would teach Jesus good man ners, honesty, integrity, humil ity, unselfishness, obedience, courage — all the great virtues. Mary’s impress as His first teacher would last throughout His life. 1. Mary kept in memory all the wonderful e v e n t s connected with His birth and pondered them (Luke 2:19, 51). It would not be hard fo r her to believe on Him. 2. As she watched Him grow up she knew that the divine nature as well as the human was in Him. She could never forget it. 3. When His own brothers, also children o f Mary, did not be lieve on Him (John 7 :5 ), Mary believed (John 2 :5 ). 4. When the Jewish leaders re jected and crucified Him, Mary believed. Simeon had predicted to her that a sword would pierce through her own soul (Luke 2 :3 5 ), and it did. 1. Mary’s other children (Mark 6 :3 ) and fam ily responsibilities would prevent her from follow ing Jesus on trips but she some times did (Matthew 12:46-50, John 2:1 -12). 2. She certainly followed Him in her thoughts and prayers. 3. Even more, she sought to fo l low His great moral and spirit ual teachings. She followed Him personally to the cross (John 19:25-27), and was His humble disciple. 1. Like others she worshipped Him after his resurrection (Matthew 2 8 :9 ), and may have before. 2. A fter His ascension and before Pentecost, Mary met in the upper room with the 120 “ who continued with one accord in prayer and supplication” (A cts 1 :1 4 ). Mary was worshipping and praying to her own Son now exalted to heaven. Mary was a sinner saved by grace but allowed to fill a unique place in re demptive history. —Faris D. Whitesell III. BEL IEVER IV. FOLLOWER V. WORSH IPPER THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST I Peter 1:19 1. His death was penal. “ Christ hath redeemed us from the curse o f the law, being made a curse fo r us” (Galatians 3 :1 3 ). 2. His death was voluntary. “ No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down o f myself” (John 10 :18). 3. His death was substitutionary. “ For he hath made him to be sin fo r us, who knew no sin” (II Corinthians 5 :2 1 ). 4. His death was valuable. “ For the life o f the flesh is in the blood” (Leviticus 17 :11). — J. Wilbur Chapman
THE VIRG IN MARY Matthew 1:18— 2:23; Luke 1:26— 2:52 The best standard o f assessing any person is by his or her relationship to Jesus Christ. We either rise or fall by our attitudes toward and relationships to Him. The V irgin Mary has received laudation and honor almost equal to that of her Son, the Lord Jesus. That we do well to respect and reverence her, there can be no question; but, at the same time, we should take care not to give her honor and acclaim beyond her due. When we try judging her by her relationships to her Son, Jesus Christ, we see that she held at least five re lationships to Him, all honorable but normal. I. MOTHER 1. O f all the women on earth, she was divinely chosen to give Him birth and usher Him into the world (Luke 1 :3 1 ). 2. She did not conceive through relationships with any man, but was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit who gave her conception (Luke 1 :3 5 ). 3. From the time o f conception to birth, she knew that the child she carried was the Holy One o f God and Joseph knew it too (Matthew 1 :2 0 ). 4. Mary went through all the nor mal pangs o f childbirth that night in Bethlehem when she bore Him and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes (Luke 2 :1 2 ). 5. As her first-born she cherished Him dearly, as any good moth er would. She took care o f Him as an infant and grow ing child fo r she saw Him grow “ in wis dom and stature and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2: 52). 1. A Jewish boy was under the tuition o f his mother until about five years old, when he went to the synagogue school. While n o t recorded in the Word, we can supply many de tails about Maty as His teach er. 2. With the vivid memories of His miraculous c o n c e p t i o n and birth, Mary must have taken unusual care to teach Jesus as a child. 3. She would teach Him to talk, to walk, to eat, to sing, to pray, to memorize the Hebrew Scrip tures, and to be kind and help ful. 4. Knowing the great mission He was to perform , Mary certainly II. TEACHER
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