ing and sales promotion. In a Texas prison he found the Lord as his Sav iour while reading the Bible. He is now an ordained Baptist pastor and on the staff of the Open Door Mis sion in Omaha, Nebraska where he is director of rehabilitation. — 205 pages; cloth; Moody Press; Chicago, 111.; $3.95. BOOK ENDS________ (A Review of Current Publications) BILLY SUNDAY by D. Bruce Lockerbie. 64 pages; cloth; Word Books, Waco, Texas; $3.50. The 8’/j x 11 size publication will bring back many fond memories of those who had the opportunity of hearing the outstanding evan gelist. Replete with pictures of various cam paigns, the publication reveals an entire era of American living when God used a dedicated man to reach lost souls for Christ. Pictures of some of his famous sermon notes are included. Pub lishers also have a recording featuring high lights of Billy Sunday's ministry. PLEASE GIVE ME A DEVOTION OF GLADNESS by Amy Bolding. 108 pages; cloth; Baker Book house, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. Based on the general theme of joy, the author has prepared 25 short messages which will be practical for those who are interested in illustrations, poetry and apt quotations. Mrs. Bolding has written sev eral other books of a similar nature. PRAYING WITH AUTHORITY by Theodore H. Epp. 124 pages; paper; Back to the Bible Pub lishers, Lincoln, Nebraska; $.39. The author's material is combined wnh messages by Dr. G. Christian Weiss on "Progress in Prayer," and Dr. ord L. Morrow on "Hindrances to Answered Prayer." Ihe publication will be extremely help ful to any believer seeking to grow in grace. THE PUZZLES OF JOB by Dr. Ord L. Morrow. 123 pages; paper; Back to the Bible Publishers, Lincoln, Nebraska; $.39. As the associate radio minister with Dr. Theodore H. Epp on the inter national broadcasts of the Back to the Bible, Dr. Morrow has made some excellent and practi cal illustrations to our modern-day living, based upon the experiences of Job. Thè author points out that the Bible has an answer for all of life's difficulties and problems. THE TEN CGMMANDMENTS by Ronald S. Wal lace. 181 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub lishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. Relating the Gospel to the important ethical questions of today, the author points out that the Ten Commandments are still central to Christian liv ing, despite what "new moralists" may attempt to proclaim. Each of the commandments is ana lyzed by the Scottish professor who is currently teaching at Colombia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Ga. THE GIST OF THE LESSON (1966) edited by Donald T. Kauffman. 127 pages; paper Fleming H. Revell Co., Westwood, N.J.; $.95. Originated by Dr. R. A. Torrey, the concise exposition of International Sunday School Lessons for 1966, is prepared by the author who is currently manag ing editor of the Revell Company. Practical applications, historical background and essential information is a part of this digest. ILLUSTRATING THE LESSON (1966) by Arthur House Stainback. 121 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co.{ Westwood, N.J.; $1.50. W ith more than 400 illustrations, many of which are fresh and current, this publication will give invaluable help to the Sunday school teacher who is in terested in livening his presentation with practi cal thoughts. The author prepared a similar volume for last year which was very well re ceived and widely used. A GOOD STEWARD by George A. E. Salstrand. 76 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mien.; $1.00. All too few preachers have led their people in the area of Christian giving. It has been left to a hit-or-miss discus sion and as a result many believers have missed out on this most vital dimension of spiritual growth. The author has been capital fund-rais ing director for one of the large denominations. The main teachings of the Bible on the subject of Christian stewardship are evaluated. HALLEY'S BIBLE HANDBOOK by Henry H. Halley. 860 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.95. W ith more than 2,000,000 copies in print, the newly-revised edition of this outstanding abbreviated Bible commentary is now available. Interesting archae ological discoveries are added to the edition with concise church history and background in formation on how we got our Bible.
THE HILL OF THE LORD by Edward Longstreth. 125 pages; cloth; J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadel phia; $2.95. A series of studies of Biblical char acters, mostly from the Old Testament. Emphasis is upon the person's relation to God. The author is known for a number of Biblical plays which he wrote and for his radio network programs. THE DOUGLASS DEVOTIONAL by Earl L. Doug lass. 385 pages; cloth; J. B. Lippincott Co., Phila delphia; $2.95. Daily devotional pieces for each day of the year by the editor of the Douglass Sunday School Lessons. CHRISTIAN WRITERS HANDBOOK by Janice Gosnell and Mary Allen Powell. 126 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago; $1.50. A very useful sum mary of the essential elements in Christian writ ing, with specific examples of editorial work on manuscripts, and an analysis of the various mar kets available. THE ABOLITION OF RELIGION by Leon Morris. 111 pages; paper; Inter-Varsity Press, Chicago; $1.25. A startling title, but what the author seeks to do is to present a counter-attack upon certain recent books which attempt to develop a form of Christianity that is not really Christian, for ex ample, J. A. T. Robinson's Honest To God, and the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Paul Til lich. THE PURITAN HERITAGE: AMERICA'S ROOTS IN THE BIBLE by Joseph Gaer and Ben Siegel. 256 pages; paper; New American Library, New York; $.75. The Puritans really set out to estab lish a theocracy, not a democracy, in the new world, say the authors. Based upon thorough re search in seventeenth century literature, the book traces the effect o f men like Cotton Mather and Jonathan Edwards upon American life. There is a substantial bibliography. LIVING CAN BE EXCITING by Aaron N. Mickel. 148 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. Sixteen sermons on lively subjects pertaining to the Christian life. The author is pastor of First Congregational Church, St. Petersburg, Fla. IT TOOK A MIRACLE! by Herbert L. Bowdoin. 126 paaes; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Co., West- wood, N.J.; $2.50. Biography of a prominent evangelist, telling the story o f his conversion from drunkenness, and his ascent to the revival plat form. As Billy Graham had a large influence on him, his methods are in some respects similar to Graham's. SERVANTS OF SERVANTS: THE WORK OF A CHRISTIAN MINISTER by Paul M. Miller. 236 pages; cloth; Herald Press. Scottdale, Pa.; $4.50. These messages were delivered as the Conrad Grebel Lectures for 1963. "He describes the ser vant as 'a preacher o f the Word, a counselor, a leader in worship, and an assistant to the church as it does God's work in the world" (jacket). CHRISTMAS MESSAGES by Leslie B. Flynn. 113 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $1.95. Eleven sermons on themes pertaining to the nativity. Fresh approaches, stimulating out lines, and lively illustrations make the book a useful stimulant to pulpit ministry. IT'S YOUR TURN NOW! by Jack R. Noffsinger. 64 pages; cloth; Broadman Press; $1.25. Guid ance for young people as they emerge into ado lescence, with a strong pull toward a life dedi cated to the Lord. THE WORD OF THE LORD FOR SPECIAL DAYS by J. Ralph Grant. 174 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. Robert G. Lee in the introduction says this is the best book on special days that he has ever read. Ten messages cover many of the occasions upon which the pastor is expected to come up with something out of the ordinary in his sermons. UNDERSTANDING THE LEARNER by George E. Riday. 125 pages; paper Judson Press, Valley Forge, Pa.; $1.50. W ritten for the teacher, and by a teacher, who is a certified psychologist. Provides insights and analyses of needs and ways of satisfying them. THE PERSONAL EVANGELIST by Joe Ellis. 128 pages; paper; Standard Publishing Co., Cin cinnati; $1.25. Designed as a study manual for adults, with questions at the end of each chapter. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book Room, 5 60 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; and on the La Mirada Campus, 13800 Biola Avenue. Handy mail order service is also available. Free descriptive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.
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