book reviews
A staff of sixte n dedicated Christian psycho logists and professional counselors plus one full time medical doctor. Evaluation and therapy for personality, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, pre mar iage, mar iage, parent-child, vocational, and educational problems. Fees are minimum. DR. CLYDE M. NARRAMORE, Director PHONE MU 1-5669 THE CHRISTIAN COUNSELING CENTER 35 So. Raymond Pasadena, Calif.
the Catholic church, not only in this nation but also throughout the world, will be particularly interested in fac tual information contained in this third American edition. Very time ly, it is designed to shock both Prot estants and Catholics relative to the ecumenical movement and contem porary reforms the church has been proposing. It is an interesting col lection of documentary evidence which needs to be analyzed carefully by every thinking Christian. The book traces Catholic power in our modern society. It also shows that Roman Catholics are subjects of the church first and citizens of the state second. Inroads into world organiza tions are pointed out showing more recent developments, such as the Buddhists’ suicides by fire in South Vietnam. Mr. Manhattan, whose home is in England, is also author of “ The Vatican in World Politics.” 414 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub lishing House, Grand Rapids, Michi gan; $5.95. Scientific sur veys revea l that eighty million adul t Ame r i c an s (which is 71% of the population) over 21 years of age, drink intoxi cating beverages. Alcoholism is now admittedly in the epidemic stage in the United States. Ten percent of the population or 19,000,000 people are alcohol-dependent and five per cent or 9,500,000 are actually alcohol ics. These staggering, apalling fig ures mount daily. Medical help offers no real cure. The author draws on years of research and practical ex perience to point out distinctive divi sions of the road from the “ abyss.” Case histories and personal experi ences give guidance for those who are truly concerned. Knowing the vast number of Christian friends whose children or relatives are being degraded by alcoholism, we are sure the excellent material will be help ful. Mr. Dunn does more than simply talk about the problem; he provides an actual clear-cut Christ-centered solution. Mr. Dunn himself became an alcoholic, while following a prom ising career in the field of advertis- God Is For The Alcoholic by Jerry G. Dunn
Judson Concordance To Hymns by Thomas McDormand and Frederic S. Crossman While there are many volumes written concerning the way in which hymns came into existence, this is an extremely helpful volume for those who seek to arrange programs and services by utilizing appropriate music. How often have you tried to think of the name of a hymn but were only able to remember some phrase or line in the song? Even as a Bible concordance enables one to locate a scripture verse with only a word or two, so here one is able to lo cate hymns in this same manner. The Use of one’s own hymnal rather than a denominational publication is en couraged, which enhances the value of the book. 375 pages; cloth; the Judson Press, Valley Forge, Penna.; $7.50. After writing eleven books of a non-fictional nature, the author spent several years searching for a true story on which to base a novel. The book is centered on St. Simons Is land, Georgia and deals with Anson Dodge who came to the area in 1879 where he visited his father who managed the vast lumber interests on the island. He had come with high ideals to help bring peace to a Civil- War-tom South. The major heart break he experienced, however, was to find that his father, although charming and polite, was at the same time cruel and selfish. The young man tried to drive him back to the North. Miss Price declares that she cancelled speaking engagements for two years in order to do the exten sive research required for the new novel. The names of those used in the book are actual. — 284 pages; cloth; J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; $4.50. The Beloved Invader by Eugenia Price
I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen
Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam
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urgent Unlimitedopportunities in India and West Pakistan for women doctors, nurses, technicians and evangelists to reach the neglected women of the Orient. Unless Woman Doctors are added to Staff of some hospitals our ministry must be greatly curtailed. Young Christian women are also urgentlyneeded for orphan age, rescue home and Bible training school in India, and high school and Bible training school in Japan.
Vatican Imperialism In The Twentieth Century by Avro Manhattan
THE WVMS, founded in i m , is undenominational and evangeli cal. Write for information and literature. Woman’s Union Missionary Society 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010
Those who are concerned about the alarming and mounting power of
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