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This combination o f two years o f college and three years at the Institute has been reached after years o f research and study in view o f the growing importance o f degrees on the mission field and in other areas o f Christian service. • BIBLE INSTITUTE DISTINCTIVES MAINTAINED These distinctives include the central place o f the Bible in the curriculum, required practical Christian work, the nature o f Christian char acter, the emphasis on evangelism and world wide missions, and the proper place and use o f music in the work o f the gospel. It is the earnest prayer o f the Institute adminis tration that many young people will find the new program a challenging one. As they come to the Institute to prepare for lives o f useful ness to our Lord, they will find a congenial campus atmosphere, fellow students charac terized by academic excellence, high character, seriousness o f purpose with definite goals. Graduates o f the new degree program will take their place along with graduates o f leading universities, having the broad general and professional education expected o f leaders in today’ s world. CW - Y / m President . Admissions Office DePf- ,2K5 Please send me the new 1966-67 catalog with complete ■ information. Name—-------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- | Address_________ ________________________________________ • City________________State-----------------------Zip--------------------- I Age________________________ Grade_______________________ 29 I Moody Bible Institute | Chicago, Illinois 60610
The Institute is pleased to announce not only a much strengthened three-year study program, which has been offered for many years, but a new five-year degree program. While continuing to offer high school gradu ates a diploma for the historic, three-year Bible-centered curriculum, the Institute will offer in addition (effective June, 1967) a bach elor’ s degree for two years o f work at an ap proved college plus the three years at Moody Bible Institute. Two degrees will be issued, the bachelor o f arts and the bachelor o f science. • THE B.A. DEGREE This degree will be offered with majors in Bible- Theology, Foreign Missions, Jewish Missions, Pastoral Training, Christian Education, Church Music and Christian Education-Music. The academic requirements for the B.A. degree are: 60 hours o f general education taken elsewhere, and 93 hours o f Institute training. This in cludes biblical and theological studies, sub jects contained in a Christian ministries core, and a departmental major. • THE B.S. DEGREE This degree will be offered in Missionary Tech nology (in either o f two majors: radio or avi ation) and Missionary Nursing. Requirements for the degree in Missionary Technology will be 30 hours o f general education plus the pres ent four-year program. The degree in Mission ary Nursing will be granted to students who complete the work in the Foreign Missions major and have an R.N. There will be no significant changes in the established three-year curriculum leading to a diploma, but more hours o f Bible will be offered in the new program. DECEMBER, 1965
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