teach Him to talk, to walk, to eat, to sing, to pray, to memorize the Hebrew Scrip­ tures, and to be kind and help­ ful. 4. Knowing the great mission He was to perform , Mary certainly II. TEACHER

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T h e B ib l e c o n t r a d ic t s itself, and therefore, cannot be the infallible Word of God.” This is the constant accusation of the skeptics and un­ believers hurled against the Scriptures, and the reason given for rejecting it. As an illustration of a “ Bible contradiction,” the announcement o f the angels at Jesus’ birth is given. The angels, in announcing the coming of the Lord Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and the King o f Israel, promised “ peace on earth” by the coming of Christ. In Luke 2:13-14 we read, “ And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” The critics of the Bible say that although this promise was uttered almost two thousand years ago, nothing of the kind has transpired in the world. Instead, the history of the nations these past nineteen hundred years has been one of al­ most uninterrupted war and distress. The past generation has seen the two greatest, most terri­ bly destructive wars in all history, and today the nations are madly trying to avert the next world war with its almost certain annihilation of civili­ zation in this atomic age. Where is this peace which the Prince of Peace was to bring? Thus do the skeptics challenge the Word of God. To make the situation still more perplexing, they refer us to the words of the Lord Jesus Him­ self, which seem flatly to contradict the angels’ announcement. Some thirty years after the angels announced, “ Peace on earth” as a result o f the coming of the Prince of Peace, we hear the Prince of Peace saying, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword” (Matt. 10:34-36). The angels an­ nounced peace on earth, but Jesus says, “No peace on earth.” Actually, this was in harmony with all the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. To­ ward the end of His ministry, He began to in­ struct His disciples concerning the course o f this age. They had confidently expected that when the Messiah came immediately He would deliver Is­ rael, and usher in the Kingdom Age of peace and prosperity, so vividly described by all the Old Testament prophets. Their expectation must have been greatly heightened as they recalled the prom­ ise of the angels, “Peace on earth.” Again and again they had asked Him, “Wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” They ear­ nestly and confidently expected Him at any mo­ ment to set up this Kingdom of Peace. Then the Lord shatters all o f their hopes as He begins to reveal to them that at that time He would not establish the Kingdom of Peace at all, but instead He was going to the Cross, be rejected of men, and instead of peace, only war would re­ sult. So we hear Him saying to these bewildered followers, “ Take heed that no man deceive you.

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For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earth­ quakes, in divers places. All these are the begin­ ning of sorrows.” This is the prophetic picture of this age which our Lord Jesus Himself presents. Introduced by His coming with the promise of peace, it resulted in the Cross instead, and the return of the Prince of Peace to heaven without bringing peace on earth. So we are led to ask the question once again, “Were the angels mistaken about ‘peace on earth’ ?” The answer lies in the correct dispensa- tional, prophetic interpretation of the words of our Lord Jesus. To be sure the angels said, “peace on earth,” but it could only come upon the con­ dition of acceptance of the Prince o f Peace by the nation to whom He was sent. When the Lord Jesus Christ came, He offered the Kingdom upon the condition of repentance. Had they received Him this way, He would have brought in the age of peace immediately. According to God’s eternal, foreknown plan, however, this could not be at this time. The angels were not mistaken. Their words will find fulfill­ ment, when this same Jesus who died on the Cross shall come again in power and great glory, at the end of this age. Then shall the “nations beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks” (Isaiah 2 :4 ). Then it will be that they “ shall learn war no more.” God had a plan (an unrevealed mystery) based on His perfect foreknowledge and designed from eter­ nity. God was not taken by surprise. In hundreds of prophetic statements, He had foretold all these things. The rejection of Israel during this age, their wandering among the nations, and their regathering at the end time, are all clearly, un­ mistakably predicted. A lso included in God’s plan was not only the Kingdom nation of Israel, but also the mystery of the Church, the Body and Bride of Christ. Jesus said, “And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring.” These consti­ tuted the Body of Christ, the Church, which, dur­ ing Israel’s rejection, would be called out. This was the mystery hidden in the Old Testament, not made “known in other ages.” To redeem this Church as well as Israel, the Lord Jesus Christ must go to the Cross and shed His blood for their redemption. He must die if they were to be saved.

This death only could be accomplished by the re­ jection of the Messiah by His own people when He came the first time. It was all according to God’s plan which we, with our finite minds, cannot grasp. We raise a thousand questions. What if the nation o f Israel had accepted His offer? Would the Cross then have been by-passed? If the nation had received the Saviour, would He then have immediately set up the Kingdom of Peace? These are foolish and ignorant questions because of our limited under­ standing. They are problems only in our finite minds* God knew all of this beforehand, and the rejection and the Cross were all a part of His eternal plan. Before the Kingdom can come in, the Church must first be gathered out from among the Gen­ tiles, and so God’s covenant nation is set aside until the Church, the Body of Christ, is completed. Paul tells us in Romans 11:25 that, . . blind­ ness in part is happened to Israel, UNTIL the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.” By the rejection of the Christ by Israel, the way for the salvation of the Gentiles was made possible by the death and the resurrection of our Lord. When this Body, the Church, is complete, the Messiah will come back. Israel will be re­ deemed and regathered, and the glorious millen­ nial Kingdom of Peace set up in fulfillment of the words o f the angels, “ Peace on earth, good will toward men.” What a glorious future awaits the redeemed nation of Israel. Concerning this Paul says, “Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, . . . how much more their fulness? For if the casting away of them (Israel) be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?” Soon the Prince of Peace will return the sec­ ond time, and then shall the world know abiding, lasting and never-ending peace. Until then, “wars and desolations are determined upon the earth.” There can be peace for the individual, however, even though there can be no peace among the na­ tions during this dispensation, for where Jesus is, there truly is peace. While there is no peace on earth among the nations, there is and can be peace in the heart of every believer. As the war clouds loom, the nations raging in commotion, the shadow of atomic destruction deepening about us, we can have peace within our hearts in the midst of the storm. Perfect peace and relief from fear come to those who trust the rejected Prince of Peace, for He is our peace. You too can have peace, because when you trust Him, you know your sins are forgiven, peace because you know that all things work together for good to them that love God; peace because we know that soon He is coming again to bring universal peace to this old, war-torn world.






sage to sinners has been to believe on Jesus, who died for their justification. Strange though it may seem, nevertheless the truth remains, Jesus was born to die. He turned aside from the ivory palaces, not that He might become an Example for us to follow, but to die as the Sinless Substitute for Sinners. C. H. Spur­ geon, that prince of preachers, declared that his theology could be expressed in four words: “ Christ died for sin.” Jesus, then, clothed Him­ self with our humanity that He might take upon Himself the load and curse of our sin. Let it not be forgotten that He was born a Saviour, and that Mary herself recognized the stupendous truth when she said, “My spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.” The question for you to answer, my friend, is clearly evident. Is this Saviour, who entered into our world over 1900 years ago, your personal Saviour? Although He came as the Saviour of the world, such a fact will not avail on your behalf, unless He is your very own Saviour. He came to save from sin. Has He saved you? Born in Bethlehem’s manger, has He been born within your heart? Christ Came to Renew Fellowship Our Lord’s incarnation, crucifixion, and resur­ rection form a triad of truth our minds never tire of meditating upon. We have already indi­ cated the vital association between Christ’s birth and death. Let us now think of the union existing between His birth and resurrection. In the virgin womb of Mary, the human body of Jesus was fashioned. In the virgin tomb of Joseph, the glori­ fied body of Jesus was prepared. And the Holy Spirit was responsible for both miracles. By His broken body, Christ made possible our salvation. But had His body remained within the grave, we would have been of all men most miserable. The truth of the gospel, however, is that although delivered for our offences, He was raised again for our justification. As some of the early fathers were wont to explain it, the resurrection was God’s Receipt for Calvary. And how true this is ! Hallelujah, the debt has been paid! Further, Christ’s own resurrection was not only the evidence that the demands of God’s holy law had been fully met, and that, if he be in Christ, the sinner is justified; but that resurrec­ tion is also a pledge that one day believers shall be raised from the dead or changed “ in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,” their bodies made like unto His glorious body, their natures capable of fellowship with God through eternity. My friend, have you this hope? Do you believe that the Christ whose birthday we recognize at Christmas, and who died and rose again, is to re­ turn before long? Some of us believe that His coming is at hand. This may be our last Christ­ mas. Who knows? Are you ready? If not, then why not fill the heart of Jesus with joy this Christ- mastide, by surrendering yourself unreservedly to Him? Give Him a Happy Christmas. Receive Him as your Saviour, and then at His coming He will receive you unto Himself.

A t t h i s TIME o f the year, when men’s thoughts i turn to the coming into the world of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is well for those who know and love Him to recall clearly just why our Saviour came to earth. What is the true significance of His birthday we celebrate at this season of the year? We know, of course, that He lived before He was b om : that by His birth we mean the beginning of His appearance in human form. Hundreds of years before the Incarnation, the Holy Spirit drew portraits of the coming Messiah, the Christ of God. And these inspired word pic­ tures, preserved for us in the Word o f God, em­ phasize the purpose of Christ’s birth according to the flesh. There are at least three truths wrapped up in the glorious truth of our Lord’s incarnation. Christ Came to Reveal God “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom o f the Father, he hath declared him” (John 1 :18). In Old Testa­ ment days, men knew something of God. The psalmist speaks of the heavens as declaring the glory of God and of the firmament as showing His handiwork. But there is more to be known o f God than can be grasped through this revelation in nature. And Jesus, as He walked among men, brought that fuller understanding. He said, in effect: “ I am God uncovered; I am God unveiled.” If one would know who God is, and understand something of His nature and work, he must study the four Gospels, for therein is Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, revealed as Immanuel, “God with us.” In the days of His flesh, Jesus could point to Himself and say, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” If we want to know what God is like all that we have to do is to study the words, works, and ways of His Son. Let this truth, then, be uppermost in our minds at the Christmas season, namely, that Christ came as the culmination of the revelation of the Father. The very word incarnation means to embody in flesh. Christ, then, by His birth became God mani­ fest in the flesh. And it will not be forgotten that Jesus not only revealed and reflected God: He was God. Christ Came to Redeem Man He came to do a work of atonement, by means of which men alienated from God because of their sins, might live forever in His holy presence. To make possible this blessed relationship, Christ, the Sinless One, came into the world to die. He could say, as no man could ever say, “ I lay down my life. . . . No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself” (John 10:17, 18). Neverthe­ less, “The wages of sin is death,” and those wages must be paid. Justice must be satisfied. Penalties must be met. No mortal man could meet the re­ quirements of divine law, but the Lord Jesus Christ incarnate, became the sinner’s Substitute, and on the cross of Calvary the sin o f the world was rolled upon Him. Since that day, God’s mes­



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