King's Business - 1965-12

ThisChristmas, Give Boks!

SUBSCRIBERS: OLD AND NEW I think perhaps I am one o f the oldest subscribers o f THE K ING ’S BUSINESS MAGAZINE . I’m not sure when I first subscribed, but I think it was 1911, during the Southwest Bible and Missionary Conference at Prescott, Arizona. I knew many o f the early workers— T. C. Horton, “ Daddy” Hillis, and others. I do not like to miss getting the magazine although I am almost too old to read it. I ’ll be 87 years old soon, but the Lord is good and I have good health and eyesight yet. Thank you and may God bless the work. Mr. Ira E. Bell, Albuquerque, New Mexico E ditor ’ s N ote : Are there any older readers who have subscribed since the magazine started in 1910? Please enter a new subscription to THE K ING ’ S BUSINESS. This is a wedding present fo r some friends. We have had this in our home since the day we were married and I know o f no better publication other than the Bible itself that has been as much help to both of us. Mrs. Ernest Weeks, Myrtle Creek, Oregon I would like to subscribe to your magazine, THE K ING ’S BUSINESS. I saw your magazine at a friend’s and was greatly impressed with it in every way. It is truly a Christ-centered magazine, and in these days, this is so important, fo r we cannot even rely upon some supposedly Christian maga­ zines. Yours is one I know I can de­ pend upon fo r the growth o f our spir­ itual lives. Thank you so much, and we will anxiously be waiting fo r our subscription to start. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Foy, La Mirada, California I ju st woke up to the fact that my K ING ’S BUSINESS subscription has expired. We would not know how to get along without it. I am not fully sure, but I believe that I have every copy since it was first printed. I must admit that it is much harder to find the money to keep it coming as we are re­ tired and trying to live on Social Se­ curity and a small pension. W e have had to cut out several magazines. I am a graduate o f Biola, Class o f 1921. Harry F. Sheerer, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida BUNDLE PLAN We are signing up as many members o f our church as possible to receive your magazine all at this one address. We understand that there is a special

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