M IN ISTR Y o f MERCY W ith the gifts of Christian friends, God has enabled us to minister to the desperate needs of our Hebrew Chris tian brethren around the world. Bibles, food, medi cines and relief sustain those witnessing for Christ in Is rael and elsewhere. W ill you share in this ministry? Write: P.O. Box 506-K, Clearwater, Florida R ev D avid Br.ONSTEiN. S een . International Hebrew Christian Alliance .
votional message at the Fourth In ternational Convention on Mission ary Medicine and Missionary Health Workshop, to be held this month at Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. Other speakers for the convention will carry out the theme, “ Christian Involvement.” Rev. Horace L. Fenton, Jr. will open the convention with, “Why Get Involved?” Other speakers are Rev. Eugene A. Nida, American Bible Society and Dr. Paul W . Brand, director of orthopedic surgery at Vellore Medical College, Vellore, India. Dr. John A. W itmer, librarian for the Mosher Library, Dallas Theological Seminary, has announced that the Li brary has acquired a set of the rare and famous Polyglot Bible known as the “ London” Polyglot, edited by Brian Walton, and pu b lish ed by Thomas Roycroft in 1655-57. The six-volume set, newly rebound in beautiful black calf, is accompanied by the two-volume Polyglot Lexicon prepared for use with the Bible by Edmund Castell and published in 1669. The work is the most accurate and best equipped of the great Poly glots. Rev. Robert Dillon, associate secre tary of overseas missions for the Evangelical Free Church of America, recently exp la in ed the means by which a $25,000 Cessna 180 plane will be purchased for use by mission aries in the Republic of Congo. “We have long felt the need of a plane for our regular missionary effort and also as a means of quick evacuation should trouble arise again. The idea of asking our boys and girls to help finance the plane started as a part of our vacation Bible schools in our many churches. . . .” Model plane
Everett Pippin and Floyd Robinson are two new members added to the Scrip
ture Press staff in Wheaton, Illinois. Mr. Pippin is the new a d v e r t is in g manager, responsi ble for all advertis ing such as mailing p ie ce s, brochures, catalogs, and d i rect mail. He has had extensive ex perience with lead- ing a d v e r t is in g agencies as well as
M r.Pippin
ing advertising agencies as well as another Sunday school publishing firm. Mr. Robinson has a c cep ted the positionas Eastern United States
You, too, can enjoy the Satisfaction of knowing that your money is serving the best interests of the Lord’s work.
field representative f o r S c r i p t u r e Press. H is t e r r i tory includes all of the East C o a s t from Maine to South C a ro lin a , with his major re sponsibility’ s be ing a work with C h r is tian b ook -
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M r. Robinson
store dea lers in making plans and designing pro cedures for their handling Scripture Press curriculum products most effi ciently. He also conducts clinics and workshops in keeping with the Total Church Program, besides participat ing in Sunday school clinics, work shops and conventions. W . H. Bueermann, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Western Conservative Baptist T h e o lo g ica l Seminary, has recently announced the election of Dr. Earl D. Radmacher as sixth president of the Seminary. During the past year, Dr. Vance H. Webster has been serving in an in terim capacity as Acting President. Dr. Joseph Grimes, who recently com pleted the translation of the New Testament into the Huichol Indian language of Mexico, has made a three week survey in Surinam where he received a warm reception from gov ernment officials and a showing of genuine interest in what Wycliffe’s spiritual and social ministry can do for their country. Three language groups in Surinam will be the initial target for Wycliffe Bible Transla tors’ work in that country. Dr. Paul S. Rees, vice-president-at- large of World Vision, Inc., will chal lenge participants with a daily de
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kits were sent out to the schools, and put together during the craft hours. Pictured above is Rev. Mr. Dillon with his two sons, Mark and Douglas, showing a model of the plane which has recently arrived in the Congo.
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