Elegante Veneers
These 3 dimensional veneers are offered in a range of different surface styles: Ondato (Wave) With the 3130mm x 1220mm veneer sheets offered in 3 different constructions: 0.3mm wooden sheet 15mm rigid backing 5mm flexible batton support backing (specific patterns only). Fresato (Milled) Costato (Ribbed) Flexible in installation, shape and style; these stunning surface finishes will adorn the most glamorous of spaces.
Meticulously milled in the rolling countryside of the Pesaro e Urbino province of central Italy, our Elegante Veneers offer 3-dimensional beauty in intricate patterns that can add beauty and intrigue to any surface.
Costato W3M10 Teak TNT Backed Sheet ALPI Reconstituted Veneer Ayous; Wooden Sheet Pattern; Unfinished; PAR; Square Edge; FSC® Certified
Costato W3M5 TNT Backed Sheet ALPI Reconstituted Veneer Ayous; Wooden Sheet Pattern; Unfinished; PAR; Square Edge; FSC® Certified
3130mm x 1220mm HW230101T Oak
3130mm x 1220mm HW230306T Teak
HW230103T Ebony
HW230108T White Oak
HW230302T American Walnut
Grey Oak Costato W6M13 TNT Backed Sheet ALPI Reconstituted Veneer Ayous; Wooden Sheet Pattern; Unfinished; PAR; Square Edge; FSC® Certified
Oak Costato W6M20 TNT Backed Sheet ALPI Reconstituted Veneer Ayous; Wooden Sheet Pattern; Unfinished; PAR; Square Edge; FSC® Certified
3130mm x 1220mm HW230601T Oak
3130mm x 1220mm HW230505T Grey Oak
HW230602T American Walnut
HW230503T Ebony
All prices are shown per sqm unless stated and exclude VAT. Prices accurate at time of printing.
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