Beyond the Floor UP


Ebony Costato W10M15 TNT Backed Sheet ALPI Reconstituted Veneer Ayous; Wooden Sheet Pattern; Unfinished; PAR; Square Edge; FSC® Certified

White Oak Costato W6M10 SP TNT Backed Sheet ALPI Reconstituted Veneer Ayous; Wooden Sheet Pattern; Unfinished; PAR; Square Edge; FSC® Certified

3130mm x 1220mm HW230703T Ebony

3130mm x 1220mm HW230808T White Oak

Costato W6M10

Working on a tight deadline? Order your samples today!

Teak Costato W3M3 TNT Backed Sheet ALPI Reconstituted Veneer Ayous; Wooden Sheet Pattern; Unfinished; PAR; Square Edge; FSC® Certified

3130mm x 1220mm HW230906T Teak

Free Samples | | +44(0)1524 737000 |


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