A t the close of the year 1965, the parents under this roof are facing up to far-reaching changes in pace and face since their start 30 years ago. The change began at the birth of child number nine when our first-born was 17%- The disease which became Bob’s vehicle to glory at the age of 21 had a tenacious hold on him by then. The year he died Bill was a college frosh, and our intimate family circle was broken for the rest of time. Twelve years ago we met you through this column, with nine chil dren. Today only three are home and the eldest of these , Althea, will be going to college in ’66, please God. Through the years kind friends have shared with us the “growing pains” e x p e r i e n c e s which have brought us to this place. Together we’ve laughed and wept, growing in the knowledge that our precious Fa ther cares for His own in every tiny detail of life. Now that it is Christmas again, our expanded clan joins us at home in greeting you in the matchless name of Jesus, the Christ of Christ mas; Bill, Donya and infant Heidi; David and Joyce; Dorotheann, Ron and wee Stephanye; Sharon and David; Paul, Althea, Ardyth and Mark. We look with expectancy for our Lord’s soon return, but until He comes, we pray we’ll be faithful serv ants with a shining witness through the blackness of earth’s sin. Strength for this, and wisdom will be found in four beautiful words from The Book: “GOD LOVES” and “ BUT GOD.” In the providence of God this is our column swan song. God has been leading us to another field of writing now that most of these PARSON AGE ROOF children are grown and gone from the nest. The family bids you farewell for now. When we meet on the other side we’ll join in the wondrous song: “ BUT GOD, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us . . . hath quickened us together with Christ (by grace ye are saved)” (Eph. 2:4, 5).
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