King's Business - 1965-12

rate which is available on “ the bundle plan.” I especially appreciate the good articles by Dr. Vance Havner, and sev­ eral o f them I have kept ju st to refresh my own- heart. Rev. Roger F. Campbell, Calvary Bible Church, Benton Harbor, Michigan E ditor ’ s N ote : Churches which are concerned, for the spiritual growth and development of the various families attending will want to take advantage of the special rate THE KING’S BUSINESS offers when a number of copies are all sent to one address. For further information, write to the Cir­ culation Director, THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS MAGAZINE. MORMON ISM May I recommend Einar Anderson’s book, “ I Was A Mormon,” with a fore­ word by Dr. Louis T. Talbot, fo r your book-review? I am sure your readers would be interested in the history of the Mormons and their church from the beginning up to the present time. Mr. Anderson’s comparisons, scriptur- ally, between the Book o f Mormon and the Bible make it a valuable text-book fo r the Christian interested in this cult, which is grow ing more rapidly throughout America and Europe than most o f us suspect— even in our poli­ tics. Also, there are included some little known facts about the early pioneer- days and American Indians in con­ nection with the Mormons. Their dif­ ferences with the government concern­ ing the law o f the land and their re­ ligious belief in polygamy, which is still being practiced in some parts o f Utah today. Betty Abbott, San Diego, California E ditor ’ s N ote : We reviewed this some time ago in the K ing ’ s B usiness and feel that it is one of the finest texts concerning the unscriptural position of the Mormon church in the light of God’s truth. If your local bookstore does not have this book, ask them to order it. COVER REACTION Regarding the May 1965 cover pic­ ture that was questioned, I certainly can’t see anything wrong with the way the little girl is dressed. I believe that if you have a clean mind, you couldn’t possibly make anything wrong out of that picture. May the Lord continue to bless the work you are doing. Mrs. Jane Emerson, Rialto, California CULTS CRITIQUE Thank you fo r your many fine helps in the Cults column, though it always makes me feel kind of “ sick” to read o f such organized delusions and of the millions that must follow after them . . . but I feel compelled to read for the sake o f knowledge that might be helped in personal work. Mrs. Wanda L. Bradley, Danville, California

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Jung Soon (S -ll) Age 8

Chul Kap (S-10) Age 11

Hyun Sook (S-9) Age 4

Suk Soon (S-7) Age 10

Ki Suk (S-8) Age 4

Man Sik (S-6) Age 9

CUP AND MAIL TODAY! D r. Everett F . Swanson, Founder-Director □ Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice i s _________________ _ If already chosen when this arrives, I agree to spon­ sor a similar child. I prefer □ Boy □ Girl _____Age. With God's help, I will send $10 a month to COMPASSION. I understand that I may discontinue any time. Please send child’s picture and FULL PARTICULARS. En­ closed is support for □ first month, □ one year. □ Please select a child for me and send particulars at once. □ I cannot sponsor a child now, but want to help by giving $___________ All gifts are most welcome . . . income tax deductible. □ Please send folder “ How to Sponsor a Korean Orphan.”

Dept. K125 7774 Irving Pk. Rd., Chicago, III. 60634 Ph. 456-6116 Compassion of Canada, L td ., Box 880, Blenheim , Ontario


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