Fact Sheet Calculations and Footnotes
1 Placement Rate Calculation
The placement rate is determined by using the ABHES required method of calculation, for the report- ing period July 1 through June 30, as follows: Placement Rate = (P)/(G-U)
P = Placed graduates G = Total graduates U = Graduates unavailable for placement
2 Retention Rate Calculation
The retention rate is determined by using the ABHES required method of calculation, for the reporting period July 1 through June 30, as follows: Retention Rate = (EE + G) / (BE + NS + RE) EE = Ending Enrollment (Number of students in class, on clinical experience and/or leave of absence on June 30) G = Graduates BE = Beginning Enrollment (Number of students in class, on clinical experience and/or leave of absence on July 1) NS = New Starts RE = Re-Entries (Number of students that re-enter into school who dropped from a previous annual report time period) The credentialing pass rate is determined by using the ABHES required method of calculation, for the reporting period July 1 through June 30, as follows: Examination Pass Rate = GP/GT GP = Graduates passing examination (any attempt) GT = Total graduates taking examination
3 Credentialing Rate Calculation
4 OSBN NCLEX Pass Rates
5 Total Program Cost
Total program cost current as of January 01, 2024. See school catalog for specific details regarding program cost, available at: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/407242/ The Graduation rate is based on data reported in the ABHES Annual Report using the following calcula- tion: (G)/(BE) G=Total graduates who completed the program during the current reporting period July 1 through June 30, BE=Beginning Enrollment (number of beginning enrollments who were reported as starting with the graduating cohort) The average time that a graduate of a program from the reporting period July 1 through June 30, took to complete the program. Re-entry students who have withdrawn and re-entered the program are not are not included in this calculation
6 Graduation Rate Calculation
7 Average Time Students Take to Graduate by Program in Weeks 8 On-Time Graduation Rate Calcu- lation
Graduates completing the program within 150% of program length.
9 Median Borrowing
Reporting is for median rather than average borrowing.
10 Loan Default Rate
The FY 2021 default rates were calculated using the cohort of student loan borrowers who entered repayment on their William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans or Federal Family Education Loans (FFEL) be - tween Oct. 1, 2020, and Sept. 30, 2021, and who defaulted between Oct. 1, 2020, and Sept. 30, 2023. Reporting is for the Median rather than the Average Salary. This median starting salary of Sumner graduates is for the reflected reporting year. This information has been verified by the employer through documented employment verifications. Not all employers provide salary information. Em - ployers who did not report salary information or reported “0” were excluded from this calculation.
11 Median Salary
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